Solving time 20 minutes
An entertaining puzzle that contains a lot of slang and a slightly macabre twist. There are no obscurities and even the painter is well known. I liked the “misses rowing” definition.
Across | |
1 | JUPITER – JU(PI)T-(RE reflected); our largest planet, a ball of hydrogen 11 times bigger than earth; |
5 | GALLOWS – GA(LOW)LS; birds=women (slang); Tyburn for example; |
9 | MALAPROPISM – MALA(PROP)IS(e)-(scru)M; |
10 | COD – DOC reversed; bones=doctor (old slang); |
11 | LOUVRE – LO(U-V)RE; uranium=U; see=V; on the Right Bank of the Seine; |
12 | TRANQUIL – TRA(i)N-sounds like “quill”; still is the definition; |
14 | EDWIN,LANDSEER – (drew)* surrounds INLAND-SEE; famous 19th century painter of horses; |
17 | ADVERTISEMENT – two meanings 1=material for Bill Stickers; 2=plug=slang for advertisement; |
21 | FLEXIBLE – FLE(XI-BL)E; XI=eleven=cricket team; BL from B(a)L(l); a type of friend?; |
23 | CHASTE – C(H)ASTE; not a word one hears very often these days; |
25 | GIN – G(r)IN; mother’s ruin; |
26 | PRIME,NUMBER – PRIME=prepare; NUMBER (make numb)=sleeping tablet; 2 or 3 or 7919 perhaps; |
27 | TIME,LAG – T(he)-(mile)*-AG; silver=AG; |
28 | ELDERLY – (b)EL(RED reversed)LY; people aged over 90; |
Down | |
1 | JUMBLE – JU(MB)L(y)-E; E=ecstacy; |
2 | POLLUTE – (LOP reversed)-LUTE; |
3 | TOP,DRAWER – TOP(WARD reversed)ER; lush=heavy drinker (slang); |
4 | ROOK – ROO-(shrin)K; chess piece; |
5 | GRIM,REAPER – GR-I-M(aterials)-REAPER=combine (harvester); the angel of death; |
6 | LEMON – LE(M)ON; M from (far)M(ing); a turkey is slang for something useless as is a LEMON; |
7 | OCCLUDE – (CO reversed)-CLU(D)E; to stop the passage of say light; |
8 | SADDLERY – (relays)* surrounds D(isqualifie)D; tack is the definition; |
15 | DEERHOUND – DEE-R(H)OUND; a type of greyhound; |
16 | CAT-FIGHT – CAT-F-(e)IGHT; misses=women; as seen in the Miller Lite 17A; |
18 | VIETNAM – VIE-(M-ANT reversed); Good morning! |
19 | TASKBAR – T(ASK-B)AR; Jack=sailor=TAR; book=B; |
20 | BETRAY – BET-RAY; shop=slang for BETRAY; |
22 | IMPEL – I’M-PE-L; |
24 | MEZE – M-E(Z)E; Turkish tapas; |
Jim, by what measure is Jupiter 11 times bigger than earth? I only ask because of a childhood memory of a lot more Earths superimposed across Jupiter’s equator.
Jupiter is 11 times the diameter of the earth. It is 1321 times bigger by volume but only 318 times bigger by mass (reflecting its gaseous construction). Its mass is 2.5 times greater than the sum of the masses of all the other planets. (Thats more than enough Jupiter—Ed)
a lute is quiet, if you’ve lived next door to a boy made to learn the trumpet 🙂
Nice puzzle, but like mct I was puzzled by the quiet lute. Yet another example (following on from yesterday) of a setter adding a misleading adjective to a definition. Is a lute any quieter than an acoustic guitar, for example, and would one define that as a quiet instrument?
flute – i.e. not forte.Solved the bottom half reasonably quickly, but the whole top part was very recalcitrant, so had to resort to a reveal to get started there.
Liked the misses rowing definition.
I did wonder if the “quiet instrument” was a FLUTE with the ‘loud’ removed.
An enjoyable puzzle with plenty to tease out.
I seemed to be romping through this then came to a juddering halt.
Flexible, unyielding, tranquil and saddlery were the last to, um, yield. The NW corner put up some stiff resistance as well.
Landseer came up fairly recently. I remember posting a link to The Monarch of the G for a poster who didn’t think they knew of him and ending up in the spam bin.
No problem with the foodie 24dn for once, as for a number of years in the 1970s and 1980s, after the Championship final a group of us used to go for a meal at a Turkish restaurant which Mike Rich knew, where we always started with “mixed meze”.