So to today’s well mannered fun and frivolity (thank you Professor McGonagall – and, of course, Grumpy) with a fungal twist in the tail.
1. PLEASANT – nice. Peasant holding line (L).
5. SPAR – fight. Sparta minus thanks (TA).
9. RABBI – religious leader. Rabbit minus time (T).
10. BREWING – making beer. Anagram (potty) of WE BRING.
11. OAR – paddle. Right (R) behind b(OA)t.
12. LIBERATED – freed. (L)unch, I, BERATED.
13. MODEST – demure. Fashion’s (MODES), (T)rend.
15. AGARIC – fungus. DNK this one and so was LOI. I worked it out from the checkers – it was most likely to end in IC and so the two A’s were obvious. AGARIC turns out to be the group which includes the edible mushroom. Anagram (ruined) of A CIGAR.
17. LOOK AFTER – nurse. Gander (LOOK), following (AFTER).
19. BOA – snake. Swine (BOA)r dropping the back letter.
20. TUMBLER. Double definition.
21. USING – availing oneself of. Anagram (wrong) of GUN IS.
22. NUTS – fanatics. Stagger (STUN) backwards.
23. LONDONER – one at home in capital. LONER around DON.
1. PERFORM – play as in a role. For each (PER) , class (FORM).
2. EMBER – remnant of fire. SeptEMBER, NovEMBER, DecEMBER. Nice.
3. SHILLY-SHALLY – hum and haw. COD – which, if I’d have got sooner should have reduced my solving time greatly). ‘Silly Sally’ when slurred.
4. NABOB – rich man – a term which I’ve come across before – probably in crosswords. AN backwards, old coin (BOB).
6. POINTER – dog. Particular (POINT as in a detail or item), queen (ER).
7. RIGID – unyielding. Soldier (GI) breaking up free (RID). Interesting that the two ‘FREE’ references should join in the grid.
8. MERRY-GO-ROUND – carousel. Robin Hood’s men were merry (apparently), detour (GO ROUND).
14. DOORMAT – put upon person. Short commissionaire (DOORMA)n, time (T).
16. CHARGER – double definition. One who charges expects payment, horse is the knight’s charger.
17. LET ON – admit – to something. Left (L), school (ETON).
18. TORSO – trunk. Stowed in mo(TOR SO)mehow.
19. BAIRN – child. Starts to (B)ehave (A)nd (I)s (R)arely (N)aughty.
Favourite SPAR.
Didn’t parse 14d as I wasn’t sure what a commissionaire was.
CoD 8d.