17:35. Due to an oversight at the Times this puzzle didn’t appear until Monday, and I didn’t get round to solving it until a day or two later. I found it quite tricky, for reasons that are completely lost on me as I write up the blog. Whatever they were they were nothing to do with wilful obscurity, because there was nothing in here I didn’t know and as we all know, the definition of ‘obscurity’ is ‘something I don’t know’. I do enjoy working out funny words from wordplay, but I also admire a puzzle like this that manages to be challenging without resorting to them.
So thanks once again to Bob for a lovely puzzle, and here’s how I think it all works…
Definitions are underlined, anagrams indicated like (TIHS)*, anagram indicators are in italics.
Across |
1 |
Luxurious hotel’s abandoned asset |
4 |
Upset all odds and catch one? |
COELACANTH – (AlL, CATCH, ONE)*. ‘All odds’ being an instruction to take only the odd letters of ALL. I thought these fish were extinct, but it turns out there are still a couple of species knocking about. They are however very rare, so to catch one would very much be against the odds. &Lit, and an excellent one at that. |
9 |
Hot bread one left out |
10 |
Indignant child may be raised here? |
UP IN ARMS – two definitions, one mildly cryptic. |
11 |
Special gardens suffered in a motoring accident |
ARBORETA – A, R(BORE)TA. RTA stands for ‘road traffic accident’. It has come up in these puzzles before, I don’t think I’ve ever come across it in the wild. |
12 |
Actors wanting the lead in films |
13 |
Avoid spring visiting desert unescorted |
LEAVE WELL ALONE – LEAVE (desert) WELL (spring) ALONE (unescorted). |
16 |
A sailor they say runs tests for soldiers |
ASSAULT COURSES – homophone of ‘a salt’ followed by COURSES (runs). |
20 |
Draw a ring round the capital of Peru |
APPEAL – A, P(Peru)EAL. |
22 |
Finish fish, squeezing over piece of fruit |
ENDOCARP – END(O), CARP. ‘The inner, usually woody, layer of the pericarp of a fruit, such as the stone of a peach or cherry’. |
24 |
They blow rent knocking back drink |
TORNADOS – TORN, reversal of SODA. |
25 |
Present at birth tucked away behind tavern |
INNATE – INN, ATE (tucked away). |
26 |
Parties of runners, maybe drinking quickly to absorb energy |
BEANFEASTS – BEAN(F(E)AST)S. A matryoshka clue. |
27 |
Genuine Caravaggio’s first shown in the retrospective |
ECHT – reversal of THE containing Caravaggio. |
Down |
2 |
Side that’s after Arsenal’s wingers |
3 |
Burst lotion almost beginning to ooze |
SALVO – SALVe, Ooze. |
4 |
Fish basket that’s gone rotten inside |
CONGER EEL – CREEL (basket) containing (GONE)*. I knew CREEL as a sort of lobster trap but it can also just be a basket, especially if it’s holding fish. |
5 |
Bird unable to fly behind mirror |
EMULATE – EMU, LATE (behind). |
6 |
A college not displaying its old spirit |
7 |
It’s unwise to force a climbing plant |
AMARYLLIS – reversal (climing) of SILLY, RAM, A. |
8 |
Tropical tree deserted by its last monkey |
TAMARIN – TAMARINd. Bit of a chestnut. |
14 |
Hero soon has bold maiden imprisoned |
15 |
They’re steamy in Paris, the king wears lingerie |
LAUNDRIES – LA (in Paris the), UND(R)IES. |
17 |
Expect to be affected by drink |
SUPPOSE – SUP, POSE (be affected). |
18 |
Where bats display evidence of iron deficiency? |
CREASES – a double cryptic definition: the first disguising a cricket reference as a statement about flying mice, the second disguising a household appliance as a nutritional necessity. |
19 |
Tax period |
STRETCH – a straight DD this time. |
21 |
Room register |
LODGE – and another one. ‘Room’ here has to be a verb, I think. |
23 |
Sort of ocean craft |
Edited at 2019-09-08 03:02 am (UTC)
“Room” as a verb for 21 seems most likely, indeed—although I do find in Collins this British definition of “lodge”: “a room for the use of porters in a university, college, etc.”
Edited at 2019-09-08 02:33 pm (UTC)
COD was ARBORETA – as a taxi driver with good old two-way radio, RTA was immediately familiar.
Thankfully in getting a delayed syndicated copy in Aus, the problem with the replicated earlier puzzle did not arise. Still didn’t get to it until a month after anyway!
Found it pretty tough going and took a bit over an hour across a number of sittings to get it out. Particularly struggled with ARBORETA, where I initially had ARBOREDA (BORED instead of BORE, which made it un-parsable) – still took ages to track down the RTA crash reference.
Lots to like in the other clues – the doubly cryptic CREASES was my favourite after entering it with a chuckle.
Finished in the NE corner with TAMARIN (that as a chestnut was still newish to me), AMARYLLIS (with the clever reverse charade) and LAYERS (deceptively tricky) as the last few in.