About 25 minutes of amusement for me with this delightful puzzle, nothing unknown, a less obscure than usual “safari animal”, a cricket reference, lots of word truncation clues, nothing too UK-specific I think. All in all a fine example of the art of setting; what more can I say? No chemistry, but you can’t have everything.
I am experimenting with adding the clues and definitions underlined, so let me know if it needs more tweaking.
Across | |
1 Fast runner in leading position backed, covered by stake (8) | |
ANTELOPE – POLE reversed inside ANTE | |
5 Endlessly put off covering a mark and smear (6) | |
DEFAME – DEFE(R), insert A M(ark). | |
8 Without yen, very little money (3) | |
TIN – TINY = very little, remove the Y(en). | |
9 Architect listened to great applause for modernising (10) | |
RENOVATION – REN sounds like WREN the architect, then OVATION = great applause. | |
10 Jacks in the drink: it’s bitter (8) | |
ABSINTHE – ABS for JACKS, sailors, IN THE. | |
11 Playwright pulling back from boundary (6) | |
BARRIE – BARRIER = boundary, pull off the back. J M Barrie. | |
12 Was told to ignore Resistance leader (4) | |
HEAD – HEARD = was told, ignore the R. | |
14 In drink, German is beside himself (10) | |
DISTRAUGHT – DRAUGHT = drink, insert IST = German for ‘is’. | |
17 Conjuror’s rueful remark, losing his stick occasionally? (3,3,4) |
NOW AND THEN – &lit: A conjuror’s rueful remark being ‘no wand, then’. | |
20 Bird’s tight feeling in stomach? (4) | |
KNOT – Double definition. | |
23 User of acid as anaesthetic about to be arrested (6) | |
ETCHER – ETHER being an anaesthetic, insert C = about. | |
24 Unlike you, in play I act badly (8) | |
25 In the shade, running water and glass that’s got left out (5,5) |
BURNT UMBER – BURN = running water, TUMBLER = glass has the L out. | |
26 Grassy area is a little piece of greenery short (3) | |
LEA – LEA(F). | |
27 Go round one place several times (6) | |
TRIPLY – TRY for go, around I PL = one place. | |
28 Jargon on lease reinterpreted (8) | |
LEGALESE – LEG side – ON in cricket, (LEASE)*. |
Down | |
1 Incorrectly rank hat as lambskin (9) | |
ASTRAKHAN – (RANK HAT AS)*, typically used for warm hats. | |
2 Land fish: is one going to tuck in? (7) | |
TUNISIA – TUNA a fish, insert IS I. | |
3 Speaker’s cat catching a rook (6) | |
LARYNX – A R(ook) inside LYNX = cat. | |
4 God, number one of that name? I believe in them all (9) | |
PANTHEIST – PAN a God, THE IST = the first, number one. | |
5 Coupling a disadvantage as pair finally go for run (7) | |
DRAWBAR – A DRAWBACK is a disadvantage, substitute R for the CK = pair finally go for run. | |
6 Outlaw’s skill: poultry beheaded at end of day (5,4) | |
FRIAR TUCK – FRI = day, then ART = skill, (D)UCK for poultry beheaded. | |
7 Shark not female, like 6 (7) | |
MONKISH – A MONKFISH is an ugly looking fish in the shark family; Delete the F(emale). Monkish, i.e. like Friar Tuck. | |
13 Walk quietly up, skirting unusual threat from this? (5,4) | |
DEATH TRAP – PAD = walk quietly, set reversed around (THREAT)*. &lit, of a sort. | |
15 Losing footing, go down hard on board? It’s not beyond repair (9) |
TREATABLE – TREA(D) = go hard down on, losing D, TABLE = board. | |
16 Tickle bird, badly worried (9) | |
TITILLATE – TIT = bird, ILL = badly, ATE = worried. | |
18 Commander right about alternative to Hamlet, period (7) | |
OCTOBER – OC = commander, officer commanding, R = right; insert TO BE as in Hamlet (or not to be). | |
19 Too dry and hot unfortunately for visitor to Oz (7) | |
DOROTHY – (TOO DRY H)*, the H for hot, Dorothy as in the Wizard of Oz, no Australian climate involved. | |
21 Part of prison: a cell extended for engine casing (7) | |
NACELLE – hidden word in PRISO(N A CELL E)XTENDED. | |
22 Practise fighting soldiers: no comfort here (6) | |
SPARTA – SPAR = practise fighting, TA = soldiers. |
Not sure I understand how ATYPICAL is ‘unlike you’ though. How does the setter know?
Same thoughts as Keriothe on ATYPICAL, but the answer was obvious enough.
Thanks setter and Pip. (And FWIW, the new format gets a thumbs-up from me).
Struggled with this excellent crossword puzzle – limped home in c. 50 minutes mainly because of 6dn -which just wouldn’t materialise. (An attempt at a Spoonerism by the setter, might have been helpful!) The NE corner was a tough chew.
11ac BARRIE was used at least once recently!
FOI 1dn ASTRAKHAN (Hancock’s Collar) LOI 5dn DRAWBAR
Great fun yet again. The rueful conjuror gets a big thumbs up from me, and the whole of the NE corner is a treat.
I suspect the ‘unlike you’ of ATYPICAL is meant a bit facetiously, in the same way that we tend to define ‘obscure’ as “stuff I don’t know”.
Must be a wavelength thing… all got and parsed, bar NOW AND THEN (unparsed), and NACELLE and DRAWBAR (=’tow bar’?) which were both u/ks.
Edited at 2017-03-22 09:24 am (UTC)
I never knew a monkfish was a shark, so nice to learn something.
And congratulations to Janie for trouncing K and the AM.
Thanks, U! Not sure what happened. Can’t say it’ll happen again any time soon …
I seem to have been off the pace today. I’ll blame a 4.30 start.
Funny how the memory works and ASTRAKHAN prompting memories of Railway Cuttings, East Cheam!
FOI 1a, LOI 14a, COD 18d, though it was hard to choose among so many great clues.
WOD ASTRAKHAN, which I learned in Adam Hall’s Quiller novels; he always wrapped up warm on missions the far side of the Iron Curtain.
Thanks to setter and blogger; I definitely needed a few parsing post-solve!
I did this puzzle with a chunk of Die Walküre in the background.
Edited at 2017-03-22 12:43 pm (UTC)