15:04 on the Club timer; as this included the usual blogger’s Extra Time, spent checking I was at least 90% certain on my parsing of everything before submitting, I think we can classify this as being on the straightforward side of the street; though I admit I’m not entirely satisfied with my reading of 15 down, which is…well, we shall see what it is.
Sorry to disappoint early birds this week, as today’s blog comes from a holiday cottage on the banks of the River Wye. I remain vigilant for the otters which previous visitors have noted in the Visitors’ Book.
Across | |
1 | PROPOSAL – PROP(=support) + (ALSO)*. |
9 | ANTIHERO – (HIT)rev. in A NERO. |
10 |
11 |
13 |
14 | ROAD RAGE =”ROWED” + (GEAR)*. |
15 | UNWINDS – WIND(=breeze) in (SUN)*. |
16 |
22 | ENTRAP – (PARENT)*, based on the “trap” meaning of gin. |
23 |
25 | ISIS – “leads life”=IS, so doubling that gives the Egyptian goddess. |
26 | ECLIPSES – CLIPS in (SEE)rev. |
27 | ENGAGING – double def. |
Down | |
2 | RELIGION – L,1 in REGION. |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 | TEAR – clever double def. “TEAR” (rhymes with “hare”) means “rush”, while TEAR(“rhymes with “here”) is a sign of grief, i.e. they look the same but don’t sound it. |
8 |
12 | BIRD WATCHING – does the photographer’s instruction “Watch the birdie!” apply outside the UK? Do other nationalities say cheese? |
15 | UNPACKED – When presented with U_P_C_E_, I immediately thought “Well, this is UNPACKED…no, hang on, it could be UNPICKED…no, carry on, it’s clearly referring to unpacking a suitcase, so I was right first time. UNPICKED fits the definition, but means nothing in the context of “a case” of any sort, so the first one is clearly right” (and so it proved, once I submitted all correct). However, when it came to unpicking the clue for the blog, as it were, I hesitated. I am always reluctant to describe something as a weak clue, as it usually just means I’ve missed something very obvious; so am I missing something here? I can only conclude it’s a cryptic def. but when I first read it, I assumed that the case was a suitcase, rather than a legal case, or any other sort of case, so it barely came across as cryptic at all. |
17 |
19 | ADVERSE – A.D. VERSE; the New Testament covers the period after the birth of Christ, which is by definition A.D. |
21 | HONEST – througH ONE’S Teeth. |
24 | MILK – (1 in KLM)rev. “Exploit” as in “capitalise on”. |
40 minutes exactly for this one. It has somehow managed to pass me by that Virginia or any other United State is officially a COMMONWEALTH and the required meaning of UNPACKED was unfamiliar too. But it was a good puzzle.
Edited at 2013-02-26 12:06 pm (UTC)
Had vague memories of somebody once explaining to me why some US States aren’t states but are commonwealths and guessed Virginia had to be one of them
21dn (HONEST) is very nicely hidden in a very relevant surface. Double √√ for that. [[Of which: you have a typo there, Tim. TEST for TEETH.]]
Off topic: took Vinyl’s advice and did the Paul prize puzzle in another place. Paul is obviously old enough to remember My Word on BBC radio. Explanation (with spoiler) available on request.
Edited at 2013-02-26 12:20 pm (UTC)
Yes McT, please do spoil the Paul Guardian prize puzzle for me, it’s an idgy bidgy and I missed the “My Word” connection completely. I agree with Vinyl about THAT clue however.
I answered quite a few without understanding the cryptic, e.g. ‘reassign’, ‘stigma’, and ‘bird watching’. I did figure most of them out later.
On the “birdie” point at the weekend my mother produced a very old photo of her paternal grandmother with the first 6 of her eventual 11 children. When my younger daughter asked why none of them were smiling I’m afraid I told her that ths was before cheese had been invented so they didn’t know what to say.
COMMONWEALTH familiar from American crime novels and from Boston Legal, which generally involved Alan Shore antagonizing the Commonwealth of Virginia. – on edit, antagonizing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts! – My apologies to Boston. And to Virginia.
Edited at 2013-02-26 06:26 pm (UTC)
Thank you, as ever, for a handy blog.
Tim – I didn’t understand Stigma so thanks for the explanation.
While solving, I thought BIRD-WATCHING was also just a feeble cryptic definition, and there’s no particular reason why it should not so be regarded, but “watch the bird(ie)” did occur post-solve, with the niggle (satisfied, I suppose, by the question mark) that’s it’s always “birdie” to any self respecting photographer.
My daughter in law is from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which she claims diminishes the total number of (United) States by one.
By the way, I don’t know about other countries, but the French do not say FROMAGE for obvious reasons. They use a marmoset which is ouistiti
I didn’t understand UNPACKED at the time of solving and after reading all the comments above I still don’t. I was familiar with the “analysed” sense of the word but I can’t see how the rest of the clue is supposed to work.
POST MERIDIEM caused a bit of difficulty because I’ve never heard this version of POSTMERIDIAN (which according to Chambers has to be one word) so I had that in until thinking 23 might be COMMONWEALTH made me revisit the anagram fodder. Like others I vaguely remembered that some states weren’t called states, which was enough.
Anyway it was all for nought because I bunged in SOLDIERS, which in turn led me to bung in BREWERS. Clearly at no point did I concern myself with the actual clue. Definitely an Elmo day today.
I too bunged in SOLDIERS overhastily, but couldn’t make BREWERS work so read the clue to 8dn again more carefully. (Phew!)
Edited at 2013-02-26 11:14 pm (UTC)
I’ve been really surprised by all the discussion over the second part of this clue both here and in the forum.
Edited at 2013-02-27 04:38 am (UTC)
The best I can come up with is that it’s just a cryptic definition where the grammatical meaning of “case” is being used. I suppose in lit crit you might analyse the significance of the case of a word.