7:09. A pretty easy one from Bob this week, but none the worse for that. There are lots of fun and creative clues in here, starting with a neat ‘answer as clue’ number at 1ac (which I didn’t get immediately), and then a witty device at 5ac. Nothing is particularly hard, but I found myself repeatedly thinking ‘oh well done’ as the pennies dropped in fairly quick succession. Saturday’s (12 October) was a complete beast of a puzzle so this was a welcome contrast.
My only unknown was 3dn BOOKLOUSE. I had bunged in WOODLOUSE as the only possible wee beastie that could fit, which made 1ac a bit tricky, but fortunately something in my speed-solving brain registered that WOOD didn’t really work for ‘reserve’ and I reconsidered quite quickly.
So thanks to Bob for a very enjoyable puzzle, and here’s how I think it all works.
Definitions are underlined, anagrams indicated like (TIHS)*, anagram indicators are in italics.
Across | |
1 | Clue to patients’ accommodation problem |
DRAWBACK – DRAW BACK is WARD, so the answer is a clue to ‘patient’s accommodation’. Nice. | |
5 | Extravagant high-five! |
SLAP-UP – because a high five is a (hand) slap in the air (up). Also nice. | |
9 | Dry European drink in greenish-blue |
10 | Office equipment that is right next to PC |
COPIER – COP (PC), IE, R. | |
11 | Watch heads of government in lectures on sex |
VIGIL – VI, first letters of government in lectures. ‘Sex’ (six in Latin) for VI is becoming quite commonplace. | |
12 | Disorganised leader to host a quiet venture |
14 | Cut down on Geordie sides to suppress incompetence |
USELESSNESS – USE LESS (cut down on), NE (Geordie), S |
18 | Comic accepts change to Melchester’s first daydreamer |
21 | Fan of old farm equipment |
23 | Big beast in foreign river |
HIPPO – HIP (in), PO (foreign river). | |
24 | Line showing pressure of abrasion, endlessly repaired |
ISOBAR – ( |
25 | Twisting cap in hands, check clothes |
SCREW TOP – S(CREW)TOP. The hands are the CREW, and STOP (check) is ‘clothing’ them. A lovely clue where the surface is completely at odds with the wordplay. | |
26 | Part of plant in which stewed meat is tinned? |
STAMEN – (MEAT)* contained in SN (the chemical symbol for tin). Excellent stuff. | |
27 | Painter needing frames someone locked away |
INTERNEE – contained in ‘painter needing’. |
Down | |
1 | A case of Garland’s last musical making a comeback |
2 | Exact payment for archdeacon’s time touring |
AVENGE – A(VEN)GE. I know from doing these things that VEN (venerable) is a title given to an archdeacon, but I don’t really know what an archdeacon is. | |
3 | Tiny animal reserve close to small river |
4 | Doctor clears them around hotel in case a nut goes inside |
CRASH HELMET – (CLEARS THEM)* containing H (hotel). | |
6 | Creamy mixture tipped on a sponge |
LOOFA – reversal of FOOL (creamy mixture), A. I went through a phase of making FOOLs a few years ago. You can make them with cream or custard. The former is a lot easier. | |
7 | Minister mostly collects tax for servicemen |
8 | Spectacle that moves around is promised land |
13 | Travelling to Peru in car from San Juan? |
15 | Power over Lancashire? That makes me smile |
SAY CHEESE – SAY (influence, power), CHEESE. Mmm, Kirkham’s Lancashire… | |
16 | Singular couples taking in little darlings |
17 | Request that God divides wealth |
PLETHORA – PLE(THOR)A. Other Avengers are available. | |
19 | Perfect time to interrupt kiss and cuddle |
SPOT-ON – SPO(T)ON. SPOON for snog, or something similar, came up the other day and triggered some discussion. | |
20 | Rug to go under end of bureau |
22 | Native American wanting horse with speed |
It may be worth mentioning that a loofa is not a sponge, one being ‘vegetable’ the other ‘animal’, although both can be used for the same purpose when it comes to personal hygiene so there’s some room for crossover in dictionary definitions.
Edited at 2019-10-20 06:58 am (UTC)
I went on to Mephisto when I finished, and almost immediately spotted a massive coincidence. Not only is SLAP-UP in both puzzles, it’s in exactly the same position on both grids ! I wondered whether Bob had been out to dinner with Don Manley recently. This clue was the cleverer one in my opinion.
Apart from parsing VIGIL post-solve, I had no problems.
TIME 10:44
Q. Who was the only player ever to come on as a sub in the last minute and grab a hatrick – and save a last second spot-kick to win The Cup Final.
A. Roy of the Rovers! The stuff of legends! Nat Lofthouse was close!
FOI 21ac EXTRACTOR (chestnut flavour)
COD 18ac WALTER MITTY of Melchester
Time unrecorded for posterity
I did finish it eventually and I think TOUPEE was LOI because I had put INTERNED at 27a. Sloppy. I had tried to fit in WIG.
FOI was ISOBAR – I randomly read the clues until I find one that I can possibly solve -and my favourite was CRASH HELMET.
A plethora of privates in a Puerto Rican paradise.
This took double the time that most of the others completed it in here … must have needed that tough Saturday puzzle to practice on. Still a very enjoyable solve that occurred over numerous sittings across a couple of days.
Had MINIATURE initially entered at 4d (that only had the URE for river bit parsed), wasn’t able to come back and fix it until near the end. VI = sex = six was new to me so that part of 11a was unparsed.
As has been said, lots of nice penny-dropping clues to be had along the way. Finished in the NE corner with that VIGIL, TEETOTAL and AVENGE the last few in.