8 Couple with other siblings, initially in book (7)
TWOSOME – Initial letters (initially) of W{ith} O{ther} S{iblings} inside TOME
9 Dye then natural, to some extent (5)
HENNA – Hidden answer in {t}HEN NA{tural}. HENNA is the reddish pigment made from the leaves of a small shrub of the same name.
10 OK splits for each card game (5)
POKER – OK inside PER, as in ‘per person’ meaning ‘for each person’
11 One quid to bag millions? Shut up! (7)
IMPOUND – I (one) POUND (quid) with (bagging) M{illions}
12 Related to change, modified (7)
ALTERED – Anagram. The anagrind is ‘to change’ and the anagrist is [RELATED]
14 Music writer, terribly handy (5)
HAYDN – Anagram, indicated by ‘terribly’, of [HANDY]. Franz Joseph Haydn was an Austrian classical composer, who has conveniently ‘passed on’, so his name becomes eligible for filling those awkward little combinations of crossers that arise from time-to-time when compiling crosswords for The Times.
15 Reversal of roles for band (5)
STRAP – PARTS are roles, which is reversed as directed
17 Super money (7)
CAPITAL – Double definition. Whenever one sees a two word clue in a cryptic, it is likely to be a double definition IMHO.
19 Gran is struggling with a drink (7)
SANGRIA – Anagram of GRAN IS with A. The anagrind this time is ‘struggling’. SANGRIA is familiar to all of us who have vacationed in Spain as a wine punch that can have devastating effects.
20 Note that may be passed back (5)
MINIM – ‘that may be passed back’ is an indicator that the answer is a palindrome, and MINIM is a note that fits the bill.
22 Price beyond one – furious (5)
IRATE – Price is RATE which is placed after (beyond) I (one)
23 Friend getting behind member, within the law (7)
LEGALLY – The member is a LEG with ALLY (friend) getting behind. Legitimate, which nearly fits the clue, has too many letters.
1 Prevent containers turning over (4)
STOP – The containers are POTS, which is reversed, or turned over in a down clue
2 Shoot up salad plant (6)
ROCKET – A straightforward double definition, the second referring to the currently trendy cruciferous salad plant
3 Uncultivated upland, space for climbing (4)
MOOR – Climbing is used this time to indicate a reversal in a down clue. In this case, the space to be reversed is ROOM
4 He is second on it (8,5)
PERIODIC TABLE – An admirable example of an &Lit clue, where the whole clue acts as the definition. I didn’t see this answer until after the crossing letters in the bottom half of the grid revealed TABLE as a possibility. ‘He’ here is Helium, the second element in the table. Very nice, and my clue of the day.
5 Two pieces of meat for fast (4,4)
CHOP CHOP – Nice cryptic clue with a little misdirection by linking food to fast (as in diet).
6 Break, perhaps, in panel (6)
INJURY – IN is ‘in’ and JURY is the ‘panel’, making INJURY. A break is an example of one type of INJURY, although other types are available, hence the ‘perhaps’
7 Red chief (8)
CARDINAL – Another two-word clue, so look for a double definition. In this case, CARDINAL can mean the colour red or scarlet (like a cardinal’s cassock or hat), or chief as in a cardinal sin.
12 Pair of idiots at home – one’s a killer! (8)
ASSASSIN – the pair of idiots are a couple of ASSes, with ‘at home’ providing the IN
13 Journalist on the subject of drink (8)
REPORTER – Now there’s a job I could do! RE means on the subject of, and PORTER is the drink
16 Aren’t, strangely, left payment for accommodation (6)
RENTAL – Anagram, indicated by ‘strangely’, of AREN’T and L{eft}
18 Knot tied originally on slant (6)
TANGLE – First letter of T{ied} (originally) and ANGLE (slant)
20 Publication, one for the wise men (4)
MAGI – The publication is a MAG (short for magazine), followed by I for one. MAGI is the plural of MAGUS, in Persia a priest, but in its plural form more often referring these days to the three wise men who allegedly bestowed gifts on an infant Jesus.
21 Dressing briefly in uniform, a Yorkshireman (4)
MAYO – Not the Irish county this time, but the abbreviation for MAYOnnaise. Hidden answer in {uniform}M A YO{rkshireman}
Edited at 2017-04-06 04:30 am (UTC)
Edited at 2017-04-06 04:47 am (UTC)
Stopped after a while for a break and had a crack at the 15×15 and then finally saw it when I restarted.
Had a vague recollection of minim.
dnk CARDINAL = red.
COD 4d.
Thanks Mara and Rotter.
Enjoyable challenge. Thanks Mara and Rotter.
Another enjoyable Mara puzzle and I think newer solvers will learn a lot. We do seem to have had a lot of assassins and sangria recently. About 30 minutes in the end for me. David
Spent an age on 17ac, until I filled 4d and 6d wasn’t helped by the fact I got the Y and D of Haydn the wrong way round for some inexplicable reason.
I saw 21d Mayo but all I could think of was the county in Ireland so wasn’t sure why it was dressing…obvious now.
For 20ac I had a feeling it was a palindrome but got memo stuck in my head as well.
As usual – thanks to the blogger and Mara.