18:05, but the state of the leaderboard so far (not a single genuine, all-correct, time under 10 minutes even after Magoo and Jason have done their worst) confirms what I was feeling as I solved, that this was quite a tricky puzzle.
Across |
1 |
APPARATUS – [PARA in PORT] in AUS. As was presumably intended, until I had some checkers, I couldn’t stop my brain trying to fit in FREMANTLE or similar. |
6 |
ASSAI – ASSAIL. The musical term appears regularly enough for even a non-musician like me to remember it. |
9 |
10 |
BALFOUR – FOUR(gang of Communists) following (LAB)rev. to give the former Prime Minister. These days, I think the old political certainties are gone in crosswords – REDS are still of the left, CHE is still a revolutionary, of course, but if I was a new solver, and hence not aware of the long-standing convention, I’d be saying “Labour equals socialist? Really?” In fairness, I guess the setter can claim not to mean the current Labour party, or indeed the British Labour party. |
11 |
CRASS – CRedit + ASS. |
12 |
EPIDERMIS – English, (I’M)rev. in (SPIDER)*. |
13 |
14 |
NO TRUMPER – NOT RUM(=quite normal, presumably) + PER(=for a). A well-balanced hand which would suit a bid in No Trumps. |
17 |
SINGLETON – (North IS)rev., Good, LET ON. Having just one card of a particular suit in a bridge hand. |
18 |
CRONE – CaRtOoNyEs. |
19 |
22 |
24 |
OSMANLI – Ordnance Survey, legioN in MALI. Derived entirely from wordplay, though it always looked right, mostly from knowing Osman as a common Turkish name (and looking it up, I find it is the origin of the word Ottoman, so perhaps this reveals Turkey as one of those areas where my historical knowledge is more than a little patchy). |
25 |
AMERICA – (CRIME)* in A,A. |
26 |
STONY – Second TONY(i.e. the American theatre award). |
27 |
GREEN BELT – Book in GREENE, LefT. |
Down |
1 |
2 |
PYGMALION – (GYP)rev. + (OILMAN)*. Shaw’s non-musical basis for My Fair Lady. |
3 |
REINSTALL – REIN(check) STALL(seat). |
4 |
THERES NO TELLING – I spotted the TELLING/counting element at once, but couldn’t call to mind the appropriate phrase, so I started with a tentative and wrong “NOBODY IS TELLING” before working it out. In my defence, I wasn’t helped by the presence of an apostrophe, unindicated as ever, which I know many people really don’t like. |
5 |
SUBSISTENCE WAGE – (BIGNEWSTUCEASES)*. A long anagram down the middle is always a good way into this grid. |
6 |
ALLEE – medievAL LEEds. I don’t think I knew this word, but the derivation is very obvious. |
7 |
STORM – Shipwreck TO R.M. &lit. |
8 |
IN RESERVE – 1New, RESERVE(=book). |
13 |
CASH BOOKS – a Spoonerism by any other name, from BASH(party) COOKS(chefs). |
15 |
UNCONCERN – UN(French “a”), CONCERT, Noon. |
16 |
PROSCRIBE – CRIB(text to help student) in PROSE. |
20 |
GUMBO – GUM(something to chew), (O.B.)rev. Despite regarding myself as fairly well-informed on matters in the kitchen, my first thought was that this should be fish rather than chicken – however, checking wiki, it turns out I don’t know the difference between Cajun gumbo (containing chicken or fish, though never both together) and Creole gumbo (which is fish-based). |
21 |
TUNNY – TUN(barrel) + NeatlY. |
23 |
SMART – Sergeant Major, ART(knack). All the Sergeant-Majors I have come across have indeed been phenomenally smartly turned-out. |
It’s all good standard but with no major stand out works of art and no limp also rans either. High level of consitency.
I suspect 10A is going to cause younger solvers some problems because all the references are set firmly in the past.
Thank you setter and on balance I’m glad you got this one Tim!
Edited at 2013-05-21 09:37 am (UTC)
NO-TRUMPER? Jamais couché avec. I suppose it can be imagined.
Just remembered in time to put the Y in PYGMALION.
Only times I ever had gumbo (in that New Orleans), it was always seafood (20dn). And the critical ingredient is okra surely?
Two not-too-bads in a row. Stinker tomorrow?
Two unknowns for me today: NO TRUMPER and OSMANLI, for which I initially put in AZMANLI! Edit: three actually. See below
I was initially puzzled by 10ac, thinking “Roy Jenkins wasn’t a communist, was he?” before coming to my senses.
Edited at 2013-05-21 09:36 am (UTC)
I play bridge and have never heard of no-trumper as a phrase – has this been made up by the setter?
[mass noun]
1. written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure:a short story in prose [as modifier]:a prose passage
[count noun] a passage of prose for translation into a foreign language.
plain or dull writing, discourse, or expression:closely typed in best office prose
a hand on which a no-trump bid can suitably be made or has been made.
Edited at 2013-05-21 03:56 pm (UTC)
DK OSMANLI but the wordplay was clear. Didn’t get the “Gang of Communists” reference but fortunately my early C20th UK history is better than my knowledge of Chinese affairs so Arthur Balfour sprang immediately to mind, given a couple of checkers.
Knew Gumbo courtesy Hank Williams:
Jambalaya, a-crawfish pie and-a fillet gumbo
‘Cause tonight I’m gonna see my ma cher amio
Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay-oh
Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou.
Gumbo courtesy of the Carpenters…in the Karaoke version, a wacky dude in a check jacket with a bow-tie does his thing on the flute as Karen does her thing on vocals.
I had the O checker at the start of 24ac and confidently wrote in OTTOMAN when I saw Turkish at the start of the clue. I then read the clue properly, realised how hasty I had been, and amended it to the correct OSMANLI, which I had actually heard of.
It was good to see a spoonerism at 13dn without the word spooner in the clue. Well done, setter.
I smiled when Sotira admitted to the mistake she made at 5dn when she didn’t bother to account for the anagram fodder. That is something I have a habit of doing from time to time.
Thought the Bash Cooks were delightful.
I spent a while wondering whether Simon Bolivar could be made to fit the wordplay, till I saw s.v.m was impossible for 7dn, where I eventually decided that the commandos were the S-Team, to be sen rising from the wreck.