When I solved 17, some time before seeing what was behind the seemingly anodyne 19 that appropriately crosses it, I was flooded with my eternal revulsion at the atavistic notion that a supposedly omnipotent Creator could be compelled to pay a mysterious and fatal debt (to whom?) that humankind would have incurred had He not come up with his famous “plan of salvation” that required his putting the Nazarene through all that horrendous suffering on Golgotha.
Of course, the rational concept of such an all-powerful Being was developed long after the writing of the faith’s foundational texts. Omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence are not apparent attributes of Jehovah, who often behaves in capricious and inexplicable ways. (How can an all-knowing Being change his mind?) The Israelites’ national god was originally seen as only one among many. The development of monotheism, subsuming all the many gods in one Supreme Being, was a great step in the evolution of human logic—leaving only one more effort to be made…
This is an excellent puzzle (as well as being inspiring). I indicate (Ars Magna)* like this, and italicize anagrinds in the clues.
1 | Breaking down, how come? (4,2) |
5 | Cabinet material got promoted before court date (8) |
ROSEWOOD — ROSE, “got promoted” + WOO, “court” + D(ate) | |
9 | Robbery also tackled by prison time (10) |
10 | Allowed to drink fine port (4) |
LEFT — LE(F)T | |
11 | Being so unclear after change? (14) |
UNRECOGNISABLE — &lit, (Being so unclear)* | |
12 | Pull on underwear or footwear (6) |
WEDGIE — DD …My first thought was THONGS. | |
14 | Rally behind figure left by spymaster (8) |
ASSEMBLE — ASS, “behind” + EMBLE[-m] (M, head of the M16, which employed James Bond) | |
16 | Love to approach sea like Nelson? (3-5) |
ONE-ARMED — O, 0 or “Love” + NEAR, “approach” + MED, the Mediterranean Sea | |
18 | I’ll say that’s an Arabian vessel (3,3) |
19 | One offering bids for coal after breaking rocks (5,9) |
BLOOD SACRIFICE — (bids for coal)* + ICE, “rocks” | |
22 | Compact weapons sent from the east (4) |
SNUG — GUNS<= | |
23 | Shot using one cycle trail (10) |
IRIDESCENT — I, “one” + RIDE, “cycle” + SCENT, “trail”; we haven’t seen this sense of “Shot” for a while—as an adjective, meaning, speaking of textiles, “woven to give a changing colour effect | shot silk” and, more generally, “streaked with colour” (Collins). | |
24 | Most of porcelain pots including hot toast (4-4) |
CHIN-CHIN — CH(INC)(H)IN[-a] | |
25 | European returning home in hurry (6) |
DOWN | |
2 | Formidable female has uniform in wash (9) |
HERCULEAN — HER, “female” + C(U)LEAN | |
3 | Return from work on river punt (5) |
WAGER — WAGE, “Return from work” + R(iver) | |
4 | Sweep with long flourish (7) |
PANACHE — PAN, “Sweep” (as a movie camera would) + ACHE, “long” | |
5 | Stand to ease back pressure (9,6) |
6 | 3 that is second class (7) |
SPECIES — SPEC for “speculation,” a kind of WAGER (answer 3) + IE, id est, “that is” + S(econd) | |
7 | I’m all about cutting grass, being expertly trained (4-5) |
WELL-AIMED — WEED with (I’m all)* intersecting | |
8 | Refuse to eat from a plate? (5) |
OFFAL — &lit, combining the word’s two contrasting definitions (garbage and edible animal innards) with wordplay: OFF, “from” + A + L, “plate,” specifically a Learner’s plate, affixed to a new driver’s car | |
13 | Cricket club’s glitzy publication (9) |
GLAMORGAN — GLAM, “glitzy” + ORGAN, “publication” | |
15 | Outstanding details can catch new detective (5,4) |
LOOSE ENDS — LOO, “can” + SEE, “catch” + N(ew) + DS, “detective” (Detective Sergeant) | |
17 | Footballer, a hard man whose passing saved us? (7) |
MESSIAH — MESSI, “Footballer” + A + H(ard), with a cryptic definition (seemingly addressed exclusively to Xians) | |
18 | Flavouring with sandwiches makes sense (7) |
20 | Start without a meal (5) |
LUNCH — L[-a]UNCH | |
21 | From an ancient area, as oil may be (5) |
Yesterday, Bruce though I must have led a sheltered life as I admitted to never having heard the term whizz to describe a pee. Guess Bruce was right as, if I’ve heard the term WEDGIE to describe “pull on underwear”, I don’t recall it. At least that guess was correct.
I liked SHOW UP and OFFAL although, in the case of the latter, I think to go from ‘plate’ to ‘L’ is a bit of a stretch.
Thank you setter, thank you, Guy.
Edited at 2022-04-10 04:06 am (UTC)
If you don’t think Britain has ditched the divine right of kings, I can only suggest reading Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_right_of_kings) or Britannica (https://www.britannica.com/topic/divine-right-of-kings) to understand why Charles I lost his head and James II was deposed.
Whatever the official position of the *official church* on Divine Right, the continued existence of the union of church and state seems to this outsider to not be unrelated to the perpetuation of the institution of royalty. In the collective (un)consciousness, if you will…
Edited at 2022-04-10 09:39 am (UTC)
I liked GLAMORGAN and MESSIAH amongst others.
As Peter suggests above, I thought the question mark redeemed (ho ho) 17dn, turning it into what the journalist John Rentoul calls a QTWTAIN.
No problem with either meaning of WEDGIE.
Edited at 2022-04-10 08:10 am (UTC)
It usually refers to a certain type of newspaper headline (THE END FOR HARRY AND MEGHAN?), often associated with articles containing statements like ‘speculation was increasing last night’ for which the only evidence is the existence of the article itself.
Edited at 2022-04-10 08:47 am (UTC)
Thanks Guy and Mr Mayer
I think it all completely inappropriate for a crossword forum, and I speak as an atheist here, totally uninterested in dogma… opinions are one thing, rants another.
A quicker than normal grid fill, but failed miserably with the parsing of CHIN-CHIN. Hadn’t seen ‘shot’ being a definition for IRIDESCENT until checking it here.
I rather liked the cd for REARGUARD ACTION – a misleading surface reading for a whimsical definition.
Finished in the SE corner with INCAN, ANISEED (with the clever middle bit) and AND HOW (a tricky one to finish).
I’d never heard of a wedgie until I came to Canada and heard the following joke.
“If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a duck” isn’t always true.
It could be me receiving a particularly painful wedgie.