17:51. A tricky puzzle, up to Dean’s usual very high standard. I had one error, having been over-hasty to bung in my first thought at 13ac which proved to be wrong. I was a bit puzzled by 16dn, my last in, and I remain unsure of my explanation. No doubt someone will enlighten me if I’ve got the wrong end of the stick.
How did you get on?
Definitions are underlined, anagrams indicated like (TIHS)*, anagram indicators are in italics.
Across | |
1 | As married man, go off with mother |
6 | It may kill when provoked, initially |
ASP – AS, P |
10 | Blanket as protective attire |
11 | A field among fields? |
FARMING – cryptic definition. | |
12 | We are old and confused, other employers dominate |
WEAR THE TROUSERS – WE, ART (are, old), (OTHER)*, USERS. Intricate wordplay. | |
13 | Shoot somebody clever |
WHIZ – I put WHIP here, thinking the expression ‘whip-smart’ might extend to WHIP being a word for someone clever. It wasn’t particularly convincing so I should have kept thinking. | |
14 | French towns seizing queen while backing palace |
VERSAILLES – VILLES (French towns) containing ER, reversal of AS. | |
17 | Certain musical parts in ballet, oddly |
18 | Crack supply (not ecstasy) |
QUIP – |
21 | Copper cable clips onto plastic point |
23 | In high fashion, make better clothes available |
24 | Wrong start, thus not starting |
OFFENCE – OFF (start), |
25 | Be able to read a letter |
SEE – DD. You will find SEE for the letter C in various dictionaries. | |
26 | Conservatives with no time for principles |
Down | |
2 | Warm place in hard ground |
3 | Heyday of veteran in biology classes |
4 | Volunteer assassin? |
OFFER – two definitions, one cryptic – a person who ‘offs’ someone. | |
5 | Natural pockets of drink in distant seas? |
MARSUPIA – MAR(SUP)IA. I didn’t know the plural of ‘mare’, a sea on the moon, was MARIA. I came close to putting in MARRUMIA here, but it didn’t look right so I thought again. | |
6 | Best mate knocked out by playwright |
AN IDEAL HUSBAND – I’m not quite sure how to classify this clue but the idea is that AN IDEAL HUSBAND is the best possible mate for a wife, and Oscar Wilde ‘knocked out’ this play. | |
7 | Stars identify as you and I |
PEGASUS – PEG (identify), AS, US. | |
8 | Something to play with that’s amazing dog |
BOW-WOW – BOW (something to play with), WOW (that’s amazing). | |
9 | Who could start this? |
RELATIVE CLAUSE – pretty much a straight definition! From Collins: a relative clause is a subordinate clause which specifies or gives information about a person or thing. Relative clauses come after a noun or pronoun and, in English, often begin with a relative pronoun such as ‘who’, ‘which’, or ‘that’. | |
15 | Give nothing in push for glory |
16 | That which a shopper shouldn’t? |
DISCOUNT – I think the idea here is that a shopper shouldn’t DISCOUNT a DISCOUNT. | |
17 | The effects of rogue deeds |
19 | Judge enters for a favour |
PREFER – P(REF)ER. PER = ‘for a’. | |
20 | Choke is left out |
STIFLE – (IS LEFT)*. | |
22 | Criminal leaving certain Greek island |
I particularly liked DISCOUNT (quite audacious, semantically), RELATIVE CLAUSE and, my favourite, COUTURE.
I could be wrong but shouldn’t it be ‘you and me’ in 7d? Or maybe I’m just annoyed about the time I spent trying to fit WE in.
Thanks for explaining that, keriothe as well as THE GROOM and MARSUPIA. Until I read the blog I had no idea about MARIA being a plural of MARE; I just semi-biffed it once I worked out the significance of ‘natural pockets’.
I agree with Kevin about SEE.
Good Dean puzzle and thanks again to keriothe. I also agree with you re DISCOUNT.
I wasn’t satisfied with DISCOUNT either.
One could divide 6 between definition “knocked out by playwright” (i.e., a theatrical work) and the rest, which isn’t, however, a cryptic but a literal spelling out of the title of said play, which I wouldn’t, y’know, count as another definition, as that part doesn’t have dictionary status… &lit? Semi-&lit? Some clues elude strict definition, without being illegal.
Edited at 2022-02-20 04:37 am (UTC)
I failed to get WHIZ as my LOI even after several alphabet trawls – I guess my concentration was flagging by the time I got to W. Also I’d have tended to spell it ‘whizz’ which appears to be the preferred English spelling. The single Z is given as an alternative, and more than one of the usual sources cites it as American.
Edited at 2022-02-20 02:29 pm (UTC)
Thanks to Dean and keriothe
Otherwise I struggled with WIZZ at 13a but did eventually correct it.
BOW WOW was my favourite.
The first time I’ve seen WHIZZ spelt with one Z was when I looked it up in Chambers this morning.
Edited at 2022-02-20 12:13 pm (UTC)
But! Some of those examples would work with the assistance of a question mark, and you left out ‘mouse’, which does work for a quiet person.
Should I really have to whip out my dictionary for every clue to check a) has the vernacular entered the dictionary yet, and b) is there an American spelling of an another word that fits?
If the setter’s goal was to was to be annoyingly pedantic, then mission accomplished I guess, but I think the clue could have been better is all.
Edited at 2022-02-21 09:22 pm (UTC)
Why choose a word that has a variant spelling that only appears in a dictionary, and that no one here has apparently seen before? Solving the puzzle, and doing an alphabet trawl here, I dismissed WHIZ, because I ‘knew’ that the word had two Zs. From comments, I don’t appear to have been alone.
Elephant traps are all well and good: they catch the biffers who don’t think enough about the wordplay. Here, WHIP I think can be construed as a cryptic (though elliptical) second definition. Hence my opinion of the clue.