I found this a nice, old fashioned sort of puzzle, an easy, steady solve in 20 minutes or so, ending in the SE quarter. There are a couple of words perhaps not in everyday use but credible nontheless. Some of the clues I think are only at Quickie level. No chemistry today and two easy bits of French but thankfully no poetry.
Across |
1 |
CELIBATE – CE (church) surrounds ELI (priest) and BAT (strike); D chaste. |
5 |
DE TROP – PORTED = carried, reversed; D unwanted, French for too much, superfluous. |
10 |
WATERMILL – A TERM inside WILL for final document; D driven by race. Clever definition. |
11 |
STYLE – STY where swine lives, L E = empty life; D a way. |
12 |
MESH – Me’s would be musical notes, H for hard; D harmonise, as in fit together. |
13 |
ENGIRDLES – (GIRLS NEED)*, D belts, as a verb. Not an everyday word. |
15 |
DISTRIBUTE – DI’s TRIBUTE would be a commendation from the detective inspector; D hand out. |
17 |
SOON – OS ordinary seaman, reversed, ON = working; D shortly. |
19 |
LEFT – Easy double definition. |
20 |
BABY BOOMER – BABY for dwarf, BOOMER nickname fo a kangaroo, D one of seventy or so, like me, born in the baby boom after WWII. |
22 |
SERENADED – SERENE for calm, D for days, insert AD for bill, D sang in the evening. |
24 |
DUSK – D for Democrat, S in UK for succeeded in this country; D even. Silly little clue that took me a while and was LOI. |
26 |
ELDER – WELDER = worker coming to join, loses its W(ife); D church official. |
27 |
NAUGHTIER – Insert AU for gold, into (THE RING)*; D not so good. |
28 |
TETHER – D bond; hidden word in STIMULA(TE THE R)EADER. |
29 |
VERDANCY – DANC(E) = ball stopping short, inside VERY = extremely; D lush greenery. |
Down |
1 |
COWL – Jersey COW, L(arge); D hood. My FOI. |
2 |
LETTERS OF CREDIT – (FIRST L E DETECTOR)*, the I is removed: D promises to pay. |
3 |
BURGHERS – GRUB = food, reversed, HERS = the woman’s; D townsfolk. |
4 |
THINE – THIN = weak, E for drug; D for you, in the past. |
6 |
ENSURE – ENSUE = result, insert R; D confirm. |
7 |
ROYAL COMMISSION – D body that examines; soil is CLAY, reversed in ROOM = space, MISSION = assignment. RO(YAL C)OM-MISSION. |
8 |
PLEASANTRY – (LATERAN SPY)*, D friendly remark. |
9 |
SLIGHTLY – LIGHT = understanding, inside SLY = crafty; D only a little. |
14 |
ADOLESCENT – ALES = drinks, insert DO = party, add CENT = little money; D youngster. |
16 |
BOARDING – Double definition. |
18 |
WOODSHED – WOOD for bowl, as in lawn bowls; SHED = given out; D somewhere to put your ash? |
21 |
ENTREE – EN = Egyptian evacuated, TREE = plane, possibly; D course. |
23 |
DEUCE – CUED = prompted, add E being the last letter of LINE, reverse all; D two. |
25 |
ARMY – RA = artist, tipped = AR, MY! = gracious!; D host. |
I needed to go back to parse several, including 5ac where I forgot to do so and missed the reversed meaning in the clue.
I always think of the third note in tonic-sol-fa as “mi” despite Julie Andrews singing (and Oscar Hammerstein writing) “Me, a name I call myself”, but then “doh” isn’t “a female deer” etc through the gamut.
Edited at 2017-02-01 07:52 am (UTC)
But I got bogged down in the south-east because of 20ac BABY BOOMER. I just didn’t equate baby with dwarf – are they synomymous? I got marooned on TINY.
LOI 18dn WOODSHED WOD but cold comfort.
BABY BOOMER my COD for the sly definition.
Trying to remember when I knew about these things I think the post WW2 baby boom lasted from 1946 to beginning of 1960s when contraceptive pill really came into widespread use
10a definition: why is a watermill driven by race?
24a why does dusk = even?
Even is evening
Edited at 2017-02-01 11:04 am (UTC)
Not a word I know.
Great news for insomniacs…
Only 4 more sleeps until Christmas.
A native American introduced me to his wife…
“This is four horses…..”
I said, “Wow, that’s a beautiful name, What does it mean….?”
He said, “nag, nag, nag, nag”.
A man takes his wife to a nightclub. There’s a guy on the dance floor giving it his all – break dancing, moon walking, back flips, the works. The wife turns to her husband and says: “See that guy? 25 years ago he proposed to me and I turned him down.” The husband says: “Looks like he’s still bloody celebrating!”
I’m here all week.
Edited at 2017-02-01 01:25 pm (UTC)
Some interesting word pairs floating around the grid today …. burghers as an entree? Serenaded at dusk, and can you be slightly celibate (presumably while being naughtier behind the woodshed)?
Edited at 2017-02-01 12:20 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2017-02-01 12:31 pm (UTC)
No unknowns or holdups, 16:27.
About 30mins, then another few for ENTREE and TETHER (darned hiddens), then I gave up with 25dn left blank. Did try alphabet-running, but alas, galloped straight past it.
My main problems, besides transposed letters in ‘burgher’, was thinking that it must be ‘T _ T I E _’ at 28, and not knowing any of the required meanings to get ‘woodshed’. Once I got the obvious-after-the-fact ‘baby boomer’ and the tough ‘verdancy’, it looked like ‘woodshed’ was the only word that would fit, but I couldn’t see why or how. But with all the crossers, that’s what it must be, and at least it fits the literal.
Edited at 2017-02-01 02:31 pm (UTC)
Despite it being on the easier side (mostly) there were some nice clues and not a lot of crossword-ese.
The south-right corner held me up for a good ten of those 26 minutes. I kept wanting to write in VERDANCY but didn’t see the parsing, and wasn’t convinced it was a word. WOODSHED was, I think, my LOI.