Quick Cryptic 702 by Hurley

A very quick “no frills” blog today I’m afraid – I was lucky to be able to get it out at all as I’m currently on a visit to Australia and beset by technology problems. Unlikely will be able to reply to any comments so hopefully others will do that.

Straightforward QC today – thanks to setter.

Apologies for any typos etc. – dashed off in great haste…

Definitions underlined: anagrams indicated by *(–): deleted letters indicated by {-}

1 Girl, pagan at heart, that’s last to go (6)
AGATHA – Heart of pAGAn + THA{t} (last letter goes)
5 Office equipment shown by policeman? That is right (6)
COPIER – COP (policeman) + IE (that is) + R (right)
8 Entered marina, rebuilt, much water there! (13)
MEDITERRANEAN – *(ENTERED MARINA) with “rebuilt” as the anagrind
9 Elitist initially seemed nervous over background (4)
SNOB – First letters (initially) of Seemed Nervous Over Background
10 Mocking Caesar — not half! — backed by academic in
charge (8)
SARDONIC – SAR (half of caeSAR) + DON (academic) + IC (in charge)
11 Raver loses head in Tennessee pub (6)
TAVERN – {R}AVER (‘loses head’) ‘in’ TN (abbrev. state of Tennessee)
13 Barriers met by the Spanish girl, old-fashioned (6)
DAMSEL – DAMS (barriers) + EL (the in Spanish)
15 March round island — a perfect location (8)
PARADISE – PARADE (march) goes round IS (abbrev. island)
17 In New York on return so inquisitive (4)
NOSY – OS (reverse – return – of SO) ‘in’ NY (abbrev. New York)
19 A private’s keen to reform one who’s not had to learn the
NATIVE SPEAKER – *(A PRIVATES KEEN) with “to reform” as the anagrind
21 Extremely alert after grotto warning (6)
CAVEAT -AT (extremes of AlerT) go ‘after’ CAVE (grotto)
22 Very many made advances in wings of party (6)
PLENTY – LENT (made advances – i.e. loans) in PY (wings of PartY)
2 Find out glass at first not full (5)
GLEAN – G (Glass at first) + LEAN (not full)
3 After mishap the limb provides protection for finger (7)
THIMBLE – *(THE LIMB) with “after mishap” as the anagrind
4 “Say when” used regularly brings wonderment! (3)
AWE – Every other letter (used regularly) of sAy WhEn
5 Case for explosive in vehicle on crest (9)
CARTRIDGE – CART (vehicle) + RIDGE (crest)
6 Play that amuses worker in Post Office? (5)
PANTO – ANT (worker) ‘in’ PO (post office)
7 Held up by the visa, very hard to pin down? (7)
EVASIVE – Very nice reverse hidden in thE VISA VEry
10 Some present I mentioned giving opinion (9)
SENTIMENT – Another hidden, this time not reversed – preSENT I MENTioned
12 Like graduate mother in US State (7)
ALABAMA – A LA (like) + BA (graduate) + MA (mother). Neat.
14 Unusually unnamed, unexciting (7)
MUNDANE – *(UNNAMED) with “unusually” as the anagrind
16 A soldier on lake with energy, nimble (5)
AGILE – A GI (a soldier) ‘on’ L (lake) + E (energy)
18 Exhausted writer in street (5)
SPENT – PEN (writer) ‘in’ ST (street)
20 Liveliness the same after upset (3)
PEP – Palindrome (the same after upset – i.e. reversal)

16 comments on “Quick Cryptic 702 by Hurley”

  1. Thanks. I didn’t spot the hidden words (7dn/10dn) until you pointed them out!

    I thought I’d finished a bit quicker but eventually I noticed that 13ac couldn’t be DEMODE. (I knew it must be wrong really – it doesn’t fit the clue.) Another example of bad biffing tonight was ALUMNUS for 12dn. Sometimes I think the setters must do this on purpose. 😉

  2. For some reason–or rather, no reason at all–I bunged in ‘tavern’ at 11ac, which meant I got the ‘Sorry’ sign, thus losing a bit of time, luckily not much. 3:43.
  3. 7 minutes would appear to indicate this is a lot easier than Corelli’s offering yesterday. A no frills puzzle well-suited to our no frills blog, but nonetheless enjoyable for all that.
  4. 31 minutes and enjoyable today.

    Held up by 19a Native Speaker, even knowing it was an anagram, and 20d pep.

    I missed the hidden word for 7d evasive, and couldn’t parse 1a (I had AGA + T as last letter of that and was trying to think of to go = ha!).

  5. I think this might have been a record finish for me, around the 15 minute mark. Far more straightforward than yesterday. I’m not sure if I prefer offerings like Corelli’s yesterday, as it prolongs the enjoyable experience of crossword cracking! Gribb.
  6. Lost a few minutes on my loi, 15ac, before deciding that Paradise was a better fit than Gamanite. . . Ran out at 27 mins, so on the easy side of average for me. Invariant
  7. A smidge under 12 minutes for me, with no real problems. LOI DAMSEL.

    Can I claim a pedant point for the observation that even a NATIVE SPEAKER has had to learn the language?

    Edited at 2016-11-16 01:13 pm (UTC)

  8. After yesterday’s triple slip-up, I finished this correctly in about 11 minutes; which I think is a record for me. LOI was Paradise after Damsel.There was a pleasing range of clues in this QC and it was proof for me that regular practice brings results.
    I shall now go back to the Saturday cryptic and try and finish it off. David
    PS some very helpful comments from Corelli on yesterday’s blog.
  9. Like others I found this at the easier end of the spectrum, finishing in 12 minutes. Not much more to add really
  10. No real holdups today other than chatting to other regulars in Costa so I estimate just under half an hour. Nice to get an easy one for a change! Liked 12D Alabama but real favourite. LOI 22a plenty. FOI 5a copier
  11. Can anyone explain why 20d is pep rather than pop? We each had one of the two and plumped for pop which you’d get after upsetting the bottle?
    1. “Pop” doesn’t seem unreasonable to me; as a photographer I’ve heard people talk about “photos that pop”, which conveys a certain liveliness. On the other hand “pep” does just plain mean liveliness and is less of a stretch, I’d say…
  12. 16:23. Good puzzle, nothing too hard today, I liked the surface at 14d. LOI, 1a, COD 12d.

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