Solving time : 18:43 but with one mistake, which on a glance back at what I submitted turned out to be a rather silly typo. I was so far from the setters wavelength on this one that it’s not even funny, though in the end I think I understand all of the wordplay.
It is the start of December and that means that I have been bringing you every other Thursday crossword (and Mephisto) for nine years now. It continues to be a blast.
Away we go…
Across | |
1 | RED HAT: Spoonerism of HEAD RAT |
4 | FLAGSHIP: FLAGS(flowers), HIP(with it) leading to Nelson’s Flagship |
9 | TANK TOP: TANK(vat), TOP(maximum). Not sure how often they are knitted |
11 |
NATURAL: A, RUT(pothole) in LAN |
12 |
FRYER: FRY(little fish), |
13 | OUT OF LINE: double definition, with one cryptic (if you are out of the hereditary line) |
14 | IN GOOD NICK: another double definition with the police one being slightly cryptic |
16 |
WOAD: first letters of W |
19 | GLIB: L inside BIG(large) reversed – definition is smooth |
20 | ASTRINGENT: anagram of NET RATINGS |
22 | APPORTION: PORT inside an anagram of PIANO |
23 | CAP,ER |
25 | PRIMULA: UM reversed inside an anagram of APRIL |
26 | EROSION: the statue of EROS with I, ON(leg side in cricket) |
27 | COGWHEEL: the source of jelly is a COW HEEL – insert G |
28 |
 | |
Down | |
1 | RATIFYING: remove the first letter from GRATIYING |
2 | DINKY: D(diamonds), INKY(showing dark stain) |
3 |
ANTERIOR: this was my typo as somehow I had ANTERIOT in the grid. ER inside ANTI(hostile), OR(troops |
5 | LUNATIC FRINGE: anagram of IN CULT FEARING, and a term that may need to be re-evaluated following recent elections |
6 | GET OFF: two definitions, neither of which I suspect are the usual use of this term |
7 |
HERBIVORE: HERO(lion) RE(about) containing the first letters in B |
8 | PULSE: double definition |
10 | PROGNOSTICATE: PRATE(go on) containing O, GNOSTIC |
15 | GLIMPSING: G(enia)L, IMP(rogue), SING(pipe) |
17 | DETHRONED: sounds like THROWN(brought down) inside DEED |
18 | KNOCK OFF: double definition |
21 | TROUGH: THROUGH missing an H |
22 | ASPIC: ‘AS PIC |
24 | PRIMO: RIM in OP reversed – the lead part of a duet |
Congrats on your anniversary, glh, you started blogging the day before me!
The LH was far harder than the RH (as per Jack) with cow-corner being the most awkward. LOI 1ac RED HAT (I’d have that Spooner free-docked!)
I bet 9ac TANK-TOP will give trouble to the millenials!
12ac as a clue FRYER was NQR IMO.
Mazel tov, George, and thanks; I hope to see you here for another 9 years anyway.
Thanks setter and George.
Need to break 8 minutes tomorrow to finish par for the week. About as likely as England leveling the series in India.
Thanks to setter and blogger.
Edited at 2016-12-03 01:58 am (UTC)
Horses for courses, I was completely on the setter’s wavelength and my time reflected that, it was close to yours, which I doubt will happen very often.
I liked the link in the SW corner between Aspic and Jelly and I wonder if there is a link between today’s Gnostic and the Demiurge in yesterday’s quickie. I really need to get out more!
Well done on the 9 years George. Along with the other bloggers you’ve definitely aided my solving. I’m not quite sure how long I’ve been coming here but I reckon it’s got to be 4-5 years now.
A tiny correction, George, to the ANTERIOR: “at the front” is the definition in the clue and doesn’t qualify the troops. But hey, 9 years qualifies for a long service medal rather than a carp so fulsome congratulations!
Congratulations and many thanks for the nine years, George.
Edited at 2016-12-01 09:13 am (UTC)
Congratulations George and indeed to all bloggers who give up time to tease out the fine points of clueing for the rest of us.
Congratulations and huge thanks to George and the wonderful cadre of bloggers. I do not know the collective noun for bloggers.
Congratulations, George.
A small correction: at 28a it’s (aren)A, not A(rea) – at least in my printed copy.
Great stuff, George!
It’s writing the blog that makes up most of the work. Any genius can solve these puzzles, but it takes a certain amount of doggedness to persist in cranking out the blog over the years.
I was a non-negligible number of seconds slower than the justly famous keriothe on this one, having a bit of trouble in the NW before evertthing finally clicked into place.
I’ll add my congrats and thanks to George for his 9 years of service to the cause.
Congrats and thank you to George and Jack and Jimbo for their long service — I wouldn’t last 9 days, with my solving times.
Edited at 2016-12-01 08:39 pm (UTC)
There’s some good stuff in there, but I’m not keen on THRON sounding like “thrown” in 17dn or “butcher” for KNOCK OFF in 18dn, and “shed” for GET OFF in 6dn only just scrapes home.
Oops! Forgot to add my congratulations.
Edited at 2016-12-01 11:32 pm (UTC)
Like Tony, I wasn’t keen on “shed” for GET OFF – I can’t think of any instances where one is an adequate substitute for the other. “Butcher” is just about serviceable for KNOCK OFF, but only just.
At 5d, I did accidentally stumble across “guilt in France” as another anagram – perhaps a suitable clue for LUNATIC FRINGE after their next election, depending on the outcome.
And congratulations to GLH!, sort of