[Posted at 11:50: As  noon approaches I’m not sure if today’s Quickie is covered. If there’s no news of it by 1:00 I shall post an emergency blog].

Posted at 13:33:

10 minutes for this one, so perhaps it’s a little easier than the past few days – at least for me.

As usual definitions are underlined, deletions are in {curly brackets} and other indicators are in [square ones]

1 Bird a short distance behind remnants of grain (9)
CHAFFINCH – CHAFF (remnants of grain), INCH (a short distance)
5 Reduced width in bath (3)
SPA – SPA{n} (width) [reduced]
8 Add to gold metal initially imported by man (7)
AUGMENT – AU (gold), then M{etal} [initially] inside [imported by] GENT (man)
9 Remuneration offered to a thinking person? (5)
PENNY – A straight definition followed by a cryptic reference to the saying “a penny for your thoughts”
10 Fool with wild dream etc to make dairy product (7,5)
CLOTTED CREAM – CLOT (fool), anagram [wild] of DREAM ETC
12 Bishop not half cornering church power and muscle (6)
BICEPS – BIS{hop} [not half] encloses [cornering] CE (church) + P (power)
13 Stone to move downhill, perhaps, making gentle pace (6)
STROLL – ST (stone – weight), ROLL (move downhill, perhaps)
16 Hot wine and lager dished up in pub (8,4)
WATERING HOLE – Anagram [dished up] of HOT WINE LAGER. I’m not sure how widely known this euphemism for ‘pub’ is, and it may not have travelled overseas.
19 Pit-worker in front of aluminium ore (7)
MINERAL – MINER (pit worker), AL (aluminium)
20 Toss nearly all the line (5)
THROW – TH{e} [nearly all], ROW (line)
22 Glad to dump two pianos in the grass (3)
HAY – HA{pp}Y (glad) [dump two pianos – p in music]
23 Pair feel upset after investing millions in uneven plan? (6,3)
RELIEF MAP – Anagram [upset] of PAIR FEEL enclosing [investing] M (millions). It’s a 3-dimensional representation of terrain, hence “uneven”.
1 Church precedes a time for gossip (4)
CHAT – CH (church), A, T (time)
2 A new set in charge? That’s divine (7)
ANGELIC – A, N (new), GEL (set), IC (in charge)
3 Supply cut? What’s required for reconnection? (3)
FEE – FEE{d} (supply) [cut]. I’d categorise this as &lit as the whole clue is needed to indicate the required answer.
4 Girl following fanatic to get spice (6)
NUTMEG – NUT (fanatic), MEG (girl)
5 Game of agility is hard work when taking alcohol (3-6)
HOPSCOTCH – H (hard – pencil ‘lead’), OP (work – opus), SCOTCH (alcohol)
6 Evidence of some Burns found in poems in general (5)
SINGE – Hidden in {poem}S IN GE{neral}. Adding unnecessary capital letters in order to mislead is permitted (as here) but they’re not supposed to be omitted when required in proper nouns.
7 Dreadful cooked lamb, say (7)
ABYSMAL – Anagram [cooked] of LAMB SAY
11 Best artist in the aristocracy? (3-6)
TOP-DRAWER – TOP (best), DRAWER (artist)
12 English women’s irritation following bachelor showing charm (7)
BEWITCH – B (bachelor), E (English), W (women’s), ITCH (irritation)
14 I tucked into vintage booze in barrel (3,4)
OIL DRUM – I [tucked into] OLD (vintage), RUM (booze)
15 Creature‘s coat turned upside down (6)
ANIMAL – LAMINA (coat) reversed [turned upside down]
17 Stay behindcovered in black stuff (5)
TARRY – Two meanings
18 Get angry following cheeky talk (4)
FLIP – F (following), LIP (cheeky talk)
21 Born in endless poverty (3)
NEE – NEE{d} (poverty) [endless]

9 comments on “QUICK CRYPTIC 388 by PEDRO”

  1. Struggled to get going with this one but managed to complete. Last in was 9a where I was convinced remuneration was pay until, er, the penny dropped.

    Favourite TOP DRAWER.

  2. Just over 30mins for a full house, so on the quick side of average for me. Having said that, I don’t think I would have got some of these just a few months ago. 22 and 9ac were my favourites today.
    My thanks to Jackkt for his emergency blog and Pedro for some entertaining clues. Invariant
  3. Started picking up the QC a month ago and attempted it approx twice a week. Just wanted to show my thanks to this blog as I’m sure it was a major factor in helping me towards my first completion today. LOI was surprisingly 18d – I had SNAP, but was able to quickly change after getting 20a.

    Thanks Again!

    1. Congrats on your first completion and I hope you will contribute regularly. You can get a free id with Live Journal, or if you remain “anon”,it would be nice if you added a name or nickname.
  4. Thanks for filling in Jackkt. Nothing too tricky today, but it was still quite a slow solve. Mainly because of my LOI (9a). I thought it might be penny but couldn’t parse it so started looking at how ‘pay’ might fit in to the answer. Fortunately I got there in the end. Lamina has now been added to my mental dictionary.
  5. A nice puzzle with several entertaining clues, completed slightly quicker than average as nothing held me up. I enjoyed 9a, but my COD was 14d for reminding me of the ‘Pirates Rules’ on display in the Great Yarmouth Sea-life centre, visited today… Real pirates only drink rum from the barrel. Aaaaarrrrrr!
  6. Relieved to find this easier than the last two days. I didn’t struggle much but most of the clues required attention. MY LOI was 6d, once again the hidden answer proving tricky -for me at least.
  7. My wife and I are improving – we attempt the cryptic over meals and usually take over a week. We found the clues in this more intriguing than most. I find the blogs very helpful in learning the “rules”.

    18 Down: Is not to “flip” to get angry? This allowed us to put it in; we should have realised that we needed to explain the “f”.


    1. Welcome and thanks for your comments. Yes, FLIP = get angry, and that’s the straight definition part of the clue, the rest of it’s wordplay as covered in the blog. You don’t always need both to get an answer but it’s useful to see how the whole clue works, particularly in the early days of learning. Regards.

      Edited at 2015-09-14 10:49 am (UTC)

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