Quick Cryptic 864 by Joker

Posted on Categories Quick Cryptic

Salut tout le monde. This is my debut blog as the new every-other-Friday-quickie blog-wallah, and it’s a proud moment indeed. The hardest part of the process so far has been trying to find a LiveJournal username that isn’t already taken. At the 3,000th attempt, I settled on one that alludes to my day job, one with a proud tradition of crosswording.

I rather wish the quick cryptic existed 30 years ago, when I started. Back then I had to make do with getting two answers on the 15 x 15 and waiting 24hrs to find out that they were both wrong. And we had to lick t’ road clean with our tongues.

I shall try not to comment on difficulty, as that is always in the eye of the beholder. This one took me 8 minutes. None particularly stand out but I guess 11ac is interesting in its way

1 Son has to acquire money for a bet (5)
STAKE – S for son + TAKE
7 Bad enamel breaking up is open to being put right (9)
9 Mine ore endlessly that’s inferior (5)
MINOR – MINE and ORE without their ends
10 Demonstrated calibre briefly in French language (9)
PROVENCAL – PROVEN (demonstrated) and CAL (short for calibre)
11 Money we earn in eastern parts? (3)
YEN – The last letters (‘eastern parts’) of moneY wE earN
12 Nought prospers with reforming tyrant (9)
OPPRESSOR – O (nought) plus an anagram of PROSPERS
14 Repented being wrong about a key earlier legal case (9)
PRECEDENT – anagram (‘being wrong’) of REPENTED with C inside. As well as suggesting musical notes A-G, ‘key’ often now refers to you computer keyboard: ‘alt’, ‘esc’ ‘del’ etc.
16 Beer is light with no head (3)
ALE – PALE minus its head
18 Failure of short holiday away from university (9)
BREAKDOWN – BREAK + DOWN. You are ‘up’ at university for some reason.
20 Go with the current meaning (5)
DRIFT – Double definition, if you get my drift.
21 Playing tennis I have concentrated (9)
INTENSIVE – anagram (‘playing’) of TENNIS plus IVE (‘I have’)
22 Like, maybe, a setter’s party — good and extremely gay (5)
DOGGY – DO (party) G (good) GY (‘extremely’ i.e. the expremes of gay). ‘Setter’ usually means either the dog or the person setting the crossword, where it refers to the first person in some way

1 Just using cunning when catching little devil (6)
SIMPLY – SLY ‘catching’ IMP
2 Article naming word to fix statement (12)
ANNOUNCEMENT – AN (article) NOUN (naming word) CEMENT (fix)
3 Listening device open, hear poorly (8)
EARPHONE – anagram (‘poorly’) of OPEN HEAR
4 Get back with Royal Engineers over military takeover (6)
RECOUP – RE (Royal Engineers) COUP (military takeover)
5 Starts to employ dogs guarding European border (4)
EDGEEmploy Dogs Guarding European
6 Reported vendor offering stock of wine (6)
CELLAR – sounds like (‘reported’) SELLER
8 Vigorously hearty rugby players drinking like animals (12)
13 Former partner was likely to be drawn out (8)
EXTENDED – EX (former partner) + TENDED (was likely to)
14 Left in charge after bar’s open (6)
PUBLIC – L (left) + IC (in charge) after PUB (bar)
15 Superhero, tickled, keeps arousing excitement (6)
EROTIC – hidden word superhERO TICkled
17 Head of corn belonging to you once covered in soil (6)
EARTHY – EAR (corn) + THY (‘belonging to you’, once)
19 Gentle sort (4)
KIND – double definition

20 comments on “Quick Cryptic 864 by Joker”

  1. Welcome to the QC show – 8 minutes seems very proper to me!

    I was home in 6.32 so I’d say easy-ish and it is Friday after all.



    Thought for the Day:- Where I comes from, if you lick t’road clean it is with ‘us’ tongues and not our tongues.

    1. I was just quoting the Four Yorkshiremen, who were of course posh southerners who went to Cambridge. Except Michael Palin who’s a posh northerner who went to Cambridge. I actually looked it up to verify the spelling of t’
  2. Hello, curarist, and thanks for joining the eminent set of bloggers. You had a rather nice Quickie to start off with. My only problem was LOI EARTHY, where my eyes could only see ‘Head of com’; trying to deal with that as a clue took up more time than I like to think. 4:57.
  3. Welcome to the fold, curarist, and congrats on your first published blog.

    A nice puzzle to end the week completed here in 9 minutes so I’ve finished within my 10 minute target every day – something that doesn’t happen very often. I would however make a request that compilers give us a break from references to dogs, setters (and Venetian magistrates) for a while.

    Edited at 2017-06-30 07:33 am (UTC)

  4. Thank you for your blog and here’s to many more!

    I enjoyed that despite a valiant effort to make the 13 letters of PRONOUNCEMENT fit into the 12 squares available for 2dn … LOI was YEN and I still didn’t understand it till I read the blog – I thought it must have something to do with reading the last three letters of “money” backwards, i.e. from the east. But now I see and that makes it my COD.

    Thanks to Joker too.


    Ps there’s a typo in the blog for DOGGY – it says “expremes” for “extremes”

  5. Welcome to the blogging fold. Curarist? Are you a poisoner?
    Quite liked the surface for EROTIC

  6. Miraculously, the cleaner came to sweep this week for me, so thanks Joker and other setters.
    Welcome curarist and I think this is a good moment to thank all the bloggers, both here and on the 15×15, for generously giving their time and sharing expertise.
    I’m enjoying my apprenticeship.

    CsOD: 1d and 8d

  7. Well, I’ve started QCs like a train before, only to grind to . . .a halt. Today was the exception to the rule, and I managed to finish in 18mins, which is only a minute or two outside my PB and certainly a good time for me with Joker. Some nice clues, with 20ac my favourite. Congratulations on your first blog, Curarist, – try not to get bored between panics 😊 Invariant
  8. …and welcome to our new blogger. All the bloggers provide huge help to the aspiring solvers. Thanks to all.
    Today’s puzzle was another elegant and enjoyable puzzle from Joker; lots of excellent surfaces as usual. I was slow to get 8d and tried Earpiece at 3d which meant that 12a was my LOI.
    All done in 14 minutes. COD to 22a. David
  9. 23 minutes for me. Would have been under 15 minutes and a PB if it weren’t for backslapping. So easy once I got it. Oh well. Under my usual 30 minutes target.
  10. Very tough going as a few dead ends such as DODGY, REPRESSOR. And I know AMENABLE was the wrong number of letters, but could not get it out of my head.

    Welcome curarist.

  11. A nice end to the week with a fairly gentle canter at 35mins. Good enough for me! I often get the homophones the wrong way round despite gentle coaching here from the more experienced, but correct today for 6d. A helpful blog from Curarist, and so a welcome from me too. I generally find Joker more difficult than today, so thanks for an entertaining end to the week. FOI 1a. LOI 15d. COD 15a
  12. I did this puzzle last night but had to rush off this morning to join the rest of the Ship Inn Golf Society at Castle Eden Golf Club. Have just returned and put my aching feet up. We started soggily, but the rain stopped after half an hour and it turned into a pleasant day. My FOI was SIMPLY and LOI was PUBLIC. Nothing too tricky, although I didn’t stop to parse YEN once I had the checkers. AMENDABLE took a minute or two to think through. 9:46. Thanks Joker and Curarist. Always nice to have a new blogger. Now on to the 15×15. Think I’ll put the kettle on first though.
  13. Welcome Curarist and thanks for the very clear blog.
    I made hard work of this due, in the main, to having a brainfreeze in the NW. For some reason I simply couldn’t get my head round 1d and 9a and missing the anagram at 3d didn’t help either.
    Got there in the end with a rather tardy 24 minutes
  14. Good to see you as a new blogger. I rarely get to do the crosswords the same day as they are published so my comments are often a bit tardy. In parsing 16a I came across another possible clue… “Beer is healthy with no head”. It is maybe worth noting for newbies that 11a is an example of the &lit clue – which I always find pleasing too. Thanks Joker and Welcome curarist. 6:04, so about average for me.

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