Back again! I’m standing in for Dave P on this one as he’s incommunicado at the moment but I hope he’s okay. I found this very tough but I have no time to offer as I fell asleep overnight and returned to it the next day. The blog was done in a hurry so I may be checking and editing for the next half hour.
Across |
1 | ELECTRIC BLANKET – Cryptic definition. “In retirement” is the clue that we’re after something to do with bedtime. |
9 | HIBACHI – I (current) + BACH (composer) inside HI (hello). A type of barbecue apparatus that I’ve never heard of before. |
10 | ALTERED – ALT (key), ERE (before), D{uet} |
11 | RILL – {b}RILL (fish) |
12 | HANKY-PANKY – HANKY (rag), PAN (slate, criticise), KY (old Vietnamese leader). Definition: fling, as in an illicit romantic liaison. |
13 | SKIFFLE – SKI (runner), FF (very loud), LE (the French) |
15 | TESTATE – A not very cryptic definition |
17 | ATHLETE – Anagram [damaged] of HEEL AT T(rial). Dame Kelly I assume. |
19 | BLOOMER – BLOOMER{s} (knickers) |
20 | EXPERIENCE – EX (old), anagram [foreign] of RECIPE {b}E{a}N{s} |
22 | EDDA – E{ducate)D, DA (lawyer – District Attorney) |
25 | ESTONIA – {p}ESTO (sauce), anagram [strange] of IN A |
26 | RED FLAG – RED (wine), FLAG (droop) |
27 | TATTERDEMALIONS – Anagram [novel] of MALTREATED SOT IN. I didn’t know this word for a tramp or ragamuffin. |
Down |
1 | ETHER – Anagram [out] of THREE. Definition: number |
2 | EMBELLISH – MB (doctor) inside EEL (fish), L (left), anagram [ghastly] of HIS |
3 | TUCK – Double definition, one with reference to Robin Hood’s Friar, the other, school slang for sweets etc. |
4 | IMITATE – I (International) M{odiglian}I, TATE (gallery) |
5 | BRACKET – B{reak}, RACKET (awful din) |
6 | ANTIPASTO – Anagram [spread] of TOAST P{rosciutto} IN. The definition is &lit. |
7 | KAREN – KEN (guy) encloses A+R(river) |
8 | TEDDY BEAR – TED (delinquent – don’t tell Jimbo!), D{irt}Y, BEAR (carry) |
13 | STATEMENT – STATE (Victoria, say), ME{a}NT (intended) |
14 | FREE RANGE – Anagram [might produce] of GREEN FARE |
16 | ARMADILLO – A (American), MAD (nuts) inside RILL (11ac), O (old) |
18 | EMERALD – Anagram [new] of LEADER M{illiband}. Definition: one of the greens. For a while on Sunday this clue had “on” instead of “one” in the on-line version but I believe this was later corrected. |
19 | BUCKRAM – BUCK (counter, as in buck the trend), RAM (stuff). Definition: stiff stuff |
21 | PETIT – ET (alien) inside PIT (mine) |
23 | AEGIS – A{ttacks}, EG (say), IS |
24 | IDOL – Sounds like “idle” (relaxed) |
I do hope Dave is OK
27ac irritated me: I think I looked it up, having decided that trying to work out which letters went where wasn’t really a good use of time on a Sunday morning.
I join you and Jerry in hoping that Dave’s OK.
Thanks to Jackkt and best wishes to Dave should he be unwell.
Barry J
Quite easy 19:46 with a few nice clues, but totally bamboozled by TESTATE which was a guess, and the &lit 6 dn – I’m not Italian but in my experience I’ve never seen toast in an antipasto spread.
As and Australian not being fully into “TED” which I assume comes from “teddy boys” my reasoning to justify the answer was T{o}Y extremely carrying (i.e. having inside) E{xtremely} D{irty} D{elinquent}(initially) + BEAR (to carry). To me, unusual overlapping clues, but thought maybe that is ok.
Two almost complete crosswords in consecutive weeks, must not get too excited…
Judy in Vancouver, BC
Relation: The action of giving an account of something
Statement: The action of stating, alleging, or enunciating something;