The puzzle was completed in 14 minutes, inside my target time, so was not particularly ‘thorny’. However, parsing 19 took a while (I started thinking that the upper-class was ‘notable’ and tried to make that work, before stumbling on what I hope is the correct reason when typing up the blog).
Thanks to Hawthorn for a nice challenge.
1 Squarish half of byre contains bovine (4)
BOXY – First half of BY{re} containing OX (bovine)
3 One embraced by former Countdown host, short and a little porky (5,3)
WHITE LIE – The Countdown host was Richard WHITELE{y}, with the ‘y’ dropped (short) and an I inserted (One embraced). A WHITE LIE is a small lie, or a little porky (from PORKY PIE – cockney rhyming slang for LIE
9 Go on law breaking in self-defeating act (3,4)
OWN GOAL – Anagram of [GO ON LAW]
10 Economise ruthlessly embodying Scrooge-like character (5)
MISER – Hidden answer in {econo}MISE R{uthlessly}
11 Symbol that’s represented in sum (5)
MINUS – Anagram of [IN SUM]
12 Holding area for mail train refurbished today at last (2,4)
IN TRAY – Anagram of [TRAIN] followed by last letter of {toda}Y (at last)
14 Turning red (13)
REVOLUTIONARY – Two word clues are invariably double definitions, as is the case here
17 Alarm about cold rarely encountered (6)
SCARCE – Alarm is SCARE which has C{old} in it (about)
19 Not one Tory abandoning upper-class peer (5)
NOBLE – Struggled a little parsing this, but I think it is as follows: A Tory would be a BLUE, upper-class is ‘U’ (a favourite device in crosswordland), so ‘not one Tory’ would be NO BLUE, which after abandoning upper-class gives NO BL{u}E
22 Dislike constituent of salt, avoiding starter (5)
ODIUM – {s}ODIUM is one constituent of salt (sodium chloride), which, avoiding the starter gives ODIUM, my word of the day
23 Prompt car to wait in line, audibly (7)
AUTOCUE – Car gives AUTO, and to wait in line means to queue, which sounds like (CUE)
24 Bug environmentalist with travel by plane (8)
GREENFLY – An environmentalist is a GREEN (we know at least one of them exists) and to travel by plane is to FLY
25 Edges of iron poles and bars (4)
INNS – Edges of I{ro}N and the N and S poles
1 Aid for reading part of Bible (one of the Gospels) (8)
BOOKMARK – A BOOK is an identifiable part of the Bible, and MARK is one of the Gospels
2 Gas in canon exploded backwards (5)
XENON – Reverse hidden (in and backwards) in {ca}NON EX{plodded}
4 Serving hatch, perhaps, where bread may be obtained (4,2,3,4)
HOLE IN THE WALL – Bread here refers to ‘money’ to allow the double definition to work. HOLE IN THE WALL is commonly used to refer to an ‘automatic telling machine’ or ATM, most often used to dispense cash
5 Entice short-term worker with contract finally (5)
TEMPT – Short term worker is a TEMP{orary}, followed by last letter (finally) of {contrac}T
6 Reinterpretation of Callas by a famous opera house (2,5)
LA SCALA – Anagram (reinterpretation) of [CALLAS] by A (by a) to give the name of the famous Milan opera house
7 Going up old street in France for currency(4)
EURO – Going up indicates ‘reversed’ in down clues, so reverse O{ld} RUE (street in France) to get EURO
8 Endeavour: learner displays a bit (6)
MORSEL – This may cause non-Brits a moment of reflection. Endeavour was famously the first name of Inspector Morse (famous in the UK at least) TV detective. MORSE and L{earner} combine to give MORSEL, a bit of something
13 Extremely pretty and serene, moving around mountains (8)
PYRENEES – Extremely P{rett}Y (means first and last letters), followed by an anagram of [SERENE] to give the mountain range that separates the Iberian peninsula from the rest of Europe
15 A measure of fluid injected into vein, possibly (7)
VACCINE – The clue is an &Lit (the whole clue gives the definition part) and the answer is further clued by A (a) CC (measure of liquid) inserted in an anagram (possibly) of [VEIN]
16 Speak grandly about new fancy (6)
ORNATE – To speak grandly is to ORATE around N{ew}
18 Run out fellow centurion, maybe (5)
ROMAN – R{un} O{ut} MAN (fellow). Other types of ROMANs are also available, hence the ‘maybe’
20 Meat that may be brought home and saved (5)
BACON – To ‘bring home the BACON’ and to ‘save someone’s BACON’ are two expressioins which mean ‘to achieve success’ and to ‘rescue someone from danger’ respectively – a kind of cryptic ‘clue be examples’
21 Improved on G&S ditty (4)
SONG – anagram (improved) of [ON] and [GS]
LOI Morsel seemed to fit the definition but the dreaded unlucky sign appeared. 5 further minutes to realise the typo.
I thought miser was well hidden in 10a.
Wasn’t sure about endeavour = morse for 8d and thought the ananagram indicator was ditty for 21d!
Liked 4d hole in the wall but my COD is 18d Roman.
Rotter, I have just sent a message to your LJ account if you’d care to check for it. I mention it here because some (including myself) forget to check their mail boxes. I rely on automatic notifications which are not always forthcoming.
Edited at 2017-06-15 10:07 am (UTC)
thanks for the explanations therotter.
This could be because I don’t watch much telly and was therefore flummoxed by “endeavour” for “morse”. But even so my LOI was MINUS – I simply didn’t spot the anagram!! (And obviously I therefore think it was incredibly well concealed … 😏)
That was a great puzzle, lots of clever clues and thoroughly enjoyable. Thanks Hawthorn, and thanks Rotter for the blog.
In re 22ac – the original clerihew was
“Sir Humphry Davy
Abominated gravy.
He lived in the odium
Of having discovered sodium.”
19a Just had to be NOBLE so I bunged it in but didn’t see the WP with Tory so thanks Rotter.
22a I raced off on the NaCl/acid/base trail until I thought to convert the symbols into words. What a surprise that crosswords are, indeed, about words not chemistry.
(Probably wouldn’t have got it otherwise as I think of odium as several notches above dislike.)
A good challenge for me today, thanks Hawthorn and Rotter