Thank you to Joker for what I found to be a medium-difficulty QC. But then I am just recovering from the excesses of the last couple of days (just packed my sister and family back off to Birmingham) so maybe I made slightly heavier weather of it than I would have done normally. I liked the four 13-letter long clues.
FOI was 5A I think, and LOI 2D. A neat but straightforward clue which I nevertheless couldn’t see until the end when I stopped and thought about it properly. I think I liked 8A the best so that is my COD.
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to a better New Year than the one just about to slip into history.
Definitions are underlined as usual and everything else is explained just as I see it as simply as I can.
Across | |
1 | Bunk with corner bath (7) |
HOGWASH – HOG (corner, as in ‘hogging the limelight’) + WASH (bath). | |
5 | Papa’s after fruit stout (5) |
PLUMP – PLUM (fruit) + P (Papa, phonetic alphabet). | |
8 | Conditions people in general appreciate, like the best politicians? (13) |
STATESMANLIKE – STATES (conditions) + MAN (people in general, mankind) + LIKE (appreciate). | |
9 | Letter pi in cast steel (7) |
EPISTLE – PI in an anagram (‘cast’) of STEEL. | |
10 | Bird in bamboo around river (5) |
CRANE – CANE (bamboo) ‘around’ R (river). | |
11 | Friend crossing border at an early stage (6) |
PRIMAL – PAL (friend) ‘crossing’ RIM (border). | |
13 | Following live female deer (6) |
BEHIND – BE (live) + HIND (female deer). | |
15 | Gather admission of stupidity (5) |
AMASS – AM ASS – could be read as an admission of stupidity. | |
16 | Arrest in motion — time to begin again (7) |
RESTART – anagram of ARREST (‘in motion’) + T (time). | |
19 | What surveyors use out training shuffling around Los Angeles (13) |
TRIANGULATION – anagram of OUT TRAINING (‘shuffling’) around LA (Los Angeles). | |
20 | Genuine about name of the kidneys (5) |
RENAL – REAL (genuine) ‘about’ N (name). | |
21 | Royal note returned by newspapers (7) |
EMPRESS – ME (note, as in Do-Re-Me) ‘returned’ by PRESS (newspapers). |
Down | |
1 | Gets tango with energy — and speed (5) |
HASTE – HAS (gets) + T (tango, phonetic alphabet) + E (energy). | |
2 | Good endorsement for pleasure (13) |
GRATIFICATION – G (good) + RATIFICATION (endorsement). | |
3 | Stop to maintain temperature (5) |
AVERT – AVER (maintain) + T (temperature). | |
4 | Meat for each picnic basket (6) |
HAMPER – HAM (meat) + PER (for each). | |
5 | Critically review a hotel in church style (7) |
PANACHE – PAN (critically review) + A + H (hotel, phonetic alphabet) ‘in’ CE (church (of England)). | |
6 | Somewhat dull university magazine is supported by one local (13) |
UNIMAGINATIVE – UNI MAG (university magazine) + I (one) + NATIVE (local). | |
7 | Producer initially embarrassed about number put on (7) |
PRETEND – P (Producer ‘initially’) + RED (embarrassed) ‘about’ TEN (number). | |
11 | Swiss mountain climbing? Severe, wanting new cover for wound (7) |
PLASTER – PLA (ALP (Swiss mountain) reversed (i.e. ‘climbing’ in this down clue)) + STER |
12 | A group of planes RAF sent up to show weapons (7) |
ARSENAL – reversed hidden word (‘sent up’ in this down clue): pLANES RAf. | |
14 | Good trick when trapping old game bird (6) |
GROUSE – G (good) + RUSE (trick) ‘trapping’ O (old). | |
17 | Mischievous child in small temporary accommodation (5) |
SCAMP – S (small) + CAMP (temporary accommodation). | |
18 | Tool to grip and lift weights, holding grams (5) |
TONGS – TONS (weights) ‘holding’ G (grams). |
14 minutes.
I also started by thinking MEN in 8ac but once I saw the direction of travel I realised it had to be STATESMANLIKE as I doubted the adjective formed with the plural existed (why would it?).
COD: TRIANGULATION — lovely anagram
Thanks to Astartedon and Joker.
Completed the grid in 14.25 with HOGWASH and AVERT and never did parse AMASS. A day to forget.
Thanks to astartedon
PDM amass… couldn’t see it so letter trawled then groaned. Nice way to relax after the tension of the last hour in Melbourne… just shy of 20 Thanks A & J
Many thanks to Don for the blog.
Edited at 2021-12-27 10:02 am (UTC)
Very entertaining puzzle though.
My final three were PRETEND, BEHIND and CRANE.
I was solving in a relaxed way on paper but was not quick. This was a tough QC.
COD to ARSENAL. A very well devised hidden.
Anyway, as I said, I found this hard work, particularly the long clues. I got random answers around the grid which didn’t seem to help the rest of the puzzle.
FOI CRANE. Liked PANACHE, PRIMAL, ARSENAL – biffed the answer before I saw the hidden word.
Couldn’t parse PLASTER.
But thanks vm, Don for blogging on a holiday.
I thought it was a tricky start to the week with a number of clues that required quite a bit of thought.
FOI — 10ac “Crane”
LOI — 3dn “Avert”
COD — 11dn “Plaster”
Thanks as usual!
Time for another coffee and the 15×15 before tea methinks.
All 4 long ones took a while, but once they came, so did the rest.
A half an hour later, I had solved HASTE, HOGWASH and EPISTLE, but I still felt no nearer to solving the two remaining 13-letter clues and AVERT. Finally, however, STATESMANLIKE somehow appeared in my brain, and both GRATIFICATION and AVERT followed shortly after. In the end, my total completion time was 58 minutes. I sincerely hope this week eases up a bit.
Mrs Random also found it tricky today, as she just slipped past the half-hour – 31 minutes to be precise. It was a late solve and I think I need to serve both of us a glass of something refreshing to aid our recovery.
Many thanks to Joker and astartedon.
The long anagrams were particularly good and there were fine clues — I liked PLASTER, EMPRESS, HOGWASH, and PANACHE. Thanks to both, John M.
Haven’t come across aver and the word trawl missed it…