Mephisto 3204 – One who always causes grief!

This was not terribly difficult, and I finished in one sitting.   I would have finished much more quickly if I had not carelessly biffed sdaign and grenadilla, but I eventually realized the problem, and used the cryptics to straighten out my crooked answers.    I didn’t understand all the cryptics while solving, but I checked Chambers afterwards, and all the requisite meanings were there.    So I don’t imagine hardened Mephisto solvers will find this very difficult.

This week’s pun was unusually straightforward, and works in nearly all dialects.   However, the top row was really quite easy, so I hardly noticed it.  Opsomaniac and Ngunis were the only two answers I didn’t know and had to look up, which makes these puzzles a lot easier.

So how did you get on?

1 Firm consulting corrupt influence lacking heart (8)
7 Youth and the old grief in illegitimate enterprise (4)
TEEN – hidden in  [illegitima]TE EN[terprise].
10 Firing up a grill and a fruit (10)
11 Somehow this common pot could possibly be patulous (5)
USUAL – Partial anagram – USUAL + POT is an anagram of PATULOUS.
12 Mould previously seen as being in plural form’s term (5)
PLASM – PL + AS + [for]M.
14 Most remote loch on a certain grotty islet (9)
LONELIEST – L + ONE + anagram of ISLET.
17 Look into a special time for family worship (7)
PRAYERS – P(RAY)ERS, where pers = personal, and a ray is indeed a look.
19 When filling cherry cut ornamentally (5)
20 Devotional books and things attached to bishop’s staff (6)
ORARIA –  Double definition, where a couple crossers will send you to Chambers unless you can biff it.
21 Blue Beret’s organisation’s help withdrawn? (6)
23 Pastor leading gross old fold (5)
25 Modest housing identification with central point? (7)
27 Who won’t look out? Modish gadabout taking part in bike races (9)
INTROVERT –  IN + T(ROVER)T, as we once again return to the Isle of Man.
30 Chilling being in charge west of meadow in Alnwick, eg (5)
31 Guts or Biden’s turgidity (5)
TUMOR – TUM + OR – if it were Bojo, it would be a tumour.
32 In a novel way rephrasing forester’s office (10)
RANGERSHIP –  Anagram of REPHRASING, very good.
33 Think about including unknown money for meals and similar (4)
EXES –  SEE backward containg X.   Presumably a slang word for expenses, but I could not find it in Chambers.
34 Take Yankee’s letter back via game hunter from US? (8, two words)
GREY WOLF –  G(R,WYE backwards)OLF, where Yankee’s letter is used to indicate the spelled-out Y.
1 Term, we hear, for the epiploon (4)
CAUL – Sounds like CALL.
2 I’m nuts for some food: a champion so knocking out hot cooking (10)
OPSOMANIAC –  Anagram of A CHAMPION SO minus H.
3 Early slang for shame spinning round piece for Africans (6)
NGUNIS – N(GUN)IS, with SIN backwards on the outside.
4 Credit it by supporter (5)
5 New notepad containing one exact opposite rarely used now (8)
ANTIPODE – Anagram of NOTEPAD + I.
6 Scruff’s Northern parody (4)
NAPE – N + APE, a starter clue.
7 Quad parked south of hut where tournaments took place (8, two words)
TILT YARD –  TILT + YARD – yes, a tilt is a hut or tent, you could look it up.
8 Skipjack that you’d like to think would puff you up? (6)
ELATER –  Double definition.
9 One with identical designation means Kea must be changed (8)
13 Season and then start savoury (10, two words)
SPRING ROLL –  SPRING + ROLL, as in let’s roll!
15 Droll female in dreadful discharge (8)
DRUMFIRE –  D(RUM F)IRE – dreadful is not part of the literal, but should be.
16 Sails and goes about taking in local river (8, two words)
18 Heavy metal, say, had source in plant (8, two words)
ROCK ROSE –  ROCK + ROSE, in entirely different senses.
22 Once deem unworthy small lunch before being brought in (6)
SDAINE –  S + D(A)INE.   I had biffed sdaign and got myself into trouble
24 A sub getting round in time (6, two words)
26 Thursday in son’s simple shiel (5)
BOTHY – BO(TH)Y, which I put in from the cryptic, and then looked up shiel to make sure.
28 Rocky hill is scorching — last two characters must be pulled out (4)
TORR –  TORR[id].
29 Primarily this really expresses “forbidden” (4)
TREF – First letters of T[his] R[eally] E[xpresses] “F[orbbiden].   Back in the day, I had an Orthodox fellow working for me who was always citing the old proverb: if it tastes good, it’s not kosher!

6 comments on “Mephisto 3204 – One who always causes grief!”

  1. Many thanks as ever to both setter and blogger.

    Re 17 ac, might I suggest that the definition is “time for family worship” and that “personal” equals “special”? Chambers’ entry for personal doesn’t seem to suggest “special” — at least to me — but the reverse action (the entry for special) does come closer to personal. Or perhaps that’s just me.

    Re 33 ac — exes is an entry all of its own in Chambers.

    1. I agree about the definition in 17ac. The Chambers entry for PRAYER includes ‘in pl (a time set aside for) worship in a family, school etc’. The wordplay is P(RAY)ER, S where PER is indicated by ‘a’ and ‘special’ is just S.
      I found this very easy: Dean’s puzzle took me longer!
  2. Thanks vinyl1 and paul mckenna- very enjoyable as usual. For 17a- I read it as per equals a and s equals special. For 30a I dont understand fully how west of meadow in alnwick, eg parses as ING though- guess its wing without the initial W but can’t see why. Hadnt twigged exes as expenses- obviously don’t claim enough of them!

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