Sorry for delay. I arrived at the
polyclinique for my 6 monthly going-slowly-blind check-up, to find the space now occupied by a
‘gynaecologiste’, which was not of much use to me. Eventually I discoverd the new location of my ophtal. man a mile or so away and had to wait as I’d missed my slot. Meanwhile I’d polished this off in 10 minutes except for 10ac (which took a while to see) and got half way through the Cryptic.
Nothing here of great controversy, a fine medium weight Quickie puzzle.
Across |
1 |
STAY PUT – (UP TASTY)*, def. ‘don’t move’. |
7 |
HARDISH – HASH (mix-up) around RD I, def. ‘quite solid’. |
9 |
TOP-HOLE – Amusing double def. What-ho, Jeeves! |
10 |
BOTTLER – Another clever double def. Took me a while to stop trying to ‘package’ CO inside something. |
11 |
ROAM – Def. ‘travel freely around’, sounds like ROME. |
12 |
POST HASTE – POST (pole) HAS T (last of CUT) E (ecstasy). Def. ‘with all speed’. |
14 |
EYES RIGHT – YES (sure), R, inside EIGHT (4 x 2), E(YES R) IGHT, def. ‘order to turn head in drill’. |
16 |
VEST – VET (check suitability of), holds S (front of sleeve), def. ‘garment with none’ i.e. no sleeves. |
17 |
FARRIER – FAR (distant) RIER (RIDER without the third letter), def. ‘horseshoer’. Is horseshoer a real word? |
20 |
REPTILE – RE (regarding) P (soft) TILE (floor covering. Reptiles have cold blood, even colder than assassins. |
21 |
TO SCALE – TOSCA (operatic heroine) L(OV)E, def. ‘in proportion’. |
22 |
THOUGHT – THOUGH (yet) T (time), def. ‘meditation’. |
Down |
1 |
SATURATED FAT – (TRUE DATA FAST)*, def. ‘something bad in diet’. Allegedly. |
2 |
APPLAUSE – APPLE (orchard fruit) with A (area) US inside, def. ‘hand showing approval’. |
3 |
PROD – PRO (in support of) D (daughter), def. ‘nudge’. |
4 |
THEBES – THE BES(T), ancient city in Egypt so named by the Greeks. |
5 |
CROTCHET – CROCHET (work of looped thread) with T (tension’s beginning) inside, def. ‘note’. |
6 |
HILL – H (height) ILL (poorly), def. ‘raised part of landscape’. |
8 |
HARLEY STREET – Cryptic def, street in London full of posh, expensive medics. |
12 |
PARTISAN – PART (role) IS A N(ew), def. ‘supporter’. |
13 |
SCREWING – SING around CREW (sailors), def. ‘twisting’. As in with a screwdriver, I suppose. |
15 |
GARRET – Hidden word, BEG(GAR RET)AINS, def. ‘dismal attic’. Do garrets have to be dismal? |
18 |
RUSH – Double def. |
19 |
UP TO – (POUT)*, def. ‘capable of’, as in ‘he was up to the task’. |
Completed the L/H side very quickly then slowed up on the R/H side for some reason.
Yes, there is a verb ‘to horseshoe’ and ‘horseshoer’, the agent noun derived from it, is listed in Chambers.
Edited at 2014-07-23 10:41 am (UTC)
Good puzzle but took 20 minutes…
New to this so appreciate the help.
The bottler clue seems good to me, I appreciated the double meaning as a clever clue, once the penny dropped.
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