Solving time 8:11, a rare sub-10 for me, even rarer on a Saturday. For a change I just parsed nearly every clue correctly at first look, and never really slowed down. Thinking back, I could probably have knocked another minute or two off if I’d been really trying to solve quickly.
Across |
1 |
DOSAGE – DO (take) + SAGE (judicious). First one in, although I quickly looked at 14 first and got the anagram, so that went in next. |
4 |
SNOWCAP – S(econd) + NOW (present) + CAP (headgear). |
9 |
SWIFT – SW (opposite of NE) + 1 FT. |
10 |
RHINELAND – R(uns) + HIND (back) around ELAN (dash). |
11 |
ON THE WANE – ONE (unit) around THE (article) + WAN (without enthusiasm, a definition not supported by any of my dictionaries). |
12 |
FUGUE – FUG + U(nlikeabl)E. |
13 |
IDEA – 1 + DEA(r). |
14 |
WONDER DRUG – (drudge worn)* |
18 |
MACKINTOSH – KIN (related) inside MAC and TOSH (informal terms of address for a man whose name is unknown). I liked the definition, “weather defence”. |
20 |
CLUE – cryptic definition, if you can even call it that. I had the two checkers in place already when I looked at it, and got it straight away. Witty though, so I’ll give the setter a thumbs-up for it. |
23 |
BONCE – B(ishop) + ONCE. |
24 |
BAR MAGNET – MAG (perhaps glossy) inside BARNET (one’s hair), with another good crosswordy definition – “something straight and attractive”. |
25 |
ABORIGINE – (go in a [t]ribe)*, &lit. |
26 |
TRIKE – STRIKE (stoppage) without the S (barring small). |
27 |
HOTHEAD – hidden in “ecHO THE ADvice”. |
28 |
DAGGER – GG (Governor General) inside READ reversed. |
Down |
1 |
DESPOTISM – SPOT (place) + IS, inside DEM(ocrat). |
2 |
SKITTLE – (let)* after SKIT (mocking performance). |
3 |
GUTTER – double definition. |
4 |
SUITE – SUIT (harmonise with) + E(nglish). |
5 |
OPEN FIRE – double definition. |
6 |
CLANGER – double definition. To drop a clanger means to accidentally say something tactless or do something stupid. |
7 |
PADRE – PAD (bit of stationery) + RE (concerning). |
8 |
BREAK OUT – (f)REAK (monster blowing top) inside BOUT (fight). |
15 |
DISCREET – D.I. (Detective Inspector = investigator) + (secret)*. |
16 |
GUEST BEER – spoonerism for “best gear”. Guest beers are common in Real Ale pubs, the more the better. |
17 |
LIFE-SIZE – Z (unknown quantity) inside (files ie)*. |
19 |
CONTORT – C(onservative) ON TO (aware of) + R(igh)T. |
21 |
LONGING – LONG (i.e. in a long glass, with a lot more mixer than alcohol) + (gin)*. That’s not the way I make ’em! |
22 |
MANTRA – MAN (crew) + ART (craft) reversed. |
23 |
BRASH – B(ook) + RASH (headstrong). |
24 |
BAIRD – BIRD (porridge, slang for a prison sentence) around A(nswer). John Logie Baird, inventor of the television. |
Wan, from the Oxford online: “(of a smile) lacking enthusiasm or energy.”
I didn’t find this puzzle quite so easy possibly because I tried to justify everything as I went along, a new strategy that held me up in several places and demonstrably in one case led me to the wrong answer. Back to a wing and a prayer from now on.
“A term of address, to male friend or stranger, as in ‘Wotcher Tosh!’: proletarian; common in army, WW2, and much affected by spivs in the imm. post-war years: from late 1930s; ob by 1960.”
In my mind it is associated with Liverpool. (Think Cilla Black or Jimmy Tarbuck). Did it linger on there after having died out elsewhere?