I hope someone out there enjoyed this more than I did. Aside from a few clues—notably 7, with its smooth and very apt surface, and 19, which pointedly alludes to and whose entire surface could also be about a certain young Nobel Prize nominee—this seemed rather a slog, which I dutifully completed, duly noting my reflections, reported below.
I indicate (Mara sang)* like this, and italicize anagrinds in the clues.
1 | Jellyfish or hawks? (3-2-3) |
MEN-OF-WAR — The aquatic creature is also and seemingly more commonly known as the Portuguese man o’ war—sans hyphens, of which the belligerents in the wordplay are also properly divested. | |
5 | It’s a mark of success (4) |
TICK — CD …but not so very cryptic. Lexico: “mainly British A mark (✓) used to indicate that an item in a list or text is correct or has been chosen, checked, or dealt with; a check mark.” I erroneously remembered this clue as ending with a question mark, as a ✓ can mean things besides “success”—such as, “Remember to look over this clue again.” | |
8 | Continue to haul box full of goods (6) |
CARTON — CART ON, “Continue to haul” …First I was looking for a word with two Gs in it. | |
9 | Dominate a match in which one appears to be falling apart (6-2) |
BEATEN-UP — BE TEN UP, with A, “one” inserted | |
10 | Swear about American soprano (4) |
CUSS — C(irca), “about” + US + S …I’m not sure I’d ever seen S as an abbrev. for “soprano” before. | |
11 | Voters tolerate changes around city (10) |
ELECTORATE — (tolerate)* with EC (Eastern Central postcode area), the “city” lying within | |
12 | Trousers for some changing gear? (5,7) |
16 | University course (5,7) |
SAINT ANDREWS — Both the eponymous school and the world’s oldest and no doubt most famous golf course (never heard of it) are found in this town on the west coast of Fife, Scotland. Will wonders never cease. Meh | |
18 | Platinum ten thieves melted down (10) |
SEVENTIETH — (ten thieves)* …referring not to the atomic number (which is 78) but to the tradition for anniversary gifts. Kudos for the anagrind. | |
20 | Cat eats old carp (4) |
MOAN — M(O)AN | |
21 | Servant kept making daughter run (8) |
RETAINER — RETAINE[-d]R: “kept” with the final D(aughter) replaced by R(un). Ho-hum | |
22 | Nothing’s flipping just business (6) |
AFFAIR — FA, “(sweet) Fanny Adams“ or “Nothing” <=“flipping” + FAIR, “just” …If you don’t know the provenance of the first part, you can look up the Wikipedia page. Fair warning: I won’t be held responsible for your having nightmares. | |
23 | Confectioner in Gateshead (4) |
ATES — Hidden. Well, it had to be, didn’t it? But I couldn’t really see it. Finally found a reference, albeit a bit indirect, to one of our accepted sources. The Free Dictionary online cites Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged. 12th Edition 2014: n. a shop that sells confectionery. | |
24 | Singer looking about 50 (8) |
DOWN | |
1 | Bill has small hands etc (8) |
MEASURES — MEASURE, “Bill” + S(mall) …I don’t like this kind of clue: mostly a perfectly good noncryptic definition, but given as singular just so a wordplay element is needed to make it plural, and then you must have another definition. But at least the second def. is totally different from the first. | |
2 |
Wind? Wasn’t our lot! (5) …the ones who smelt it… |
NOTUS — NOT US! Pretty simple, especially if you know the name of the old Greek god of the southern wind—which I didn’t, but am glad to learn. | |
3 | Digital art (6,8) |
4 | Walker without jacket on walk (5) |
AMBLE — [-r]AMBLE[-r] …I found this clue (excuse me) lame. “Ambler,” of course, also means “walker”—but then you couldn’t take off the jacket but only… the foot? In effect, you’re hit over the head here with the definition: It’s walk, see, walk! | |
5 | Hire store will founder, I suppose (9) |
THEORISER — (Hire store)* Never heard of a “Hire store.” Have you? | |
6 | Surly conservative needing a brush-up? (6) |
CRUSTY — C(onservative) + RUSTY, “needing a brush-up”—as in “Brush Up Your Shakespeare.” | |
7 | Dream offered by a chain letter is dodgy (6,2,3,3) |
CASTLE IN THE AIR — (a chain letter is)* | |
13 | Passages from law essay I misread (9) |
AISLEWAYS — (law essay I)* | |
14 | In the evening, drop of plonk (3) |
SET — DD My LOI. I finally saw it… we say the sun SETs “In the evening” as it drops below the horizon. (Though, of course, the moon might SET at any hour, depending on the time of month, not to mention any of the visible planets.) | |
15 | Son in undertaking (8) |
SWEARING — S(on) + WEARING, “in” The only thing that makes this hard is the definition, but Collins (if nowhere else that I can find) indicates that “undertake” (“I undertake to finish this blog entry”) can be synonymous with “vow” or SWEAR. | |
17 | Fix that a late don might be in? (6) |
CEMENT — Gangster joke | |
19 | English eco-activist not a high-flyer (5) |
EGRET — E(nglish) + GRET[-a] …The airline-eschewing Ms. Thunberg was passed over for the Nobel again this year, but she really didn’t expect to get it (as she told The Nation when interviewed for a piece that will post Tuesday morning). | |
20 | Some sit fuming about legal expert (5) |
MUFTI — Hidden, reversed That’s an authority in Muslim religious law. | |
Thank you for BEATEN UP, ATES and EGRET.
That’s all she wrote, folks.
The surface for yet another unknown in NOTUS was my pick. The name of one more cruciverbal ‘Wind’ to learn and just as quickly to forget.
Harder than usual for this setter + his alter egos. Thanks to him and to Guy
Last in was SET, which was just plonked in without conviction. What’s the ‘of’ doing in the clue? I was looking to remove the letters O&F from a word meaning ‘evening’
Edited at 2021-10-10 04:23 am (UTC)
would be the signage, I guess!
(Keriothe told me this isn’t even in Chambers!)
Edited at 2021-10-10 03:48 am (UTC)
I suspect hire shop refers to hire purchase, a UK-ism.
I did finish the puzzle, but had a long struggle over set, before I saw how it must work – nearly put sat.
Edited at 2021-10-10 03:46 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-10-10 04:23 am (UTC)
I can confirm that ATES is indeed in Collins 12th edition as I have a printed copy. Unfortunately it gives no indication of its origin as that might have explained why it did not appear in the 9th edition (2009) or 10th (2010). It’s also the first occasion I can recall in which a word in the 12th edition (the latest in my collection) does not also appear in the on-line dictionary.
This is all I could find on-line but I’m not sure it has any bearing as it seems a bit of a stretch:
The Ates – Mexican Candy
Originating in the Middle East, this was brought to Mexico from Spain, since they knew about this dessert from the Arabs. The original recipe dates back to colonial times and it’s based on the traditional quince candy from Spain. The difference is that in Mexico it can be made of several fruits like tejocotes, plums, guavas or apples.
In 1595, Dominican Nuns arrived in Morelia (back then named Valladolid) and remained there until 1738. The nuns used to cook the mixture of fruit and sugar cane in the harvest season along with other fruity desserts. That was the beginning of local candies named “Ates” , since the mixture was named from the fruit that includes “membrillate” (quince) “guayabate” (guava) or “manzanate” (apple) all those names ending the same three letters ATE that became a generic word for the candy.
Even if that’s it, another leap is required for the word to become a generic name for a confectionery store that’s listed in an English dictionary!
Edited at 2021-10-10 05:23 am (UTC)
I believe you have access to the multi-volume OED, which I don’t any more. Is it in there?
Almost all dictionaries drop words, otherwise they would keep getting bigger and bigger!
Not keen on ATES, i confess. Better clues were available ..
Edited at 2021-10-10 07:18 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-10-10 07:22 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-10-10 07:31 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-10-10 08:29 am (UTC)
5A: A tick/check mark meaning anything other than success is news to me. On any solving copy of an ST crossword it means “this clue is OK and need not be looked at again”.
10A S=Soprano slipped through the editorial net. Easy enough for someone who has sung in a choir (in which SATB often represents the four parts), but not in either of our reference dictionaries (unlike the ODE’s “Svedberg unit” or “(in mathematical formulae) distance”, both of which I’m hoping not to see).
23A: ATES is very puzzling. It’s in my iPad version of Collins along with the print one, but I can’t find any convincing real-life usage anywhere
14D: One commenter has mentioned SIT=“plonk” as a possibility. The “in the evening” part was intended to make SET a clearly better answer
15D: undertake: the four dictionaries mentioned for 1A all have “undertake” defined as “promise” or something amounting to it
I note it’s in the American English section of Collins online and also in Chambers (printed and free online version).
Edited at 2021-10-10 10:02 am (UTC)
That would be your solving copy’s TICKs, not those of the puzzles I regularly get sent by a friend requesting explanations! The definition I cited gives more possibilities for the meaning of a TICK.
I am still very curious about the derivation of ATES, and even starting to suspect that in that lone edition of Collins it was a fictitious entry meant as a copyright trap.
Edited at 2021-10-10 12:48 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2021-10-10 01:24 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2021-10-10 02:16 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2021-10-10 02:44 pm (UTC)
Nothing to add otherwise. COD CEMENT when I finally parsed it afterwards.
I’ve never seen ST.ANDREWS written out in full.
New ST solver and first time here.
Got stuck on 23a and 17d and appreciate the help here …. although agree with others …. the only online reference to ATES that I could find was something about Phillipine aunties!
Anyway, I’m puzzled about 20a which I pencilled in without knowing how Cat equates to Man. Can someone help me out please?
Long time lurker and relative but improving novice, I think we’ve all missed 14 Down and what is going on.
I believe the “evening” part is not night time at all rather describing the process of making 2 things even.
So “In the evening, drop of plonk”……….evening is “ofset” drop the “of” and you are left with set for Plonk.
Of course Offset is spelled with a double “f”
So maybe the clue should read “In the evening, drop off plonk”