So I came in slightly over target at 6 and a bit minutes. It’s got a whole bunch of crossword staples that you either know or you don’t, (LING, IDE, ELL) which makes me think the less experienced solvers might struggle. A couple of fiddly compound anagrams might cause trouble as well. Overall an enjoyable solve.
1 |
Pile of alkaline substance in Irish location (8) |
LIMERICK – LIME is alkaline, RICK is a pile |
5 |
Part of body gripped by hysterical female (4) |
CALF – hidden word: hysteriCAL Female |
8 |
Punished when discovery is broadcast (5) |
FINED – sounds like ‘find’ |
9 |
Always on the retreat, Heather is moving unsteadily (7) |
REELING – EER backwards + LING (heather) |
11 |
Repeatedly on cruises at sea as an expert (11) |
CONNOISSEUR – anagram (‘at sea’) of ON ON (‘on’ repeatedly) + CRUISES |
13 |
Standards one’s needed to seal business arrangement (6) |
IDEALS – DEAL inside I’S |
14 |
Boy should go to an HE establishment? There’s agreement (6) |
17 |
Lovers’ rendezvous in the allotment? (11) |
ASSIGNATION – double definition |
20 |
A job given to the French disciple (7) |
21 |
Paella almost ruined part of a jacket (5) |
LAPEL – anagram (‘ruined’) of PAELL (being ‘almost’ PAELLA) |
22 |
Measure of cloth needed by a lady (4) |
ELLA – ELL + A. An ell is a measure of length previously used in the textile industry, equivalent to about 45 inches. Its only remaining use is in crosswords |
23 |
Good old Indo-European person entertaining any handsome youth (8) |
GANYMEDE – G + MEDE with ANY inside. The Medes used to live in Media, roughly Azerbaijan. Ganymede was a Trojan youth who was so beautiful he was carried off to be Zeus’s cup bearer. I have the same problem. Bloody deities, always trying to get me to bear their stupid cups. |
Edited at 2021-11-26 08:02 am (UTC)
I’d NHO MEDE (probably have seen this word before but of course I don’t know what it meant), GANYMEDES or even CORDON as a line of defense. Probably never used the word VICARAGE before either but I can believe the meaning (NHO RAG as a charity event either so it went in with a question mark).
On top of that, I misread the clue of 18D (very sneaky apostrophe to disambiguate the two words!) and put in LOOTS instead, making ASSIGNATION impossible. I bunged in ALLEGIATION which apparently is not even an English word.
This must be a record number of pink squares for me in a QC (11), what a puzzle!
Edited at 2021-11-26 08:51 am (UTC)
A good end to the week, completed over target in 11.45
Thanks to Curarist
A step up in difficulty again from yesterday, but very neat and fair. Lots to like — FIGURINE, ESSENTIALLY, GANYMEDE, LIMERICK, and my POI and LOI VICARAGE and IDEALS respectively. Reading back over the clues, I liked this puzzle a lot in fact. Thank you Izetti, and thanks to Curarist, though today was one of those puzzles where I had to parse it all as I went along.
3d RIDING LIGHT – I kicked myself over this one, being an ex-matelot.
6d. ASIDE – At first I had ALONE (fish = sole (as in “lone”)), but as other crossing letters dropped in, I realised I was incorrect. When I came here I wanted to kick myself again. I have heard of IDE being fish before.
I loved 7d (FIG+URINE) – very clever.
4d. CORDON took a while. I mostly hear cordon applying to a police cordon, as in the Police cordoned off the crime scene.
So, yes, didn’t think I’d hear myself say this once, let alone twice – but I enjoyed this offering from Izetti.
Edited at 2021-11-26 09:09 am (UTC)
As Curarist points out, there were a number of words that seem to be found only in crosswords. As my daily struggle with the QC has built up my knowledge of these, I found it a very satisfying crossword, though I will never be able to see a fig-urine again without smiling. Thanks to Izetti and Curarist. Finished in just under 15 minutes, which is about average for me.
… and I needed aids to complete the NE corner. Though as so often with Izetti’s puzzles, once one sees the answer the cluing is very clear. 16 minutes in all.
The double ON in the anagrist for 11A Connoisseur was a new device for me — very pleased to have worked that out (and even more pleased to spell Connoisseur right first time — one of the more difficult word to spell correctly I find!)
23A Ganymede — I have heard of the Medes only from the Bible (where they tend to accompany the Persians), and know nothing else about them at all, so a bit of a punt that they were Indo-European. And I had NHO Ganymede except as a moon of Jupiter — but most of Jupiter’s moons are named after people in classical myths so it seemed plausible.
Many thanks to Curarist for the blog and a good weekend to all.
COD 12dn VICARAGE — Rag Week
When giving a urine sample I have never experienced a grins/smiles from the medical staff.
Edited at 2021-11-26 09:51 am (UTC)
Many thanks to Izetti for a nice workout and to curarist for his usual, focussed, blog. John M.
Edited at 2021-11-26 09:40 am (UTC)
A difficult one but enjoyed it.
LOI ELLA, with some hesitation. FOI LEFT.
Luckily we’ve had Ide recently and I know Ling is heather. In fact GK OK today.
Thanks again.
I’m fine with GK such as GANYMEDE, whom I didn’t know as a god, but as a moon of Jupiter.
The fact that the Medes came from Persia allows the old line ( or “saw” as they say in crossword-speak)
“One Man’s Mede is another man’s Persian”
FOI CALF (I don’t know how I missed LIMERICK)
TIME 5:16
My last two were VICARAGE ( I was looking to adapt Manse, then the implausible Rectory); and finally ELLA. I remembered ELL as a measure, but not necessarily of cloth; and I failed to see the definition was just a name until rather late. 17:24 on the clock.
A good challenging QC where some crossword knowledge was essential.
Yuck. Liked all the clues, chestnuts included. Many thanks for the blog, Curarist, and Izetti for a good brain workout.
Thanks to everyone who had a crack at the clue writing challenge yesterday. There were 10 entries, and all of them were very good – some excellent clues. However, the point of the challenge was to write annoying (groan-worthy) clues, sorry if I didn’t make that clear enough. So here are the results:
Special mention and Silver Star to Mendesest who managed to squeeze in the unpopular bras = supporters into his clue…
Also Silver Star to Pedwardine for the most concise clue…
But Gold Star to Glheard for his cringeworthy dodgy homophone clue.
Again, thanks to all of you who had a crack – many excellent clues were proffered.
Seriously, Mr. Rotter what fun! Congrats to all. Thanks and keep it going!
A Friend
Was fun having a go though. More respect to the setters for the consistently high standards that they maintain.
Thanks Curarist and Izetti.
In my experience fewer skippers nowadays are aware of the ruling …
It is the old ‘SWAZILAND’ and looks a cert for Crosswordland!
FOI – 5ac CALF
COD – the slightly unsavoury FIGURINE at 7dn
Thanks to Curarist and Izetti.
Difficult to choose a COD today as I liked it all, but ticks went next to CONNOISSEUR and VICARAGE. FIGURINE also made me smile / grimace.
FOI Calf
LOI Vicarage
COD Essentially
Many thanks Izetti, and to Curarist too, especially for making me laugh a lot about your problems with the gods 😂
FOI — 8ac “Fined”
LOI — dnf
COD — 7dn “Figurine” — I think we all did a collective yuck when the penny dropped!
Thanks as usual!
Up to Don’s usual standard I would say, with COD 11 ac “connoisseur” (liked the double “on”) but 1 d “left” less so.
Thanks to Curarist for an entertaining blog and to Don.
I got RIDING LIGHT correct, despite not having heard of one. Similarly, GANYMEDE was a successful guess, despite knowing it only as a planetary moon. However, I put CONNOSSIEUR (an idiotic mis-spelling) and ELLE which, having NHO the cloth measure, I thought was a reasonable guess for a lady.
So, a bad week: Mr Random 2-3 Setters
Many thanks to Izetti and curarist.
Did it over a couple of days but parts of it was like the Times 2 non cryptic!