1. Saint – Paul say. As recalled (SA), in (IN), (T)arsus. Hurley off to a flyer with a great surface – Tarsus being St. Paul’s birthplace.
7. Encourage – support enthusiastically. Central to bench b(ENC)h, associated with modern era – OUR AGE.
9. Belle – attractive girl. Homophone (picked up) of Alexander Graham Bell. Hmm – just occurred to me that the term ‘give me a bell’ is more appropriate than I thought.
10. Spectator – weekly magazine. The Observer being a daily iPad app, a weekly magazine and, of course, someone who spectates.
11. Bit – double definition.
12. In tatters – ruined. Popular (IN), tatting is to make lace so lace makers are (TATTERS).
14. Spare time – in which one may tackle crosswords – except for staunch and true TftT Bloggers who always get their blogs out on time – whether that time is spare or not. Anagram (possibly) of PETERS AIM.
16. Tun – cask. Brazil (NUT) sent backwards.
18. Pointless – double definition. Vain as in a vain/pointless attempt to do something. To have zero at rugby (of whichever creed) is to have no points.
20. Heave – with effort lift. High explosive (HE) then farewell (AVE).
21. Landscape – the verb – work on garden. Lake (L), with (AND), son (S), anagram (about) of PACE.
22. Sneer – scornful remark. Prophet (SEER) interrupted by new (N).
1. Suburb – district. Hurley on fire with this surface. Initially – Summed Up By ‘Upmarket, Rather Bourgeois’.
2. Illustration – example. Took a while to prise apart bad and example – another good clue. Anagram (bad) of ILL RUIN TOAST.
3. Teesside – Northeast area – around Middlesbrough. Equipment for golfing (TEES), team (SIDE).
4. Accent – manner of speaking. Bill (AC), money (CENT).
5. Butt – target – of jokes. Objection (BUT) over temperature (T).
6. Debris – rubble. Society girls (DEBS) embracing religious instruction (RI) – in which one could find out about 1ac.
8. Authenticate – confirm as genuine. Anagram (broadcast) of THE ACT AUNTIE – with a nod at the broadcaster BBC (Auntie).
13. The Ashes – a fairly well know cricket trophy. Girl (THEA), she’s (SHES).
14. Supple – flexible. I was trying to fit in PU (up turned). The rest of the clue contains the answer with some (letters) to spare – turn(S UP PLE)nty.
15. Ice bag – container – although not an obvious container (to me). Reserve (ICE), graduate (BA), good (G). Ice=reserve didn’t leap out at me – my subsequent blogging logic goes reserved=on ice=iced=reserved so ice=reserve. I’m sure someone will put me straight as it may take some time before I request to ice a table for two at 7pm – but I’m enjoying this crossword far too much to quibble.
17. No fear – certainly not. Name (N), of (OF), organ (EAR).
19. Tosh – nonsense. Drunk (SOT) brought upwards followed by (H)ard.
1ac SAINT was a bit chewy but do-able
ICE BAG – I fancied ICE BOX – wrongly.
13ac THE ASHES ‘fairly well known!’? Cor’ Blimey! This not The New York Times!
Edited at 2017-01-17 02:36 am (UTC)
Time also lost at the end on the unknown ICE BAG.
Edited at 2017-01-17 05:38 am (UTC)
Lots of good clues, especially 21a, 14a, and 18a.
Couldn’t parse 9a, I also couldn’t parse the ice=reserve.
“Debs” is short for “debutantes” from the French débutante, “female beginner”. These are, or were, girls or young women of aristocratic or upper-class families who reached maturity and, as new adults, “came out” into society at a formal “debut”. In the UK they used to be presented at court but that practice was abolished in 1958.
Edited at 2017-01-17 08:30 am (UTC)
I can parse ICE BAG but have no idea what it is other than a bag with ice in it, although that apparently is enough to get an entry in Chambers as ‘a waterproof bag filled with or for carrying ice’. A 5p Sainsburys carrier would do surely?
Thanks Hurley and Chris.
Turgid going today, more down tymy Monday brain rather than any issue with the clues. All perfectly fair and gettable. Thank you blogger and setter. 11′
Eventually staggered over the finish line in around 30 minutes over 3 sittings.
How odd to see The Observer described as “a daily iPad app, a weekly magazine”!