Ulaca’s coming over to the UK from Hong Kong next week, and wants to meet up for a beer or three with anyone who’s interested, so I’m organizing a mini Sloggers & Betters meeting at the Doric Arch pub in London on Thursday 13th Dec. People should start arriving at about 4pm. Personally I won’t be able to get there until 6 as I’m working that day.
Hopefully we’ll get a good turn-out despite the short notice (for which my apologies).
Perhaps you’ll recognise me from my userpic; but, failing that, I suppose I could go round whistling the first theme from the final movement of Brahms 1 and hope that evokes a response!?
I hope I will recognise you from the avatar ulaca 🙂
Obviously it would be tough to identify most of us purely from avatars. I expect to be able to recognise Andy, of course, especially if he has a dog on his head.
I wear black rimmed glasses that some people say make me look like Peter Sellers, but personally I’d say Cary Grant! If he turns up on time I will be talking with Barry of this site-fame; if on my own I will be reading something.
I hope as many people as possible will be able to make it; I hear the weather may have warmed a little by then too.