16:53 to solve, fairly straightforward apart from the one tricky bit of wordplay that I had to come back to. A few bits of British geography might have made it harder for overseas solvers though.
Across | |
1 | BALLPOINT – BALL (party) + POINT (time). |
6 | GABON – NO BAG reversed. |
9 | CLIP ART – CART (shift) around LIP (margin). |
10 | READING – double definition. |
11 | NAHUM – AN reversed + HUM. 34th book of the Old Testament, one of the Minor Prophets. |
12 | RIFLE SHOT – FLESH (soft tissue) inside RIOT (scream). |
13 | CROTCHET – T(ime) inside CROCHET (delicate art). |
14 | IOTA – double definition. |
17 | AMBO – RAMBO (Sylvester Stallone character in a number of films) minus the first letter. |
18 | AIREDALE – AIRED (given a draught) + ALE (drink). |
21 | PIZZICATO – PIZZA (doughy dish) around I (one) + C(old), + (roas)T + O (duck). |
22 | BIDET – BIDE (stick with) + (detergen)T. |
24 | GRAVITY – GRAVY (juice) around IT. |
25 | ORATORY – OR (gold, precious thing) + A + TORY (politician). |
26 | ELDER – double definition. |
27 | REPRESENT – RE (on) + PRESENT (here). |
Down | |
1 | BACON – double definition, the artist Francis Bacon. |
2 | LEIGHTON BUZZARD – (Edinburgh a lot)* around ZZ (unknown couple). |
3 | PHARMACY – PACY (quick) around HARM (evil). |
4 |
INTERNET – (entire t |
5 | TARIFF – RI (Rhode Island, state) inside TAFF (a Welsh river). |
6 | GOATEE – A TEE (supporter) after GO (game). |
7 | BRIGHTON AND HOVE – RIGHT ON (PC) inside BAND (gang) + HOVE (raised). |
8 | NIGHTMARE – (thing)* with MARE (female) underneath. |
13 | CHAMPAGNE – CHA (drink) + P(laced) inside MAGNE(t) (drawer short). I put this one in on the definition, and didn’t work out the wordplay until writing this up. Not sure why now, but I think the comma threw me. |
15 | MISO SOUP – I’M reversed + SO SO UP (very very happy). |
16 | VERBIAGE – (o)VERAGE (too old, topless) around BI(ts). |
19 | TIDIER – RIT (short for ritardando, slowing) reversed around DIE (stop). |
20 | MAGYAR – MAG (issue) + RAY (bit of light) reversed. A Hungarian. |
23 | TRYST – hidden in “Coventry street”. |
The English town went in quite late in the proceedings, much to my shame as I have lived there for the past 30 years. I remember the last time it appeared in a Times puzzle I was solving whilst awaiting my usual train to work, looked up from the puzzle and read the answer off the platform sign opposite. No such luck this time!
Edited at 2013-02-23 08:40 am (UTC)
Daniel (in Gran Canaria waiting for the flight home)
ulaca on the wife’s iPad