Mephisto 3251 – Tim Moorey

Posted on Categories Mephisto

Greetings, barred-grid fans.

This was the puzzle from the week before Christmas and the deadline was extended to this week. I did it when it came out on Christmas eve, so I don’t remember much of the solving process, but I don’t recall having any great difficulty with the puzzle

Happy (almost) New Year, and away we go…

3 Substance in natural diet mistakenly? Indeed should be removed (10)
ADULTERANT – anagram of NATURAL,DIET minus I(indeed)
10 Villain coming from South American capital, eastern half (4)
IAGO – SANTIAGO(South American capital) minus the first half
11 Bone china: take one variety of tea in it (8)
PARIETAL – PAL(china) containing R(recipe, take), I(one) and an anagram of TEA
12 Wood bowled short in English side (4)
EBON – B(bowled) inside E(English), ON(side in cricket)
13 Release seal badly stuck in a French harbour’s opening (7)
UNLEASH – anagram of SEAL inside UN(a, in French) and the first letter of Harbour
15 Leader eating chump of mutton is a chump! (5)
DUNCE – DUCE(leader) containing the last letter of muttoN
17 Revolving index of a surveyor Muhammad, an old man (6)
ALIDAD – Muhammad ALI and DAD(old man)
18 Active old woman returned Spanish broom (6)
RETAMA – A(active) and MATER(old woman) reversed
20 Back new cultural stuff from the east in Scottish town (9)
STRANRAER – REAR(back), N, ARTS(cultural stuff) all reversed
22 Iron tubing’s first into vehicle for a courier (9)
ESTAFETTE – FE(iron) and the first letter of Tubing inside ESTATE(vehicle)
25 Odd pages perhaps escort oddly! (6)
RECTOS – anagram of ESCORT
27 Note foremost of great rivers is this one? (6)
TIGRIS – TI(musical note), first letter of Great, R(rivers), IS
30 Hospital nursing finally suffering reverse with hard grind (5)
GNASH – SAN(hospital), and the last letter of nursinG all reversed, then H(hard)
31 Nagger wife at last relaxed — has she taken on a husband? (7)
ENGAGER – anagram of NAGGER and the last letter of wifE
32 Index starts to fall and traders seem excited! (4)
FTSE – first letters of Fall and Traders Seem Excited
33 Fashion dated promptly — no need to apologise (8, two words)
FORGET IT – FORGE(fashion) and TIT(promptly, found in Chambers under TITE)
34 Shunning Britain, agitator is a big noise in Scotland (4)
REEL – remove B(Britain) from REBEL(agitator)
35 Harry cast aside after tackling King, speculated in property (10)
STAIRCASED – anagram of CAST,ASIDE containing R(king)
1 Where Frenchman embraces partner for a night? (10, three words)
PIED A TERRE – PIERRE(Frenchman) containing DATE(partner for a night)
2 Such as boules ground? (8)
3 One main point keeping close to a game contestant (7)
AGONIST – A GIST(main point) containing ON(close to)
4 Positive lead in posh food? Not entirely (6)
UPBEAT – PB(lead) inside U(posh), EATS(food) minus the last letter
5 Washerwoman in City strip (9)
LAUNDRESS – LA(city), UNDRESS(strip)
6 Girl I bend over so to speak (6)
EILEEN – Sounds like I, LEAN(bend over)
7 Temperature dropping, try again for cure (5)
REEST – remove T(temperature) from RETEST(try again)
8 If absolutely necessary, drop an inch of thatcher’s material (4)
ATAP – AT A PINCH(if absolutely necessary) minus INCH
9 Beau, 30 it’s said (4)
NASH – sounds like GNASH(the answer at 30 across). Reference to the 18th-century dandy Beau Nash
14 Mollusc from centre’s dire (10, two words)
HEART SHELL – HEART’S(centre’s), HELL(dire)
16 First-class rhubarb flan served up here? (9)
TRATTORIA – A1(first class), ROT(rhubarb), TART(flan) all reversed
19 Fails to catch a little alien mixed race types (8)
METISSES – MISSES(fails to catch), containing ET(a little alien)
21 Angry one in Scotland rebuked (7)
AERATED – AE(one in Scotland), RATED(rebuked)
23 Signalman’s data recorder fine for a short line (6)
FOGGER – LOGGER(data recorder) with F(fine) replacing L(line)
24 Mean to put on special legwear (6)
TIGHTS – TIGHT(mean, miserly), S(special)
26 Tense Glaswegian hack first to interrupt violent behaviour (5)
THAGI – T(tense), HAG(hack) and the first letter of Interrupt
28 Dog’s nose not for all to see (4)
SNOT – SNOUT(nose) minus U(for all to see)
29 Area supporting agriculture in old capital city (4)
AGRA – A(area) under AGR(agriculture)

6 comments on “Mephisto 3251 – Tim Moorey”

  1. As I am dilatory in acquiring Chambers, I couldn’t find a source for SNOT = “Dog” or the sense here of THAGI (along with a few other things… “chump” means “end piece”?), but those are (all) the answers I eventually filled in.

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