Solving time 12 minutes
As easy a puzzle as you’ll find in the Times – difficult to find much to say. I have a mental block over the cryptic for 5A. A doff of my cap to those who help to provide the answer
Across | |
1 | DIVISOR – DI-VISOR; the number on the bottom of the fraction; |
5 | ALLOWED – “let” is the definition; |
10 | AORTA – hidden (victori)A-OR-TA(smania); |
11 | ELEMI – MELE(e) reversed-I; honey-like resin canarium luzonica (what a mine of useless information); |
12 | TICKED,OFF – TICK-E(vacuate)-DOFF; to doff is to remove clothing, not just ones tile; |
14 | BY,THE,SAME,TOKEN – (that monkey + bees)*; I thought only bears eat honey; |
17 | PENNY-FARTHING – PENNY-FAR-THINGS; Victorian bicycles that made doffing difficult; |
21 | TIN-OPENER – TI(NO-PEN)ER; name=PEN?; |
23 | GENIE – GEN-I(=one)-E(ternal); |
24 | FLEET – F(LEE)T; daily=newspaper=FT; |
25 | PLUMMIEST – PLUM(MI)E-ST; not the most desirable accent; |
26 | LINCOLN – NIL reversed-COL-N=new; apart from that how was the show Mrs Lincoln?; |
27 | HAYSEED – (had eyes)*; rural tile doffer; |
Down | |
1 | DIFFER – RE(FF-I)D all reversed; what you beg to do without doffing; |
2 | VARIETY – (it a very)*; |
4 | RIGHT,AS,RAIN – (I grant hair’s)*; meaningless phrase that means everything is going swimmingly; |
5 | ACT – A-CT; |
6 | LEASE – L=short form of length + EASE; |
7 | WARLOCK – WAR-LOCK; Samantha Stephens’ dad; |
15 | THINGUMMY – THIN-GUMMY; word used increasingly with advancing years; |
16 | SPITEFUL – (flies put)*; Samantha Stephens’ mother; |
20 | HEATED – H(E)ATED; |
22 | PATIO – PAT-I-O; |
25 | PAN – NAP reversed; |
I managed to race through this one in double quick time, until I got to 18dn, where I came to a complete standstill, as I could think of a word fitting the definition and checkers that meant either bread, anxious or cloth.
Oh well…
A LED = A LIGHT around (stay) LOW ???
this past summer after a dozen years of loyal friendship.
As to puzzle a relatively easy but enjoyable 20-30 minutes with only EMELI needing
verification…but I did get it from wordplay.
There were some issues with this one: the containment devices in ALLOWED (“stay”) and FLEET (“going over”) and a containment signalled but superfluous in GENIE (“In first chapter”) which made me question my spelling briefly.
And as noted above, there’s quite a bit of cluing by Thesaurus, particularly HEATED=bitter, anxious=keen and plume=smoke. They all work (sort of) but might evoke cries of “no fair” from novice solvers.
I like the droll, slightly macabre definition of LINCOLN as “theatre casualty” which made it stand out from the bunch as my CoD.
25ac: Didn’t know PLUMMIEST could mean “most desireable” — thought it was just the toffy accent. But NOAD has: “Plummy: Brit., informal, choice; highly desirable: there are some plummy roles for the taking here“.
26ac: “What was the rest of the opera like Mrs Lincoln?”, is how I first heard it. Ditto “motorcade” and “Mrs Kennedy”.
Edited at 2011-09-20 09:14 am (UTC)
I don’t see anything wrong with ‘stay’ as a container; it’s surely as valid as ‘restrain’, which it means here. I thought it was quite a good clue because of the ambiguous tense of ‘let’ and the use of ‘stay’. I also liked the indirect definition for LINCOLN.
Like McT, I had only associated ‘plummy’ with upper-crust accents, and ‘pan’ puzzled me – even if it didn’t hold me up – as I didn’t think of the gold rush meaning.
I was not bothered by ‘elemi’, that is an old US crossword word, rich in vowels.
Only two words I had never heard of this time (ELEMI and NANKEEN, both solvable from the wordplay). I also couldn’t parse ALLOWED for a while and TIN OPENER at all before coming here. Rather too many anagrams in the puzzle to make it interesting (but they did make it easy).
First time I’ve ever been able to walk through a puzzle – it’s a good feeling
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