Mephisto 3257 – Tim Moorey

Posted on Categories Mephisto

Greetings, barred-grid fans.

I got through this one with little fuss, though I had to check definitions of some of the shorter entries.  Tim Moorey often gives us a bit of popular culture or sport in his puzzles, and I am particularly impressed by the cricket-themed clue at 21 down!

In Mephisto puzzles, definitions (the one I found most direct is underlined) can be confirmed in Chambers, so I will focus on the wordplay here.

Away we go…

1 Giving unconventional views, time minidresses got revived! (12)
DISSENTERISM – anagram of T(time) and MINIDRESSES
10 Needing energy, inhaler fixed on the nose (6)
RHINAL – anagram of INHALER minus E(energy)
11 Fish and capers I love (5)
DANIO – anagram of AND, then I, O(love)
12 Space rock? Roadies out to screen it (8)
ASTEROID – anagram of ROADIES containing IT
14 Scottish churchgoers discussing what happens when heating’s broken? (8, two words)
WEE FREES – sounds like WE FREEZE(what happens when heating’s broken)
15 Over the hill by mines out of bounds (6, two words)
PASTIT – PAST(by) and then PITS(mines) missing the outside letters
16 Believe engaging Queen is to join King being prickly (5)
BURRY – BUY(believe) containing R(queen) and R(king)
17 Very cross about dress getting wet (8)
IRRIGATE – IRATE(very cross) surrounding RIG(dress)
22 Plants ordered from short October sales (8)
ALECOSTS – anagram of OCT(october) and SALES
24 Drinks in horse-drawn carriage not finished (5)
CHAIS – CHAISE(post chaise, horse-drawn carriage) minus the last letter
25 Hit record for one of the Animals (6)
TANREC – TAN(hit), REC(record)
27 Refuse hot cracking screen — it’s easily broken in that condition (8)
REDSHORT – RED(refuse), then H(hot) inside SORT(screen). Metallurgic term
29 Discover digs with small gaps in doors? (8)
SPYHOLES – SPY(discover), HOLES(digs)
30 People enthralled after direction reversed (5)
ESNES – SENSE(direction) reversed
31 Valium dispensed for Islamic teacher (6)
MAULVI – anagram of VALIUM
32 Is Unionist deploring reforms ruining a good deal? (12)
LIGNIPERDOUS – anagram of IS,U(unionist),DEPLORING.  Deal in this case is the tree
1 Drop of Drambuie a piper’s drunk? (7)
DRAPPIE – first letter of Drambuie, then an anagram of A,PIPER
2 Find out about one-time position of an organ (5)
SITUS – SUS(find out) surrounding I(one), T(time)
3 Highland peaks for climbing cut short (4)
SNEB – BENS(highland peaks) reversed
4 Listen in for a flatterer (6)
EARWIG – double definition for eavesdrop and a flatterer
5 Dismal as before around eastern port (7)
TRIESTE -TRISTE(dismal) surrounding E(eastern)
6 Leaving King’s Head, take a main road or minor one? (6, two words)
RAT RUN – remove the first letter of King from R(recipe, take), A. TRUNK(main road)
7 Between ourselves, nothing’s left for unpaid workers? (7)
INTERNSINTER NOS(between ourselves, Latin) minus O(nothing)
8 Harry tears after team and strikes (9)
SIDERATES – anagram of TEARS after SIDE(team)
9 Shy maiden engaged showing love for bachelor (5)
MOUSY – M(maiden), then BUSY(engaged) with O(love) replacing B(bachelor)
13 Standard and Independent passed over most of eg, Derby game (9)
PARCHEESI – PAR(standard) and I(independent) containing CHEESE(eg, derby) minus the last letter
18 One’s heard clearing up in English town (7)
READING – sounds like REDING(clearing up, explaining – found under REDE in Chambers)
19 Pee in chain store after a large drink (7)
ALCOPOP – P(pee) inside CO-OP(chain store) following A, L(large). I did not know that there is a chain called CO-OP in the UK, in the US, it typically refers to an community owned store
20 Only one hundred, access is managed for practice of self-discipline (7)
ASCESIS – remove one C(hundred) from ACCESS,IS and form an anagram
21 Book showing Broad and Knight defending Stokes? (6)
WISDEN – WIDE(broad) and N(knight) containing S(stokes, the unit). Chris Broad and Nick Knight are former English cricketers who are now commentators. Ben Stokes is a current English cricketer. Well played!
23 Daily coming round at one was an early religious sect member (6)
CATHAR – CHAR(daily) surrounding AT
24 Lobster trap coming from inlet almost lost (5)
CREEL – I think this is CREEK(inlet) minus the last letter, then L(lost). I can’t find a justification for L = lost so I might be missing something here
26 Not the latest kind of deodorant for old war leader (5)
ROLLO – remove the last letter from ROLL-ON deodorant for the Viking warrior
28 Glaswegian drunk has date with a local magistrate (4)
FOUD – FOU(drunk) with D(date)

5 comments on “Mephisto 3257 – Tim Moorey”

  1. Mieux vaut tard que jamais.
    Just got back to this tonight. The L in CREEL didn’t faze me, but my LOI was the totally cricket WISDEN.

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