Quick Cryptic 428 by Flamande

Posted on Categories Quick Cryptic
8 minutes for this one which was the easiest for some days, I thought. I am doing an emergency blog for Macavity so no clues today and comments are minimal. If further help is required please ask.


1 SUDANESE – SUE (woman) encloses [entertains] DANES (people from Copenhagen maybe). D: African
5 SCOT – S (small), COT (place to sleep). D: Northerner
8 ORANGERY – O (old), RANGER (park keeper), Y (yen). D: conservatory.
9 ANNE – Hidden in {Americ}AN NE{wspaper}. D: name of girl
11 ATTACHMENT – Anagram [moving deviously) of THAT CAT encloses MEN (people). D: fondness
14 HOODIE – HOOD (outlaw – Robin), IE (that is – id est). D: youth wearing sweatshirt
15 PRISON – Anagram [dilapidated] of RIPON’S. D: jail
17 WELL-HEELED – WELL (enjoying good health), sounds like [so to speak] “healed” (cured). D: like the rich
20 LEAD – Two definitions: heavy metal / main singer
21 CLOTHIER – CLOT (foolish type), then I (one) inside HER (female). D: trader
22 GREW – Odd letters of G{a}R{d}E{n} W{e}. D: cultivated
23 TRENDIES – Anagram [disturbed] of RESIDENT. D: fashionable folk


1 SNOW – S{pring} [first sign of], NOW (today). D: wintry weather
2 DRAB – BARD (poet) reversed [gets upset]. D: dreary
3 NIGHT NIGHT – Sounds like [reportedly] “knight knight” (two members of King Arthur’s court). D: sleep well
4 STREAM – Two definitions: current / way to set pupils
6 CONVERSE – Two definitions: chat / the opposite
7 TWEETING – TWEE (rather cute), T{h}ING [not hard]. D: posting messages
10 CHARLESTON – CHARLES (King), NOT reversed [up]. D: dance
12 SHOW A LEG – A straight definition: get up. Plus a cryptic hint: forget to wear a stocking?
13 SOULMATE – Anagram [organised] of MEALS OUT. D: husband for example
16 TELLER – Two definitions: reporter / one who counts votes?
18 MINI – MINI{m} (note – music) [cut short]. D: dress
19 EROS – ER (queen), OS (unusually big – clothing size). D: statue, with the usual reservation that the famous statue is actually of Anteros etc etc

7 comments on “Quick Cryptic 428 by Flamande”

  1. Nearly a PB, but then spent too long getting my LOI 21ac. Might have to wait some time for another chance as good as today’s. Invariant
  2. Needed two goes at this. Also took time to get 21a, liked 10d and last in, for some reason 3d David
  3. Very frustrating puzzle as it all went in quickly until 21a completely defeated me. Eventually gave up on it thinking that I would kick myself when I checked the answer on here – but it’s not a word I’ve come across before. With hindsight it wa gettable from the word play.

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