I don’t do targets (well, finishing without cheating is my basic ambition), but today I was left shaking my head like people who don’t know much about cricket shaking their heads at a decision of no moment about whether to enforce a follow-on with more than two days of a Test match remaining…
1. IAMBS – because I cocked up on 1 down (plenty more on this supra and infra), I was stymied on this until near the end. It’s the not incredibly difficult I[ncised] + AM + BS (Bachelor of Surgery, though I think I prefer the uber-pretentious ChB, Chirurgiae Baccalaureus – try saying that when you’re half seas over).
2. ANAEROBIC – I in an anagram* of A CRAB ONE.
9. CARPET BAG – CARPET (reprimand) + BAG (ugly female). This clue provoked me to a do a little research into English slang terms for ugly men, and – you know – I couldn’t find any. On the other hand, I found some pretty stupendous ones for the distaff side…
10. CORAL – COR (my – as in ‘My, what a swamp donkey!’) + AL (as in a generic ‘boy’, who you can call Al, if you don’t remember if he’s an Alan, an Albert or an Alfred). I think the idea of ‘girlfriend, possibly’ is that if you went out with enough women, you might eventually find one called Coral.
11. DETAIL – literal ‘feature’; our old friend E.T. in DAIL (the Irish parliament, to be sure).
12. NO MATTER – MO (medical officer) reversed in NATTER.
14. NEIGHBOUR – NEIGH (sounds like ‘nay’) + B[othered] + OUR.
16. MINED – E in MIND (as in ‘I object to your sexist comments’, or, more accurately, ‘Who minds about his sexist comments?’ / ‘I object’).
17. ARTIC – AR[c]TIC – one of the two ‘abouts’ leaves the word – geddit?
19. DISGUISES – GUISE (sounds like ‘guys’) in DISS (a town in the sticks somewhere between Bury St Edmunds and Great Yarmouth).
21. MARYLAND – MD (yet another medic – I hope it’s not making you sick) around A + RY + L + A + N.
22. GLOWER – L[ost] in GOWER, see?
26. EMANATION – literal ‘discharge’ – moving on swiftly…E + MA + NATION.
27. CHEONGSAM – this tight-fitting number is fast becoming Crosswordland’s favourite item in the ladies wear department. HE + SONG* in MAC reversed.
28. HADES – HA[r]D + E +S[old]. You know, I don’t think I’d ever have known that had I not been blogging.
1. INCIDENTAL MUSIC – okay, I had first ‘orchestral parts’ and then ‘incidental parts’. It’s just a cryptic definition – a very pesky one…
2. MERIT – ER (you can have any of eight) in MIT (‘US research institute’ is very good, but personally I prefer ‘college’ for all the heat it generates).
4. AMBO – according to the dictionaries this is a raised pulpit – and there was I thinking they were all raised. Anyway, it’s hidden in the school against which I once hit 91* in the traditional two-day fixture between our schools. I believe Jonathan Agnew was playing for them. He always is whenever I tell the story. That year – 1976 – was the first time the match hadn’t ended in a draw in living memory. I received my colours after the game. Memories, memories.
5. ANGLO-IRISH – HANOI GIRLS*. This phrase is rather all encompassing, as it can mean both – as here – of mixed Irish and English parentage and also of English descent but born or resident in Ireland.
6. RECLAIM – RE (Royal Engineers) + CLAIM (‘mining area’).
7. BARITONES – IT in BAR ONE (beginning of piece – nice) + S[cored]. Prime biffing material.
8. COLORADO SPRINGS – COL + OR (‘other ranks’ – always on parade in Crosswordland) + ADO + SPRINGS.
13. WOODENNESS – O in WODEN + NESS. Woden was more his Old English name; he was typically Odin in Norse mythology. His other half was called Frigg, which must have led to a few jokes, though not when she was around.
15. INTERFERE – the literal is ‘meddle’, but, unless I’m missing something , something seems to be missing here. We have IN (home) and ERE (before), but what I can’t see is how ‘coastal mist lifts’ can legitimately indicate both that FRET should be reversed and that it should be placed where it is (between IN and ERE). I was – it’s IN (home) + TERF ERE (reversal of ‘before coastal mist’).
18. COLLEEN – CO-LL are your fellow liberals while EEN are various points of the compass (quarters) randomly assembled. Not my favourite clue, but I am reminded of the Nolan sisters, who I saw with my Irish belle at the Crawley Leisure Centre in 1980. It doesn’t get a lot more romantic than that. Ooh, I’m in the mood for dancing…
20. UNLEASH – UN + H around LEAS.
23. WEIRD – D[uke] after WEIR in its sense of an enclosure of stakes set in a stream as a trap for fish.
24. BALM – BALM[oral].
I agree with mrkgrnao above and parsed 15 as ‘home’ (=IN) and ‘before coastal mist lifts’ as a reversal of both ERE (a palindrome) and FRET.
Thanks to setter and blogger
Nice Monday puzzle. I wonder how closely the set of English-speaking people who know the word CHEONGSAM matches the set of people who do cryptic crosswords?
Thanks setter and U. BTW, I’m with Cook. In lieu of a biblical weather forecast, the days of enforcing the follow-on are gone.
He tried it again in the 2002-03 Ashes, and got away with it (just). But it meant his bowlers bowled 210 overs straight, and England took them to the cleaners a few days later in Sydney.
The follow-on worked much better in the era of rest days and longer gaps between Tests.
Why would a paramedic hold a holy book (4dn)?
No matter.
Ulaca – the Nolan Sisters at the Crawley Leisure Centre is positively Alan Partridge. Well done.
Where I screwed up was 6dn – entering READMIT somehow thinking an ADIT was smewhere concealed. RECLAIM it was!
There is a long line of (27ac) CHEONGSAM shops on Chang Le Lu (Road) in downtown Shanghai. These emporia offer bespoke tailoring to ladies of a certain slimness. Highly recommended – especially for crossword enthusiasts.(WOD)
COD 5dn ANGLO IRISH it took a moment. FOI 4ad ANAEROBIC
I thought 10ac CORAL was a poor do.
horryd Shanghai
I suggested to my girls that their school motto meant, “Use just one hand to apply the sun cream.” Apparently, it has something to do with a healing BALM.
WEIRD is one of those words I dither about spelling, which is odd because I’m ace at spelling, but once I had the crosser I stopped dithering.
CHEONGSAM I remembered from earlier puzzles.
I agree with z8, Cookie may have remembered SL’s valiant attempt; When showing us the record scores to win, 418 tops, those commentators don’t show the even bigger 4th innings scores which got draws or nearly won. Hopefully Vince and Ballance will be replaced by Rashid and ANO new boy in the next test.
Off to Hanoi on Friday for holiday! Yay!
Edited at 2016-07-25 09:31 am (UTC)
(On edit) try this https://youtu.be/IzEBLrz3S1o
Edited at 2016-07-25 08:05 pm (UTC)
FRET was no problem for someone who used to be a member of Sussex CCC and has seen a few roll in at Hove. (“No idea who Jonathan Agnew is when he’s at home”?! Steady on!)
I wonder how many other folk saw KING EDWARD and thought ‘spud’?!
And CHEONGSAM was a write-in as my wife once painted a lovely portrait of her daughter wearing one.
As has been said, CHEONGSAM was only familiar through being unfamiliar the last two times it came up.
Cheated a bit because I had to look up DAIL, but that still counts as a finish for me…
I’d also never come across “fret” as a sea mist, and toyed with “intervene” and “intercede” for a while before chancing upon the right answer.
Edited at 2016-07-25 02:55 pm (UTC)
I muffed this up for myself by putting in RETRACT and then not reconsidering for a long time: it seemed perfectly feasible that TRACT could have a mining-related meaning.
Like others I bunged CHEONGSAM in from the definition, having been completely stumped by it in past puzzles.
Edited at 2016-07-25 06:19 pm (UTC)
Cheers all.