Quick Crytpic No 283 by Flamande

Best wishes to macavity123 who is indisposed today – I’m a late stand in and am just about to head off down a motorway (M). Fortunately the crossword only took 8 minutes – many going in from the definition before I’d read the whole clue – yes, I agree, a risky approach but I was in a hurry! The blog is necessarily brief so if any regulars could give extra clarification as required that would be appreciated. I will check back in later this evening to clear up any typos etc.

Hope it all makes sense.

Definitions underlined, cd=cryptic definition, dd=double definition, deletions CROSSED OUT

1 Woman suffering reverse in July rebellion (5)
&nbsp &nbspBERYL – The answer is in reverse in the clue juLY REBellion.
4 Frisk medic entering jail (6)
&nbsp &nbspGAMBOL – MB inside GAOL.
9 Lab gear prepared for lesson in school (7)
&nbsp &nbspALGEBRA – Anagram (prepared) of LAB GEAR.
10 Everything is available in M & S shopping centres (5)
&nbsp &nbspMALLS – ALL in MS.
11 Embarrassed-looking left-winger (3)
&nbsp &nbspRED – dd.
12 Going round helping to carry biblical books (8)
&nbsp &nbspROTATION – Helping (RATION as in food) inside which is OT.
15 One wrongly copies worker installing shop’s interior, you say? (13)
&nbsp &nbspCOUNTERFEITER – Homophone of counter fitter.
17 About fifty falsely accused? There’s no way out of this (3-2-3)
&nbsp &nbspCUL-DE-SAC – Anagram (falsely) of ACCUSED around L. Surely there is one way out of a cul-de-sac?
18 Piano work that’s heard on Radio One? (3)
&nbsp &nbspPOP – Piano (P), work (OP).
20 Mountain range shown in map book (5)
&nbsp &nbspATLAS – dd.
22 Investigate article discovered in former pit (7)
&nbsp &nbspEXAMINE – A inside EX MINE.
23 Request for assistance just after end of April (6)
&nbsp &nbspMAYDAY – cd. Just after end of April is May Day.
24 Very little support for drivers west of New York (5)
&nbsp &nbspTEENY – Support for golf drivers (TEE), NY.

1 Oxbridge competition upset old boy a bit (4,4)
&nbsp &nbspBOAT RACE – Old Boy (OB) backwards (upset), a bit (A TRACE).
2 Unyielding US soldier, free to go outside (5)
&nbsp &nbspRIGID – GI with RID outside.
3 Set free, one gets told off after end of trial (9)
&nbsp &nbspLIBERATED – One (I), told off (BERATED) after end of tria(L).
5 This compiler’s pursuing a goal (3)
&nbsp &nbspAIM – This compiler’s (I’M) after A.
6 During contest the Spanish tenor’s beginning to sing loudly (4,3)
&nbsp &nbspBELT OUT – EL, (T)enor, inside contest (BOUT). Reference my carol singing!
7 Girl not first in school group (4)
&nbsp &nbspLASSCLASS
8 Surprisingly West Peru’s an unexplored area (8,3)
&nbsp &nbspPASTURES NEW – Anagram (surprisingly) of WEST PERUS AN.
13 Cutting freshwater fish, worker will keep tail for later (9)
&nbsp &nbspTRENCHANT – TENCH and ANT keeping tail of late(R).
14 Victorian killer in extremely flashy showy attire (8)
&nbsp &nbspFRIPPERY – RIPPER in (F)lash(Y).
16 Posh colleague supports you and me as a rule (7)
&nbsp &nbspUSUALLY – U ALLY supporting US.
18 Group of lions were curious, so we’re told (5)
&nbsp &nbspPRIDE – Homophone of pried.
19 Agricultural establishment not near motorway (4)
&nbsp &nbspFARM – FAR, M
21 Swimming pool attendant heads for health centre (3)
&nbsp &nbspSPA – (S)swimming (P)ool (A)ttendant.

4 comments on “Quick Crytpic No 283 by Flamande”

  1. For some reason I went over 30 minutes on this one (maybe a first for a Quickie). I wonder now if I nodded off without realising. That’ll be my excuse anyway as I can’t see anything that’s particularly hard.
    1. For me, I was under 15 mins for the first time in a while. I liked this one. Seemed on my wavelength. Thanks for the emergency supply blog!
  2. Thanks for stepping in Chris. I found it quite straightforward. The only hold up I had was with 6d, but once I’d changed ‘ing’ to ‘ion’ at the end of 12a it all became clear.
  3. Well done Chris for stepping in.
    Quite a nice QC, average solving time for me, but there were a couple that I couldn’t parse properly Invariant

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