Times 26,525: Hymns and Hurts

A good crossword this week I thought, and a very fine exemplum of the “must be a pangram, ARGH IT’S NOT A PANGRAM” genre. Extremely economically clued, some definite bang for one’s buck in the vocabulary stake, and a number of quirky moments to raise a smile: 23ac (my FOI), 20ac, 17dn and 18dn… 20ac is so simple and clever that I think it must be my COD. 21dn my LOI and a biff, I learned something new there.

I’m tired and shagged out from a long TLS (1140 by Talos: once again highly recommended by me, and of a similar or slightly lower difficulty level to this puzzle, so you’ve no excuse for avoiding it unless you really hate books) that so I’m not going to tarry long for a change. But thanks to the excellent setter! I will just say in parting that I almost came a cropper at 25ac, on the grounds that AZUL seemed plausibly blue and a Zulu is *almost certainly* some kind of bike… but fortunately another possibility occurred before the fatal submit button could be pressed. How did the rest of you fare today?


1 Vehicle reversing with weight of gems is a chancy enterprise (8)
BACCARAT – CAB [vehicle] reversing with CARAT [weight of gems]

9 Coarse stuff witch squeezed into powder (8)
ROUGHAGE – HAG [witch] squeezed into ROUGE [powder]

10 Not that good a place of entertainment (4)
FAIR – double definition

11 Fond creature struggling in race (4,2,6)

13 Ad-lib regularly about keeping pet (6)
GERBIL – hidden reverse in {ad-}LIB REG{ularly}

14 Close up part of church on Hebridean island (8)
COLLAPSE – APSE [part of church] on COLL [Hebridean island]

15 Stationary traffic at main road around island (7)
JAMAICA – JAM [stationary traffic] at A1 [main road] + CA [around]

16 Short rope network, a way to catch one (7)
LANIARD – LAN A RD [network | a | way] “to catch” I [one]

20 The London Eye? (5,3)
MINCE PIE – cryptic definition; “mince pie” being Cockney rhyming slang for an eye

22 Losing energy, predator is in waterway (6)
TIGRIS – TIG{E}R [“losing energy”, predator] + IS

23 One trying to hear what deciduous tree is misses the start (12)
EAVESDROPPER – A deciduous tree being a LEAVES-DROPPER, remove the first letter.

25 Finish off a sort of bike in pale blue (4)
AQUA – A QUAD being a sort of bike, take away the last letter

26 Keeping son away from jail, taking advantage of revolution (8)
UPRISING – PRI{son} [“son away from” jail] kept by USING [taking advantage of]

27 Endures travelling, and departs for Split (8)
SUNDERED – (ENDURES*) + D [departs]


2 Hate a man becoming this? (8)
ANATHEMA – (HATE A MAN*), semi-&lit

3 No restrictions here as church is set in converted tabernacle (5,7)
CARTE BLANCHE – CH [church] set in (TABERNACLE*)

4 Bar shut by priest in Catholic Venice once, say (8)
REPUBLIC – PUB [bar] “shut by” ELI [priest] in R.C. [Catholic]

5 Defame jazz function in speech (7)
TRADUCE – TRAD [jazz] + homophone of USE [function “in speech”]

6 Coarse fabric no use with felt in the middle (6)
DUFFEL – DUFF [no use] + {f}EL{t}

7 Hand on tradition, ultimately giving pledge (4)
PAWN – PAW [hand] on {traditio}N

8 So-called priest has to tear round all the time (8)
REVEREND – REND [to tear] round EVER [all the time]

12 Hymn sensational cricketer (7,5)
AMAZING GRACE – AMAZING [sensational] + GRACE [cricketer W.G.]

15 Started from chair, appearing arrogant (6,2)
JUMPED UP – double def

17 Presumably favouring genuine short hymn (8)
ANTIPHON – ANTI PHONY would be “presumably favouring genuine”; dock the last letter

18 Don’t agree, being around at home, to make another brew? (8)
REINFUSE – REFUSE [don’t agree], being around IN [at home]

19 Take ages, having small fits (7)
BELONGS – BE LONG [take ages], having S [small]

21 Language of particular concern heard (6)
PIDGIN – homophone of PIGEON, which I did not previously know means: “a person’s particular responsibility or business”

24 Manage to avoid missing a green (4)
VERT – {a}VERT [manage to avoid “missing a”]

379 comments on “Times 26,525: Hymns and Hurts”

  1. … so double the time it took yesterday… An excellent puzzle.

    FOI was BACCARAT (love it when that happens!), LOI: PIDGIN, biffed, as I too was unfamiliar with the requisite meaning of pigeon.

    In fact I finished with quite a few in the SW: PIDGIN, UPRISING (couldn’t parse, couldn’t get past ‘s’ for ‘son’ doh! Thanks, V) and MINCE PIE, which I don’t really like at all…

    Oh, and TIGRIS was the R Eaglis until ANTIPHON made me rethink.

  2. 22:51 … very similar experience to our blogger though all happening about 65% slower, of course. Lovely puzzle with just the right amount of chewy.

    Last in PIDGIN. I think we’ve had this meaning of ‘pigeon’ before but it took a long while for that faint bell to ring. Narrow escape similar to Verlaine’s with a near-biffed azul.

    And I agree — it has to be MINCE PIE. Thanks setter and blogger.

  3. Quite nicely, Verlaine, and thanks for asking.

    This marks the very first time I’ve completed each of the five daily crosswords in under 30 minutes, and error-free. Thank you linesmen, thank you ballboys.

    Nice way to finish the week. Thought MINCE PIE was perfect, a real Gestalt Switch type of clue.

    Well done setter and V. Have a good weekend everyone.

    Oh, in golf terms, two over par today, one over for the tournament, so thanks also to Ulaca for allowing me to adjust my handicap!

  4. I was familiar with “pigeon”, as in “that’s his pigeon”, but sadly still didn’t get PIDGIN, nor a good half dozen others in the south besides, including the unknown ANTIPHON.

    I’d also managed to botch LARIARD (from a short lariat, plus RD), which, given I’d never heard of the alternative spelling of LANIARD seemed fair enough. Also, where does the “I” in LANIARD come from?

    I gave up coffee a couple of weeks ago, and I don’t think I’ve completed a weekday puzzle since. Can’t be a coincidence, can it? I wonder if this is a temporary withdrawal symptom…

    Edited at 2016-09-23 07:35 am (UTC)

  5. Didn’t know what was going on with AQUA, but could think of nothing better, and as Sherlock Holmes says, if you can think of nothing better, you’re probably not thinking well enough. DNK COLL, DNK or as near as dammit ‘pigeon’, but PIDGIN was inevitable given the checkers. DNK MINCE PIE, and am rather chuffed to find that my guess that it was CRS was correct. Also pleased that at last a setter has used the only name I know from cricket.
  6. 8:58, which was good enough for top of the leaderboard until Jason came along, so I seem to have fared very well today. Looking back over the last couple of weeks’ solving I am very much hoping that the championship features three puzzles like this, rather than the two I have failed to finish or the one that took me over half an hour.
    PIDGIN was my last in. I didn’t know the ‘concern’ meaning either so I dithered a bit. The study of these and creoles, their offspring, was perhaps the single most fascinating thing I covered at university.
    The GERBIL reminded me of our discussion about dwarf hamsters the other day. I had some of these creatures when I was a kid too. I had learned my lesson from the hamster incident, so they were well fed, but unfortunately my security arrangements proved inadequate against a very determined cat.
      1. Thanks! I have absolutely no idea why I found this so easy, relatively speaking, but I was very surprised when I saw the leaderboard.
        1. I was a bit unhappy/the worse for drink/crossworded out last night and had the feeling I could have posted a much better time than I did, but perhaps not a sub-10-minute one… kudos!
          1. Well maybe a little, but it was my understanding that at least some of the hamsters survived the experience. This was very much not the case for my gerbils.

            Edited at 2016-09-23 07:45 am (UTC)

  7. This was hard work but rewarding. At 21dn if I’d thought of the expression “that’s your pigeon” I would have known it but unfortunately I was baffled as to how the clue was supposed to work – some dreadful homophone perhaps?

    The one I didn’t know was LANIARD with an I (rather than a Y) but I trusted the wordplay and got it right. COLL is a Hebridean island that has not come to my attention before, yet I’m usually quite good on those.

    Edited at 2016-09-23 07:26 am (UTC)

  8. Good fun and just right for a Friday. AQUA did for me as I dismissed the obviously wrong AZUL for AZUR.
    1. I was at least lucky enough to be still chasing the pangram when confronted with A_U_—I still couldn’t parse it even after I’d put it in, though.
  9. 30:12 according to the iPad app, but I blame the iPad for slowing me down (obviously). Steady stuff but the NE took almost as long as the rest. Liked MINCE PIE, which you can see behind sotira in her picture, and like Matt, knew ‘It’s not my pigeon” as in ‘it’s not my problem’. 25ac assisted by ‘See a U, try a Q’. Thanks setter and V
  10. Well I seem to be the only one who didn’t really enjoy this one as much as usual! All finished and correct in about 35m but thought some of the clues were a bit dodgy, eg 15D (why from a chair?),12D
    (Is hymn a verb?), 14A (close up = collapse?). Took ages to get pidgin as I assumed the language must end in ‘c’. Also I thought pidgin was only a language if associated with English.
    Ho hum. Just me, I guess.
    1. The authors collapsed the variables so that they were barely distinguishable. Close enough, I think.
  11. Now there was I going to be all clever and quote the hymn “O worship the King” in support of the use of “hymn” as a verb.
    I recall singing “..While angels delight to hymn thee above…” in one of the verses but almost all of the versions on Google have “…while angels delight to worship above…”. Maybe that was in a bygone age.
  12. Got there having biffed PIDGIN. I’ve spent the last five minutes trying to convince myself that I’ve heard the expression ‘that’s his pigeon’ before but I’ve not quite succeeded. A par for me at about 35 minutes. ANTIPHON also at best half-known but cryptic was clear without divine guidance.
  13. 28 min, so 2 under, but well beaten by barracuda.
    I was another who wasted time (in NE) looking for an X after getting Q and Z, and being helped by J.
    Spelling of 16ac unfamiliar, but wordplay is clear enough.
  14. Fingers crossed over LANIARD, tick. Slightly concerned over PIDGIN, tick. Invented APUS as a colour, in my youth there were only motor bikes and push bikes, cross. So a 34′ dnf, despite the good start with BACCARAT, as played by James Bond, and the well known ANATHEMA. Lots of hymns yes, and knew ANTIPHON, but I think I’m right that the Catholic/church/hymn references are all in the down clues 2,3,4,8,12,17. Must be a discussion point there.

    May I strongly recommend today’s QC as a good one for regular 15×15 solvers to test themselves on? There’s an interesting blog too.

  15. 10 days’ layoff seems to have improved my capability: 15.34 feeling like it must be Monday. 20 is a cracker.
  16. I’ll join Tringmardo in the small group of people who didn’t like this puzzle so much. Mostly excellent, of course, but a few of the clues/answers were a bit dodgy, I thought. Not good, for example, to use a minor spelling of a word (LANIARD) as an answer. And the clues for ANTIPHON and PIDGIN are surely impossible to solve without checkers.
    1. The clue for ANTIPHON (or the more usual variation for ANTIPHONY) is an old chestnut, so long-standing solvers like me would have been able to bung the answer in without amy checkers needed.
  17. Around 40 minutes, with more than half of that on the final three, aqua and pawn – especially – proving obstinate.
  18. I couldn’t finish this on the commute this morning and when I came back to it the clock was still ticking so the ipad said it took me 3 hours. I think it was actually about 45 minutes. It was the SE corner which held me up, REINFUSE, ANTIPHON, AQUA and LANIARD all proving troublesome.

    Once I got it I liked ANTIPHON, and my COD is between that and EAVESDROPPER, both of which I thought to be neat devices.

  19. Or from 3 days of torture (supposedly pleasure?) on fast, tricky greens. Only 3 out of 76 old lads broke 80 (not me unfortunately).
    Enjoyed this one, whizzed along appreciating the wit and ingenuity, but got stymied by 20a and 21d at the end; had to look up words in **D*I* looking for the language, so cheated, and once I had the P the penny dropped on 20a and I had a groan for not seeing it sooner.

    Like others, not seen LANIARD without a Y but trusted the word play.
    Well done Keriothe on your turn of speed.

  20. I found this one tricky DNF as I thought 25ac was ANIL – 16ac LANIARD failed as was 18dn REINFUSE.

    21dn PIDGIN was well-known and I was somewhat surprised that ‘buiness’ English was generaly not known. My time in Hong Kong, where I think the word derives from, was not in vain.

    COD 20ac MINCE PIE was excellent CRS.


  21. Good puzzle. Looked as if it would be reasonably easy till I got stuck in the SW quadrant. But I finally got there – did not help that the meaning of MINCE PIE was new to me, so a nice moment when I thought of the possibility and learned something new. Like in a comment above, I spent too long thinking of s = son and could not justify UPRISING – then I saw why so probably my COD.
  22. 25 mins from start to finish with a severe knock in the middle of it. Like the last time that happened I finished the last half of the puzzle quite quickly once I’d snapped out of my lethargy, so I’d like to think I could have posted a decent time if I’d been fully alert for all of it, but I don’t think I’d have got near keriothe’s time. Like a few others PIDGIN was my LOI, in my case after UPRISING.
  23. Having lived on the Cote d’azur for many years, I put that straight in without thinking too much about what the bike might be, I mean what else could fit A-U-. Same for PIDGIN, since I had no idea about that meaning of pigeon. I guess I got one out of two.

    Nearly put PROLAPSE for COLLAPSE. You know, that Hebridean island PROL out beyond EIGG, MUCK, CANNA and RUM. Then I remembered COLL (and TIREE).

  24. I got a full three-quarters of an hour out of this one, finishing on PIDGIN after an alphabet-trawl and a sound forehead-slap. Like others, I was taken unawares by LANIARD, but the wordplay was fairly clear and I knew that there must have been a time when people hadn’t yet discovered Ys. AQUA wasn’t a problem (is it really such a rare term? Perhaps it is.), and I’m sure ANTIPHON has turned up here recently.

    All in all, I thought this was a little gem of a puzzle – my thanks to the setter and, as always, to our blogger.

  25. Got through everything fairly quickly, until my last two, which were first, MINCE PIE, and then, with a shrug, PIDGIN, which I in my ignorance have always thought was ‘pigdin’. Neither would have been possible without checking letters. I don’t recall how often the MINCE PIE has appeared here, since these puzzles are my only source of knowledge of CRS and I can’t recall it appearing often. Unless my memory is faulty – which it often proves to be. Regards.
  26. 12:09 for me, not really on the ball at all today and making heavy weather of several straightforward clues.

    With the C and L of 14ac in place, I wasted a stupid amount of time trying desperately to fit COLONSAY to the wordplay. And I took ages over MINCE PIE (without the P of PIDGIN to help me), which I agree is an excellent clue.

    All in all, a very fine puzzle.

  27. I managed to complete this in 45 minutes while traveling from WHITBY to Grosmont on a NYMR steam train after testing my stamina going up and down the 199 steps to the Abbey. Started slowly but speeded up and finished with a biffed PIDGIN, knowing the language but missing the required meaning of pigeon. Liked EAVESDROPPING. John_dun
    1. Did a bit of a double take on that, John. When I did the 199 steps I also started slowly but speeded up. I neglected to finish with a biffed pidgin. Are you supposed to?
      1. Nice double take:-) I guess my comment lacked clarity as I posted it after calling in to the Adensfield Arms at Goathland for a very nice pint of Wainwrights, before getting back to Helmsley, where we partook of more refreshment (this time from the vine) with our evening meal at The Feathers, before a nightcap of especially well kept Pedigree at the Royal Oak, where we eventually laid our weary heads. If a pigeon had accosted me on the steps, I may well have biffed it too:-)
  28. I had ‘Eddaic’- a dodgy homophone if ever there was one – which made 20A unsolvable. Enjoyed the rest though.
  29. My God my wife caught me cheating with my ex girl friend after my wife knew she wanted to take a divorce but i was able to plead to my wife and she forgave me then she opened up to me how she was able to hack my phone and i never knew cause for once she has not operated my phone i was still surprised how she knew, then she told me that she hacked my phone with the help of JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM i must tell you this JEAJAMHACKER am really grateful for all this. You have brought peace and unity back to my family. Thanks
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  34. Have you heard about JeaJamhacker@gmail.com? “IF NO” i bet you all need to contact him if you have any hacking problems i have tested his good work and if i must say.

    HE IS THE BEST among all tell him i referred you to him.

  35. Cant just thank BLackhatthacker@tuta.io enough he has really done a great and wonderful work for me and also put my enemies to shame. never knew my wife was a green snake under a green grass cheating on me with another man but i caught her with the help of this hacker by hacking her phone right about now i have all the proof that would grant me a divorce asap. Thanks once again
  36. I lost hope on my husband long time ago cause he has given me a wound in my heart and i have been living with the wound for 2 years now and cant take it any more i knew he was cheating on me with the way he reacts to me i knew something was just not right some where but i didn’t give up. so a friend of mine referred me to a hacker called JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL. COM whom she said she has used his services before in the increase of her credit scores, after contacting this hacker and told him all i wanted he hacked my husband phone in less than 24 hours and brought me all his text messages, deleted text messages, call logs, whats-app and so on right on his deleted text messages i saw the woman who has been taking my place for over 2 years now. And also she has a son for my husband, though i cried but i have endured enough, i just have to move on. And am really grateful to you JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL. COM.
  37. I have been on the internet in search of a hacker but i didn’t see a reliable one until i came in contact with JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM. Very smart, reliable, and very fast at his job it was with his help i caught my wife red handed never knew i have been leaving with a cheater for 15 years but GOD bless this hacker for the help

  38. I had poor credit scores and it got me worried so a friend of mine directed me to BLackhatthacker@tuta.io and told me that he hacks into any form of technical problems so i took that bond step and contacted this hacker and after contacting him in less than 48 hours he asked me to check my credit score and i saw it was already in good condition i just want to use this moment to appreciate BLackhatthacker@tuta.io you don’t know what you have done for me and also one thing i wont forget to tell you all, this hacker is very down to earth and also affordable tell him Mike Poshard referred you.
  39. I was able to embarrass my spouse in the presents of her mum and dad by showing them there daughters chats and all she has been doing at my back when am out. though my son came to me and told me that he has been seeing mummy with different men in the house when am out and he said that mum always tell him that the men that he sees around the house are all her cousins i was mad when i heard all this but i didn’t go straight by asking her questions so i hired a hacker called JeaJamhacker@gmail.com it was this great hacker that brought me all her applications she uses to chat with and i saw a lot of shit that made me spark and went straight to her parent cant keep leaving with a cheat in my house even when i am faithful to her, give her all she needs and all she still bent on cheating on me. (JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM IS THE BEST).
  40. – Hello guys i have worked with BLackhatthacker@tuta.io and he brought to me a clean and smooth job well done. i used his services to catch my cheating wife and today i have proof. in case you all are also interested in hos services tell him Kenneth Houston referred you.

  41. Hello guys i have worked with BLackhatthacker@tuta.io and he brought to me a clean and smooth job well done. i used his services to catch my cheating wife and today i have proof. in case you all are also interested in hos services tell him Kenneth Houston referred you.
  42. I got Jeajamhacker@gmail.com email from an internet site. My husband has been using escorts, online hook-up sites, and having “flings”. We are currently trying to work on our marriage but don’t believe him. He travels to Denver once a month where his past indiscretions happen. and after contacting Jeajamhacker@gmail.com i knew that when ever my husband Travels he goes to meet a woman who has a daughter for him, that means he lied to me about loving me well i got full access to his phone with the help of this hacker that was how i got to find out all. A very big Thank you to this hacker

  43. I got Jeajamhacker@gmail.com email from an internet site. My husband has been using escorts, online hook-up sites, and having “flings”. We are currently trying to work on our marriage but don’t believe him. He travels to Denver once a month where his past indiscretions happen. and after contacting Jeajamhacker@gmail.com i knew that when ever my husband Travels he goes to meet a woman who has a daughter for him, that means he lied to me about loving me well i got full access to his phone with the help of this hacker that was how i got to find out all. A very big Thank you to this hacker
  44. BLackhatthacker@tuta.io is so wonderful, i contacted this hacker yesterday for help in other for him to help me hack into my wife phone just to be sure if she is cheating on me or not after the hack was done i got access to my wife phone right in my phone though i was surprised when all this came in after going through my wife Text messages, call logs, whats-app, Facebook and so on without touching her phone but right in my phone i saw that my wife was on a site where she gets young guys just to satisfy her on Bed. I was so mad after seeing this. A woman i call my wife and stayed with for 25 years all she can do is to cheat on me and break my heart but i just have to carry on with my life glad i saw the true color of my wife
  45. Am Sandi by name well i don’t know how to say thank you to BLackhatthacker@tuta.io who has brought happiness back to my face, I caught my spouse cheating on me through the help of this hacker. It all happened this way at night when i came home from work i saw a female underwear right on our bed and the underwear was not mine though i refused asking my husband cause i know he would lie to me so i kept it to my self and this kept on repeating it self i could not take the shit any more i tried breaking into his phone to know what he is up to but i couldn’t, so i went in search of a hacker then i found so many review about this great BLackhatthacker@tuta.io after contacting him this hacker granted me access to my husband phone in a way that he will never know about the hack and i had all his information’s right on my phone after spying at all his applications he uses to chat with i found out that my husband has been sleeping with my younger sister right on our bed i was so ashamed of him but the good thing is that i cant move on with him any more and i have enough proof that would make our divorce work perfectly. Thanks

  46. Am Sandi by name well i don’t know how to say thank you to BLackhatthacker@tuta.io who has brought happiness back to my face, I caught my spouse cheating on me through the help of this hacker. It all happened this way at night when i came home from work i saw a female underwear right on our bed and the underwear was not mine though i refused asking my husband cause i know he would lie to me so i kept it to my self and this kept on repeating it self i could not take the shit any more i tried breaking into his phone to know what he is up to but i couldn’t, so i went in search of a hacker then i found so many review about this great BLackhatthacker@tuta.io after contacting him this hacker granted me access to my husband phone in a way that he will never know about the hack and i had all his information’s right on my phone after spying at all his applications he uses to chat with i found out that my husband has been sleeping with my younger sister right on our bed i was so ashamed of him but the good thing is that i cant move on with him any more and i have enough proof that would make our divorce work perfectly. Thanks
  47. I have been cheated by my spouse few days i traveled to see my sick mother which i always send my husband pictures of where i am and what am doing at that point in time i make sure that we text all day but after some time my hubby started giving me some funny character which he has never done before, when ever i call him and he miss the call he gives me story of been busy, though i wasn’t comfortable with his new character after telling my mom what was going on my mother advised me on contacting a hacker which she has used his services since over 5 years ago, then she went through her books where she saved peoples number and email then she saw the name and she gave me the hacker mail after mailing the hacker in less than 24 hours i was credited with my husband Whats app messages, call logs, text messages, deleted text messages, emails, face book. Instagram and many more. Meaning i had full access to my husband phone without physical access after all i saw a lot of deleted LOVE text messages all coming from my husband sectary in his office and also he replies her showing he is in love with her also, right in there whats app they share pictures of each other and also the good times they spend together i was so down seeing this but am alive cause of the great advice my mother gave to me to move on (JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM) is the best and 20 years to come i will still use his services thanks a lot

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