Having said this, most of the clues seem fine on reflection although 2dn, 6dn, 13ac and 15ac could be said to be less than obvious.
1. Scarcity – it’s not enough. Disfigure (SCAR), large town (CITY).
5. Miss – double definition.
9. Allow – permit. A (A), large (L), bovine cry (moo=LOW).
10. Brigade – group of soldiers. Ordered (BADE) to carry gear (RIG).
11. Ivy – climber. (I)s (V)ery (Y)oung.
12. Roast beef – meat. Anagram (minced) of SAT BEFORE.
13. Hourly – very often. If applied to flights to America then ‘very often’ would be hourly. However if my washing up of dishes (see last week’s blog) produced one clean plate per hour I suspect my better half would not describe this as ‘very often’.
Pi (HOLY), divided by universal (U), radius (R).
15. Stayer – horse – one which stays (strong) throughout the race.
Queen (ER) on visit (STAY).
17. Hardliner – fanatic. Had ship (HAD LINER) crossing river (R).
19. Tender – bid – as in offer. Last bit of lam(B) I had =I’d (ID) or possibly lam(B) (I) ha(D).
20. Saviour – person who delivers (saves as opposed to pizzas). Anagram (changes) of VARIOUS.
21. Halle – the orchestra. Lobby (HALL), (E)ntertainment.
22. Yelp – pained cry. You (YE), record (LP).
23. Shoppers – people purchasing. Small (S), jumpers (HOPPERS).
1. Spanish – West European. Bridge (SPAN), is (IS), (H)igh.
2. Alley – double definition. The passage is obvious – the marble less so. It’s a large marble and the term comes from a shortened form of alabaster.
3. Cowardly lion – cryptic definition. The lion from the Wizard of Oz.
4. Tabla – drums. Loc(AL BAT)talion carries the answer upwards/backwards. These drums feature quite a lot in Crosswordland.
6. Irately – seeing red. It’s easier to associate ‘seeing red’ with ‘irate’ but I suppose it works OK. Anagram (to be repaired) of RAIL YET.
7. Sheaf – bundle. He (HE) put in mostly secure (SAF)e.
8. Dictatorship – it’s often a harsh form of rule (see comments re washing up!). Anagram (clumsily) of I DROP A STITCH.
14. Unravel – sort out. A in French (UN), composer (RAVEL).
16. Redress – correct. Re-dress – get one’s kit back on.
17. Husky – the dogs which pull sledges. A husk is a shell so husky=contains/full of shells.
18. North – point of the compass. Anagram (damaged) of THORN.
19. Bilge – nonsense. Say (EG) and Liberal (LIB) both brought upwards.
A little tricky for the qc but also some good clues:
17a, 23a, 3d, 14d and COD 5a.
For 4d I guessed tabla as the only possible hidden. For 12a I biffed roast beef, only seeing the anagram when I came back to try and parse it. 17d husky I biffed and then tried to justify shell = husk, which is fine I guess.
I don’t recognize the setter but enjoyable so thanks
Chris and Alconiere.
This is only the 6th puzzle by Alconiere. Previously there were two in 2014, one in 2015 and two in 2016. So far each has appeared in a different month of the year.
Edited at 2017-03-28 04:57 am (UTC)
Came in just under 20 mins at 19:50.
I thought this was a tricky QC but good fun. My daughter has just watched The Wizard of Oz so the lion came to mind; a good clue worthy of a Saturday. I liked 5a and 12a. Thanks to the setter-and our blogger. David
Will ruin rest of my day unless I can be enlightened . . .
Other than that I thought this was an excellent QC and agree with Invariant that we don’t see this setter more often. COD 3d
Thanks for the blog
Was trying to find a proper town for 1a, but couldn’t think of anything beyond Scarborough – as a result got 4d wrong as well, although I’ve never heard of TABLA if I’m being honest.
As above, I thought 10a BRIGADE was a combination of an anagram of Gear with bid (for ordered). Probably not right when thinking about it, but got it anyway.
I also had no idea about Pi being used for Holy, but I guess that’s down to experience. I can see now it’s short for pious, although I was convinced it was some form of actual pie, until I got 1d and it had to be HOURLY.
I got 20a but wasn’t sure about SAVIOUR for delivers, but again it seems to be a religious reference.
FOI was 19a, enjoyed 3d and 22a, but COD was 14d for which I ended up humming the Bolero for some time after.