…wins the race!
The week before, I had been out of ink, so Saturday saw me working the five weekday 15x15s, plus test-solving two for my former Nation team, before looking at this stunning offering, where I suddenly lost momentum. I stared blankly at the page for a while, and had only a few of the shorter answers filled in when I set it aside to tackle after a good night’s sleep.
So it certainly cannot be said that I 6 thru this 9, before eventually finishing last at 12.
I indicate (a Mars nag)* like this, and italicize anagrinds in the clues.
1 | Reason a follower has not changed (5) |
BASIS — B, “a follower” + ASIS, “not changed” | |
4 | Being sluggish, a pet dog rolls back over (9) |
GASTROPOD — Sluggish being, rather, but the reversal suits the wordplay: DOG<=“rolls back over” A, literally + STROP, “pet” | |
9 | Fast 14 (2,1,4) |
AT A CLIP — You have to refer to 14 for the wordplay: (CAPITAL)*, with the anagrind WORKING. | |
10 | Deer and sheep bound for cover (7) |
BUCKRAM — BUCK, “Deer” + RAM, “sheep” | |
11 | Argument has girl coming out worried (6) |
DEBATE — DEB, “girl coming out” + ATE, “worried” | |
12 | Race track’s skilled driver (8) |
GOODWOOD — GOOD, “skilled” (as in being “good at” something) + WOOD, “driver” in golf. I had never heard of this place, so this where I crossed the finish line. | |
14 | Means to trade on A1? (7,7) |
WORKING CAPITAL — WORKING, “on” + CAPITAL, “A1,” as in “Capital idea, old boy! Just brill!” | |
17 | Ancient land, extremely dry? (14) |
19 | Saw a head of state outside house, having gentleman around (8) |
APHORISM — A + P(HO)(SIR<=)M | |
21 | Loud noise, ultimately in head, may do so (6) |
DEAFEN — DEA(F)([-nois]E)N… &lit, with a slightly odd definition (“ultimately in head”!), but that’s not uncommon when it comes to this type of clue. | |
23 | I am playing with ants’ legs (7) |
STAMINA — (I am + ants)* | |
24 | Unscrupulous type in court. No conclusion reached (7) |
25 | Syntax concern in instruction book (4,5) |
WORD ORDER — WORD, defined essentially as “instruction” in Lexico: “[a] command, password, or signal” + ORDER, “book” as in (Collins) “to engage ahead of time, as rooms, transportation, performers or performances, etc.” | |
26 | Smoking? You shouldn’t have a pen (5) |
TASTY — TA, “You shouldn’t have” + STY, “a pen”… This was the one I went down a fausse piste on this time, as I first had TAPER. It would have been an unusual clue (but this is Dean…), with “Smoking?” an oblique DBE; the wordplay TA, “You shouldn’t have” + PER, “a”; and another DBE, as I verified that “taper pen” is a real phrase specifying a style of writing implement. Oh, well… | |
DOWN | |
1 | Help youngster to come out and challenge private (4,4) |
BEAR DOWN — BEARD, “challenge” + OWN, “private”… “Come out” in quite a different sense than the girl does in 11. | |
2 | Song, right after a big chorus, for a cuckoo (11,4) |
SCARBOROUGH FAIR — (a big chorus for a)* + R(ight) | |
3 | Finding this gemstone requires patience (9) |
SOLITAIRE — This is basically two definitions, the jewel and the game (patience), folded into one sentence to make a sort of CD. | |
4 | Good mimic makes you yawn (4) |
GAPE — G + APE | |
5 | Web areas advance, given the same power supply? (10) |
SUBDOMAINS — SUB, “advance” (subsistence allowance) + DO, ditto, “the same” + MAINS, “power supply” | |
6 | Flew as fighter pilot, in a way (5) |
7 | For a new salon, creates things (8,7) |
PERSONAL EFFECTS — PER, “For a” + (salon)* + EFFECTS, “creates” | |
8 | March in Paris, from out of Paris (6) |
DEMODE — DEMO, “March” + DE, “in Paris, from”… Looks odd without the accent (demodé). | |
13 | Sugar etc extremely good for cooking dessert (3,7) |
EGG CUSTARD — (Sugar etc + G[-oo]D)* | |
15 | I point and shout “Rover!” (9) |
ITINERANT — I, literally + TINE, “point” + RANT, “shout” | |
16 | Mean to cross river with a fish (8) |
18 | City had not been prepared for rising (6) |
WARSAW — WAS RAW <=“rising” | |
20 | “P” breaks for cool beast (5) |
22 | Surgery reminder in Christmas card (4) |
SCAR — Yes, it’s going to be quite a year… Hidden. | |
I’ll pin the tail on the donkey and go with GASTROPOD, my last parsed, as COD but it was a matter of take your pick. Really excellent.
Thanks to Dean and Guy
LOI was BEAR DOWN, with a satisfying pdm, and yet another nod of appreciation to the setter. Thanks also to Guy.
A gastropodial time: 46’22”.
TIME 35:08
Edited at 2021-05-23 08:27 pm (UTC)
This was a toughie.
I couldn’t parse RHINO when solving so I had my fingers crossed but given the definition it seemed the only possible option.
Edited at 2021-05-23 12:06 pm (UTC)
Horry D
Edited at 2021-05-23 05:17 pm (UTC)
The DEAN here could be the “head” of a college or university or a department of one, for example (and that’s the first definition, not the clerical one); I assumed the bright people here would recognize the general sense of the word. In fact, even those who never made the DEAN’s list.
F as “loud” is one of the most venerable cryptic clichés. Puh-leese.
I have always indicated deletions in this manner: [-nois]E. You never queried that before.
Those elements are inserted in the word that fits the only remaining bit of the wordplay. Pretty damn obvious, IMHO.
I feel that pointing out the extremely obvious may be seen as insulting someone’s intelligence, so I try to avoid that. But now look what you made me do.
Edited at 2021-05-23 05:35 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2021-05-23 08:29 pm (UTC)
Clearly this one took its toll on my solving amour propre, as the recorded time is 32.33,and I note that the average time, even allowing for the many weekenders who fill in the answers so as to post an entry, was over an hour and a half.
No complaints: I think this was a cracking challenge with the minimum of ST weirdness.
This was the toughest ST puzzle for a while and had to winkle out each clue very slowly and often had to spend more time on the why. Saw probably the only easy clue with SCAR to get started and then it was hard, but very enjoyable work.
Only failed to parse BEAR DOWN – haven’t heard of that meaning of BEARD before. Any number of clues could have take COD but must say that WORKING CAPITAL gave me the biggest ‘aha’ moment.
Finished with GOODWOOD (we have a Group 1 race in Adelaide by that name, which reminded me of the course over there), GASTROPOD (tricky definition and didn’t see the anagram fodder for ages) and DEMODE (which had acutes over both E’s in the dictionary that I looked in).
Edited at 2021-06-04 10:44 am (UTC)