Solving time 12:56. First Saturday puzzle of 2013, and it’s a largely straightforward solve apart from a couple of very intricate bits of wordplay to unpick (I’m thinking of 3D and 8D).
Across | |
1 | TUMBLEDOWN – TUM BLED (had internal haemorrhage) + OWN (admit). |
6 | ALTO – (a lot)* |
9 | JACKASS – JACKS (picking up game) around A S(mall). |
10 | SALFORD – hidden in “proposal for developing”. |
12 | DEFILEMENT – D(iamonds), then IF reversed inside ELEMENT (carbon, say). |
13 | ASP – ASAP (as soon as possible), minus an A. |
15 | EVENTS – T(ime) inside EVENS (odds). |
16 | SUBSIDES – SUBSIDIES (financial assistance), minus an I. |
18 | PARTERRE – PARTER (one leaving) + RE (Royal Engineers, army grouping). |
20 | TOPPLE – TOPE (drink) around PL(ace). |
23 | AID – AVID (keen) without the V. |
24 | ANY OLD IRON – ANY OLD (no particular) + IRON (club). Originally sung by Harry Champion in 1911. |
26 | SMACKER – double definition. |
27 | ATISHOO – sounds like “a tissue”. |
28 | NODE – NOD (agree) + (lanc)E. |
29 | WASHINGTON – WAN (pale), around SHIN (bone) + (got)* |
Down | |
1 | TOJO – TOO (excessively) around J(udge). Hideki Tojo, Japanese prime minister during WW2, who was hanged for war crimes in 1948. |
2 | MACHETE – (teach me)* |
3 | LEAP IN THE DARK – EA(ch) PINT HE’D inside LARK (escapade). |
4 | DUSTER – D(aughter) + ULSTER (coat) without the L (pounds off). |
5 | WASHED-UP – WAS HE DUP? (Democratic Unionist Party, one of the main political parties in Northern Ireland). |
7 | LEONARD – (an older)* |
8 | OEDIPUS REX – OED (i.e. OPENED without PEN (author)) + I (one) + PURE (absolute) + X (unknown), around S(eptember). Greek tragedy by Sophocles. |
11 | LOTUS POSITION – LOTS (many) + POSITION (post) around U(niversity). |
17 | GREY AREA – double definition, the first a bit cheeky. |
19 | RED CARD – REDCAR (racecourse) + D(erby). |
21 | PROPHET – PRO (for) + PET (love) around H(usband). Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam of Troy, who could see the future but was cursed to never be believed. |
22 | BLEACH – BEACH (play area) around L(itter). |
25 | SOON – SO ON (which may follow “And …”). |
The construction of Duster mystified me so thanks Andy for explaining that one.
Grey Area for retirement home raised a chortle! That was as good as yesterday’s Flat Cap.
I have checked the other browsers I have loaded and it occurs also in Chrome but not in Firefox, Opera or SeaMonkey.
Edited at 2013-01-13 04:25 am (UTC)