Solving time 14:25. I vaguely remember struggling over some of the parsing while solving but I remembered it all OK this morning. I’ve sort of run out of time now though so here it is without further ado.
Across | |
1 | Want jet to drop its nose? (4) |
LACK – BLACK (jet) minus the first letter. | |
3 | Sweet coating Briton cooked chip in (10) |
CONTRIBUTE – CUTE (sweet) around (Briton)*. | |
10 | Places for final rest stop in Kentish Town (9) |
GRAVESEND – GRAVES (places for final rest) + END (stop). | |
11 | Minister to cut, dressing back of hand (5) |
PADRE – PARE (cut) around (han)D. | |
12 | Prepared to drive round point on motorway that’s inclined (7) |
TEMPTED – TEED (prepared to drive) around [PT (point) next to M(otorway)] | |
13 | Polish vice chancellor finally has energy (6) |
LUSTRE – LUST (vice) + (chancello)R + E(nergy). | |
16 | Riotous cheering met Man United’s historic capitulation in Europe? (6,9) |
MUNICH AGREEMENT – (cheering met Man U)*. 1938 pact allowing Germany to annexe parts of Czechoslovakia. | |
18 | Fashion accessory‘s cooler, keeping the gear amazingly with it (9,6) |
CIGARETTE HOLDER – COLDER (cooler) around (the gear, it)*. Strange definition. | |
21 | Silly phrases from the right papers (6) |
STUPID – PUTS (phrases) reversed + ID (papers). | |
23 | Peaceful ring road runs into cathedral city (7) |
ORDERLY – O (ring) + RD (road) + [R(uns) inside ELY (cathedral city)]. | |
26 | Asian city, Seoul, has amazing walls (5) |
LHASA – hidden in Seoul, has amazing. | |
27 | Something that shows a politician’s party in agreement (9) |
SIGNATORY – SIGN (something that shows) + A + TORY (politician). | |
28 | List characters sure to be fascinated (10) |
SPELLBOUND – SPELL (list characters) + BOUND (sure to be) | |
29 | Daisy’s outside with Bill – they’re a couple (4) |
DYAD – D(ais)Y + AD (bill). |
Down | |
1 | One boy probing endowment’s lawfulness (10) |
LEGITIMACY – I (one) + TIM (boy), inside LEGACY (endowment). | |
2 | Tea appearing by military service entrance (5) |
CHARM – CHA (tea) + RM (Royal Marines, military service). | |
4 | Finished version is something generating interest? (9) |
OVERDRAFT – OVER (finished) + DRAFT (version). | |
5 | Revolting kid and computing bores may be so (5) |
TIDAL – LAD (kid) + IT (computing), all reversed. | |
6 | The writer’s not in a dead end (7) |
IMPASSE – I’M (the writer’s) + PASSE (not in). | |
7 | Spurs’ middle defender moves? Not supply enough (9) |
UNDERFEED – U (Spurs’ middle) + (defender)*. | |
8 | Top broken off more modern jug (4) |
EWER – NEWER (more modern) minus the first letter. | |
9 | Busy European Court overwhelmed by drunken noise (6) |
HECTIC – E(uropean) + C(our)T inside HIC (drunken noise). | |
14 | Looked around extremely romantically and enthusiastically if so (6-4) |
STARRY-EYED – STARED (looked) around R(omanticall)Y, E(nthusiasticall)Y. &lit. | |
16 | Horseman’s heading off before horse trial (9) |
NIGHTMARE – KNIGHT (horseman) minus the first letter + MARE (horse). | |
17 | Drug wrapped in brightly coloured newspaper is something for a key player (4,5) |
REED ORGAN – E (drug) inside RED ORGAN (brightly coloured newspaper). | |
19 | Artist: a painter lifting hearts in spring (7) |
RAPHAEL – RA (Royal Academician, painter) + [H(earts) inside LEAP, reversed]. | |
20 | Like a chestnut horse that stops running to lad (3,3) |
OLD HAT – H(orse) inside (to lad)*. | |
22 | Social clubs toured by underworld circle (5) |
DISCO – C(lubs) inside DIS (underworld), O (circle). | |
24 | Little jumper I’m amazed is loose-fitting (5) |
ROOMY – ROO (little jumper) + MY (I’m amazed). | |
25 | Finally cut lavish bonus (4) |
PLUS – PLUSH (lavish) minus the last letter. |
Edited at 2016-10-29 08:45 am (UTC)
‘A cigarette holder is a fashion accessory, a slender tube in which a cigarette is held for smoking. Most frequently made of silver, jade or bakelite (popular in the past but now wholly replaced by modern plastics), cigarette holders were considered an essential part of ladies’ fashion from the early-1910s through the early-1970s.’Wikiwhatsit
Thanks to setter and blogger
Just seen your post. Yes, Joan Collins is a good thought. Still going around apparently, according to IMDb.
Returning to it later in the week I got Cigarette Holder and then others followed.
I see I got one wrong: 20d -I put Old Saw as the best available;could not unravel the clue.
But pleased overall. David
Was I the only one who thought linking Man United with Munich somewhat insensitive?