I’ll be back next week for another dose when I stand in for Roley. See you then.
Definitions are underlined, anagrams indicated by [square brackets] and deletions with {curly ones}
1 Two forms of beverage at posh French castle (7)
CHATEAU – CHA is one form of beverage (tea) and TEA is the other (tea) and posh is U (almost universally used to denote upper class)
5 Shortage after Society is careless (5)
SLACK – S for Society, followed by (after) LACK for shortage
8 Hates remark about percentage brand sells? (6,5)
MARKET SHARE – straight forward anagram (indicated by ‘about’) of [HATES REMARK]
10 Joint back in trouble, disreputable ultimately (4)
KNEE – last letters (ultimately) of {bac}K {i}N {trouble}E {disreputabl}E
11 Fabric worker becomes Army officer (8)
SERGEANT – the fabric is SERGE followed by the ubiquitous ANT for worker
12 Run in pursuit of sailor (6)
RAFTER – R is ‘run’ and AFTER is ‘in pursuit of’, to give a RAFTER – the type that sails on a raft rather than the type you might find in your loft or attic
14 US drab? Wrong, ridiculous (6)
ABSURD – another anagram (clued by ‘wrong’) of [US DRAB]
16 Best view is here: inside gatherings, ideal(8)
RINGSIDE – hidden (inside) {gathe}RINGS IDE{al}
18 Brawled regularly to be blunt (4)
BALD – alternate letters (regularly) of B{r}A{w}L{e}D
20 One arranging holiday rang vet late at work (6,5)
TRAVEL AGENT – anagram (clued by ‘at work’) of [RANG VET LATE]
22 Bachelor, reckless, insolent (5)
BRASH – B is for Bachelor and RASH for reckless in this nicely efficient clue
23 Fuss about king’s relative (7)
BROTHER – Fuss is BOTHER into which we insert, or which is around, R for king
2 Considerate of Attila, say, protecting mother? (5)
HUMAN – Attila was famously a HUN which surrounds (protects) MA for mother
3 Flood hill – price to pay (7)
TORRENT – the hill is a TOR and the price to pay is the RENT
4 Yes, sounding like organ (3)
AYE – a homophone clue, with the answer AYE sounding like an organ (EYE)
6 Learner gets comfort, acquiring contract (5)
LEASE – L for Learner and EASE for comfort
7 Charlady thinner after cold (7)
CLEANER – C for cold followed by LEANER for thinner
9 Wake up certain about truth, no end (7)
SURFACE – certain is SURE, which is about FAC{t} or ‘truth, no end’, i.e. minus the last letter
11 Emperor with no time to eat fish (7)
SARDINE – the emperor with no time is a {t}SAR, and to eat is to DINE
13 Pilot entering Alaska via Toronto (7)
AVIATOR – another hidden answer clued by ‘entering’, from {alask}A VIA TOR{onto}
15 Something to study – group admits first of unbelievers, by Jove! (7)
SUBJECT – the group is a SET, which admits (i.e. surrounds) the first letters of U{nbelievers} B{y} J{ove}
17 Girl after good, see-through material (5)
GLASS – G for good and LASS for girl
19 Article supports Los Angeles machine (5)
LATHE – the article is THE which supports (is beneath in a down clue) LA for Los Angeles
21 Heading away from impartial attitude (3)
AIR – impartial would be {f}AIR, with its heading away (or first letter removed)
Jack what is the noted record for the QC?
LOI and COD SARDINE – TSAR being somewhat less than obvious.
Thanks to The Rotter
Last 2 in were 23a (couldn’t see brother for ages infuriatingly) and 21d air.
Didn’t know:
I think for 15d, the group is sect not set, with ubj inside.
In answer to horry’s query I’ve no idea what the record for a QC is and I can only go by my own times. My fastest solve was 5 minutes for #310 by Flamande in May 2015, but this doesn’t tell the whole story because unless otherwise stated in my comments on the day my times include mentally parsing all the clues as I go. If there was a particularly tough clue I may say that I needed to return to parse it after the event.
You may wonder why I don’t include seconds in my timings, and this is because I resolved long ago that I would only start doing that if I was consistently turning in sub-5 minute solves, and that circumstance has never arisen.
Edited at 2016-11-03 06:21 am (UTC)
BTW I recently read the agreeable crossword novella ‘Pretty girl in Crimson Rose (8)’ as recommended on this blog. It’s a bit hard to come by as I think it is out of print. Worth tracking down.
Yours in humility and in awe of those who can do the QC at under an hour !
Only matters because it’s a big deal if you are or were in the Forces.
Marginally sub 5′
“I think for 15d, the group is sect not set, with ubj inside.”
U / non-U vey briefly fashionable bit of slang in the 1960’s that now only lives in the mind of middle-aged crossword compilers. there must be equivalents you could use that are less than half a century out of date – how will you ever attract new solvers?
Also S for society and B for batchelor (BA and BSc are legitimate)- will we get s for sugar, submarine and strawberry and p for pirate, potato or pommegrannette or any other random selection of words to mean their forst letter
Perhaps there is a definitive list somewhere of lettera and what words can indicate them?
Edited at 2016-11-04 02:22 am (UTC)