Problems with the site

Posted on Categories Announcement
Something strange is going on. If you’re logged in you’ll see this post, if you’re not, there’s a good chance you won’t.

Yesterday, my placeholder and Helen’s Jumbo blog (as submitted by her and again by me) were invisible unless you were logged on. This morning they were visible again to the public, although my updated blog entry is only visible if you’re logged in – others can only see the placeholder.

Of today’s blogs, if you’re not logged in, Dave’s Sunday Times one is visible (although the comments aren’t) and Jimbo’s Mephisto is invisible.

I’ve raised a support call about this, so hopefully it will be resolved soon. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Update: it seems to have settled down now, and this post has just become a magnet for adverts for knock-off Ugg boots and NFL jerseys, so I’m closing comments on it. Any further problems, add a comment to one of my Saturday blogs and I’ll be sure to see it.

6 comments on “Problems with the site”

  1. Just to add to the strangeness, I can get all postings on my iPod, even if not logged in, but have limited access on iMac – both using Safari. Have noticed this several times over the last week with comments appearing and disappearing at different times of the day.


    1. LJ support weren’t much use, putting it down to a temporary glitch that had cleared by the time they looked at it.
      1. For what it’s worth, it hasn’t. For today’s blog I still see far more posts if I’m logged in than if I’m not.

        Edited at 2012-12-17 09:43 pm (UTC)

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