Since this will be my last blog before trading Oriental shores for Occidental ones, just a reminder that there will be an informal gathering of cruciverbalists at the Old Red Lion on Kennington Park Road, SE11 4RS, starting at 6pm on Wednesday 29 June. The nearest tube station is Kennington. There’s a nice beer garden to enjoy, if it’s a fine midsummer evening.
Those wishing to join the fun can indicate either hereinunder or send me a message on my LJ account. On the evening, I will be suitable accoutered with a copy of The Times (the first I will have bought since student days) for easy identification, possibly a rolled-up umbrella, but, sadly, no bowler hat.
1. GLASNOST – anagram* of SLAG + SON reversed + T[his].
5. MORASS – OR in MASS. Smooth as a gravy sandwich, no?
9. BAG – don’t you just hate it when people chuck bags and stuff down to reserve seats? I do. Well, unless I do it myself, but then I’ve always got very good reasons. GAB reversed.
10. GREAT-NEPHEW – HEW following GREAT + PEN reversed.
13. VETO – VET (‘check’) + O (‘cipher’).
15. TROIKA – OIK in TRA[in]. My last in.
16. AGELESS – ES (east and south) in A GEL’S.
18. AIRSHIP – the definition is ‘flying craft’ and the wordplay a homophone of ‘heirship’.
20. LATEST – L.A. + TEST.
23. RISK – [f]RISK[y].
24. SIEGE TRAIN – IT ENRAGES + I*. Go on – hands up who biffed ‘siege tower’? According to Wikipedia (and I’d sooner disagree with my wife than with that), a siege train, whether hyphenated or not, is a collective term for ‘siege engines or artillery together with the necessary troops and transport vehicles’.
26. SUBSTANTIAL – SUB + IN AT LAST*. Rather cunning this, especially if one is trawling the recesses of one’s mind for words starting ‘sab’ and ‘sob’.
27. IDA – D in I+A for the eponymous G&S heroine of whom I know nothing.
28. EXEMPT – MP (Military Policeman, AKA ‘redcap’) in EX + ET.
29. (Is it me, or are there loads of clues today?) IDENTITY – I followed by DEN + TIT + Y (‘unknown’). Definition ‘name’.
1. GOBLIN – sounds like gobblin’ – the sort of thing Dick Van Dyke might do when he ain’t doin’ ’is comical poem.
2. ANGULAR – ‘annular’ with a ‘g’ replacing the second ‘n’.
3. NIGHT-LIGHT – sounds like ‘knight’ + LIGHT (as in ‘alight’). I suppose a night-light does allow you to see – not a lot, mind, but enough. Plus, it frightens off them ghosts. On edit (Tuesday 14 June): debate has raged about whether NIGHT-SIGHT is an acceptable alternative or not. After much reflection, I would say it is. The clue reads ‘What enables one to see and hear horseman land (5-5)’. In Oxford Dictionaries Online (ODO), ‘night-sight’ is defined in two senses: ‘1 The faculty or power of seeing in the dark; 2 A gunsight designed for shooting at night; an image intensifier’. First, let’s consider the definitions (which in any case are typically referred to in crosswords as ‘literals’, to reflect the fact that they are often approximations rather than exact synonyms, if such things exist in the first place): re 1, is what enables one to see another way of saying the faculty of seeing? Pretty damn close, I would say. Then, is a gunsight that intensifies an image in dark conditions something that can be described as what enables one to see in the dark? Well, I’d have thought so. And so onto the wordplay. Can the homophone indicated by ‘hear’ cover both ‘horseman’ and ‘land’? I’d love to hear someone mount (sorry) a successful challenge to that thesis. And so, we move finally onto the most contentious (having read the comments on the Club forum) aspect – the equivalence of ‘land’ and ‘site’. Under ‘land’, ODO has ‘an area of ground, especially in terms of its ownership or use’; under ‘site’ it has ‘an area of ground on which a town, building, or monument is constructed’. Well, how much closer need one be? I think the Times should accept both answers.
4. SMEAR CAMPAIGN – the definition is ‘organised drive to defame’ and the wordplay is a rather well concealed anagram of CAMERAMAN GP IS. My penultimate, cos I never saw the anagram, and my alphabet run at S*A*R took in ‘h’ and ‘p’ but missed out ‘m’. And I still dream I might make the championships one day…
6. OMEN – reversed hidden in the monkish stuff.
7. ACHIEVE – definition ‘fulfil’; the cunning wordplay is [challeng]E in A[r]CHIVE.
8. SAW-HORSE – um, SAW + HORSE (heroin); my father used to have one of these, which I loved greatly. I was an unusual child.
11. THE DAILY GRIND – a pretty decent cryptic definition. I was on the set of one of the Bond films at Pinewood and witnessed Judi Dench tearing a female employee off a strip for poor preparation of her morning coffee. After that everyone called her ‘M barista’.
14. PENTATHLON – PEN + TAT + H + L + ON. Not as athletic as the decathlon or heptathlon, when you consider that shooting is one of the disciplines. Maybe it was a toss-up between that and darts, and they didn’t have enough lager on hand.
17. LACROSSE – L + ACROSS + [tabl]E.
19. RISIBLE – RILE around SIB (‘sibling’). Some words I hate (execrable, egregious, traduce, liberty), some I love (piecemeal, freedom, Aston Martin, money). I’m pretty fond of risible.
21. SWAHILI – AIL around H in SWI.
22. UNWARY – move the R down the RUNWAY. Reminds me of the old joke, ‘Move farther down the compartment, please!’ ‘That’s not father, that’s grandpa.’
25. STEP – S[ociety] + PET reversed.
Thanks to setter and blogger.
edit: don’t know why I said ‘indefensible’. Now I’ve got round to thinking about it, it’s perfectly defensible. I’m confident our class action suit will succeed.
Edited at 2016-06-13 08:46 am (UTC)
1 NIGHT SIGHT. ODO has: 1. “The faculty or power of seeing in the dark” Excellent fit for definition, possibly better than night light.
2 LAND/SITE The homophone is sound, obviously. The equivalence is supported by Chambers, as is often the case in this theatre by way of a third party. Here are the relevant extracts
LAND ground; a piece of ground owned, real estate; soil;
SITE the area or ground occupied or set apart for a building, etc; an area set aside for some specific purpose
An aside: in my blog on 26434 I had to try and justify MANACLE with the definition “one of two bands”. Now that WAS a stretch.
3 The if-at-first defence. I got NIGHT SIGHT first, without that tinge of uncertainty that will usually, if not infallibly, suggest an issue. The closeness of association was easily (for me) sufficient not to justify revisiting; it felt right.
4 Just because we have a juxtaposition of horseman and land in the clue does not mean we have to be thinking of dismounting. This is a cryptic crossword, in which it’s perfectly possible, indeed usually obligatory, to divide words differently: indeed, one might well imagine that the “dismount” association was there deliberately to mislead.
I’ll have a crack at justifying EXERPT if you wish, no win, no fee.
Although actually NIGHT-SIGHT is hyphenated in both ODO and Chambers (it doesn’t appear at all in Collins) so if one wanted to be extremely mean one could disallow it on that basis. To my mind calling the inclusion or exclusion of a hyphen in a term like this ‘wrong’ is a patent linguistic absurdity, but I don’t make the rules…
Edited at 2016-06-13 12:00 pm (UTC)
Many thanks. My old but electric edition of Chambers doesn’t have night sight as such, so I was veering into the old preacher’s habit of “argument weak, speak louder”. Kind of you to help out so cogently.
NIGHT-LIGHT is clearly better, but it’s a funny one, isn’t it? If we spent time over every clue thinking “well, that seems justifiable, but I wonder if anything else would work even better?” we would quite literally never finish any crosswords. Basically you’ve just got to go for it, and then curse the dodgy route your brain decided to travel down after the event.
My time would have been ~8m otherwise. Sigh…
Edited at 2016-06-13 08:45 am (UTC)
First learned of SEIGE TRAIN when reading about American Civil War where I recall they were used quite a bit
On edit: My apologies, I may have misunderstood your drift: it hadn’t occurred to me that anyone would count it out if it were a two word homophone. I think though that the punctuation thing still stands, and for the most part commas in particular should be treated with extreme scepticism, bordering on contempt!
Edited at 2016-06-13 03:43 pm (UTC)
Otherwise, held up for more than 10 mins on LACROSSE – knew it was a foreign word, guessed it would be an unknown casino card game. Maybe from the subliminal suggestion in the clue: Game…table. Total 36 mins, so medium to tricky.
It was interesting that having had my zoom print-setting at 105% for Dean’s concisely clued puzzle on Sunday I had to go down to 90% to accommodate this wordy offering on a single page.
For all the wordiness I am having some difficulty following the logic in 16ac. Isn’t it the “posh girl” that’s being confined, not the “quarters”?
A (a), GEL (posh girl), ESS (quarters), already in the correct order so there’s no need for an enclosure indicator (confining).
“A posh girl’s confining quarters” (as the clue has it) surely gives us A, ESS, GEL?
In the interests of solidarity, I’ll back any of the NIGHT-SIGHTers who’ll join my campaign to give the TIF bird its long overdue recognition.
Aside from that, I enjoyed the puzzle. It’s election time over here, so I’ll give COD to SMEAR CAMPAIGN.
Thanks setter and U.
What’s a TIF bird? On edit d’oh!
Edited at 2016-06-13 08:59 am (UTC)
My kinda lawyer.
the words are not directly interchangeable; namely you would need ‘a site’ to equate to ‘some land’ or ‘land’.
A pleasurable 21 mins this morning.
How about “this is my building site”/”this is my building land”. Or is that somehow impossible?
Edited at 2016-06-13 09:48 am (UTC)
COD 9 for its “oh, of course” moment, FOI 26a, LOI 23, but mostly because I kept on deciding to defer it until I’d got the SE corner finished; I kept on thinking SWEDISH until I finally got SIEGE TRAIN and IDENTITY in quick succession.
I enjoyed the way that GLASNOST put my brain in the direction of Perestroika in time to help with 15…
Edited at 2016-06-13 09:58 am (UTC)
Edited at 2016-06-13 10:38 am (UTC)
Everyting else went in without much difficulty within 37 minutes.
1dn GOBLIN FOI – LOI 17dn LACROSSE which I found somewhat rather weak – it’s a sport not a game – although I notice praise in other quarters.
horryd Shanghai
As will I.
I also liked Dean’s 20a yesterday.
And apparently I’ve also been misunderstanding what’s meant when a person is described as a cipher; I’d been assuming it mean they were a bit of an enigma, rather than being of no importance.
Score another one for crossword-based vocabulary education.
Just because I normally thank the blogger but today forgot to, and I’m not going to so there!
I put in “night sight” but then worried about it and got “NIGHT LIGHT”, but I agree that “night sight” is viable alternative.
Edited at 2016-06-13 08:05 pm (UTC)
I shouldn’t talk, I’ve left in explanations of clues from previous puzzles in my blogs once or twice. I hate it when that happens.
O wise young judge, how I do honour thee!
Many, many thanks for your thoughtful and reasoned addendum to your entry on 3 down, and not only because I agree with your conclusions!