Solving time not noted, think it was about 20 minutes. After a hectic week I didn’t get to this until Wednesday or Thursday on the train, and I remember struggling a bit on the top half.
Across | |
1 | REVISIT – REVIS(e) (swot briefly) + I.T. (computerised facilities). |
5 | DESPAIR – PA (the old man) inside DESIRE (lust) minus E for energy. |
9 | FACTORIAL – cryptic definition, “!” being the symbol for a factorial in mathematics. |
10 | AFOOT – A (one) + FOOT (part of a yard). |
11 | MORNING PRAYER – (Person marrying)*, without the S for second. |
13 | OVERSEAS – O(ld) + VERSES (poem maybe) around A(pril). |
15 | HAREEM – hidden inside “posh are embarassed”. |
17 | SPRING – SPARING (frugal), minus the A. |
19 | TALESMEN – TALES (lies) + MEN (fellows). New word for me, and my last one in. |
22 | RIGHT-THINKING – double definition, the second a bit chestnutty. |
25 | IDLER – I’D (I had) + ER (hesitation) around L(earner). |
26 | INVIOLATE – IN (at home) + VIOL (old musical instrument) + ATE (had). |
27 | GERMANE – GERMAN (speaker of foreign language) + E(nglish). |
28 | LUSHEST – LUST (passion) around SHE (novel by H. Rider Haggard), i.e. passion full of novel, the opposite of the wordplay in the clue. |
Down | |
1 | RAFT – CRAFT (creative activity) without the C. |
2 | VICOMTE – VICE (wickedness) around OMIT (miss), without the I. |
3 | STOUR – TOUR (trip) with S(chool) in front. |
4 | TRINIDAD – TRAD (jazz) around I (one) + DIN (awful noise) reversed. |
5 | DELUGE – GULL (bird) minus the last letter, reversed inside DEE (river). |
6 | STAIRCASE – A1 (excellent) inside (actress)*. |
7 | ANODYNE – ANNE (woman) around BODY (organisation) without the first letter. |
8 | RETIREMENT – (Re-enter MIT)* |
12 | CONSERVING – CON (criminal) + SERVING (in a menial role). |
14 | SANATORIA – SATORI (enlightenment in Buddhism) around AN, plus A (article). |
16 | CARNIVAL – I (one) + V(ery) inside CARNAL (sexual). |
18 | REGULAR – double definition. |
20 | MAGNATE – A G(ood) N(ame) inside MATE (chum). |
21 | SHRINE – R (rex or regina) inside SHINE (glitter). |
23 | IRONS – double definition. |
24 | NEWT – NET (snare) around W(ith). |
Didn’t know TALESMEN or the Buddhist term necessary to understand the parsing at 14dn.
Edited at 2013-02-16 09:04 am (UTC)
I’m not very keen on 14dn, which requires knowledge of a rather obscure term to pick the correct spelling.
Edited at 2013-02-17 10:40 pm (UTC)