Mephisto 3147 – Paul McKenna

I think this was one of the most difficult Mephistos of the year, there are not a lot of familiar words, and many obscure uses of common terms through the grid. I spent quite a bit of time confirming things in Chambers, and making some multi-step connections.

If you breezes through it, maybe you think in future tense?

In Mephisto puzzles the definitions can be confirmed in Chambers, so I will focus on the wordplay here. The most common definition is underlined.

Away we go…

1 Bloomer crudely put could be such, if accepted (7)
FUCHSIA – anagram of SUCH,IF and then A(accepted)
6 Old tapestry frames where padres preach (5)
TENTS – double definition, the second of which will be very familiar if you live in the Bible belt of the USA where I happen to reside. Tent revivals, sadly, are still going on during the pandemic thanks to a legal loophole.
10 Oscar called Steed’s sidekick, I suppose, sugar-coated candy? (10, two words)
ORANGE PEEL – O(oscar), RANG(called) and Steed’s sidekick in The Avengers was E(mma) PEEL
11 That which winds Guevara up in revolutionary broadcast (5)
AIRED – the last letter of guevarA, I(in), RED(revolutionary)
12 Discarded porridge managed to be consumed by leader (7)
DURANCE – RAN(managed) inside DUCE(leader) – porridge meaning prison here
14 Plated silver’s left with chap, it must be restored (7)
SPATHIC – first letter of Silver then an anagram of CHAP,IT. I don’t think I knew the definition of this word before, but I know it as a Melt-Banana song (warning, Japanese hardcore)
16 A form of willow selling in northern town (4)
SALE –  triple definiion with willow, selling, and a town in the north of England (or Victoria)
17 Scot on the fiddle uses this run out to brood (5)
ROSIT – RO(run out), next to SIT(brood)
19 Fantastic, give a Tory opening for false dreams (9, two words)
21 Whatever may happen advance and beat your goddess (9, three words)
AT ANY RATE – A(advance) TAN(beat), YR(your), ATE(goddess)
22 It’s in pass, it’s something to take in (5)
VISTA – ‘T(it) in VISA(pass)
25 Share international title (4)
SHRI – SHR(share), I(international)
28 Italian understood male in unsympathetic Havering (7)
DITHERY – IT(italian) HE(undesrstood male) inside DRY(unsympathetic)
29 Concerning one in French isle just after gathering for friends? (7)
REUNION – RE(concerning), UN(one in French), I(isle), ON(just after)
30 Resent involving old diplomat who’s second-rate (5)
ENVOY – ENVY(resent) containing O(old)
31 Pick-me-up adding energy all over mushroom? (10)
CINDERELLA – CINDER(a shot of liquor put in a drink), E(energy), then ALL reversed. Mushroom can mean someone who rises suddenly from a lowly position, hence CINDERELLA
32 Spenser’s vow is in trouble (5)
HEAST – ‘S(is) insie HEAT(trouble)
33 Brother passes round something for boring fighter (7)
BRAWLER – BRER(brother) containing AWL(something for boring)
1 ____ is frequently behind the sign of woodworm, eg (5)
FRASS – FR(frequently), ASS(behind)
2 Seat of learning on norm not now directly made in one piece (10)
UNIPARTITE – UNI(university, seat of learning), PAR(norm), TITE(obsolete term for directly)
3 Buzz about gold anemone’s tip — marine building blocks? (7)
CORALLA – CALL(buzz) surrounding OR(gold), then the first letter of Anemone
4 Couple from Hebron holding up stiff letter of theirs? (5)
SADHE – first two letters of HEbron after SAD(stiff in baking)
5 Colouring decorative dot but black stuck (9, two words)
INDIGO RED – BINDI(decorativ dot), missing B(black) then GORED(stuck)
6 Eg, Trinity’s empty when 3rd is close to poor (4)
TERM – TEEM(pour out, empty) with the third letter replaced with the last letter of pooR
7 Rising self-importance and breach in reasoning (7)
EPAGOGE – EGO(self-importance) and GAPE(breach) all reversed
8 Geese spotted heading northwards around noon (5)
NENES – SEEN(spotted) reversed surrounding N(noon)
9 Series about advanced trick used by Ned Kelly and his ilk (7)
SLENTER – SER(series) surrounding LENT(advanced)
13 Cold murder arranged with a certain instrument (10)
CHITARRONE – C(cold), HIT(murder), ARR(arranged) and ONE(a certain)
15 Clip vehicle, a black one, narrowly missing American (9)
CARABINER – CAR(vehicle), A, B(black), I(one) then NEAR(narrowly) without A(American)
18 Dance display features little variety for old admiral (7)
NAVARCH – NACH(Indian dance display) containing VAR(variety)
19 Interest over region’s means (7)
INTENDS – INT(interest) on top of END’S(region’s)
20 Blast, la vache! Better to split losses ____ (7, two words)
A CHEVAL – anagram of LA VACHE
23 Bawd mostly admitted to it? It gets you hot and steamy (5)
SAUNA – AUNT missing the last letter in SA(it, sex appeal). The connection is bawd -> procuress -> aunt
24 Special number to ring on a tablet (5)
STELA – S(special), TEL(number to ring, telephone number), A
26 One year skate over twenty-nine spring days (5)
IYYAR – I(one), Y(year) then RAY(skate) reversed
27 Bird that chatters to Scot, mine involves English (4)
PIET – PIT(mine) containing E(English)

10 comments on “Mephisto 3147 – Paul McKenna”

  1. In fact, I barely started. 45 minutes saw only a third or so of the grid completed. I meant to come back to it, but that didn’t happen. At least I got SALE where I worked for so many years !

    Thanks for your blog George (there were a few I doubt I would have got now that I see them), and best wishes for 2021.

  2. Strangely I didn’t find this especially hard, although I didn’t find it that easy either. The timer says 49:01. I think I may have had to cheat for one clue but I can’t remember which one now.
    The meaning of A CHEVAL that I know is the one applied particularly to burgers in France. It means ‘with a fried egg on top’, but it’s easy to convince non-French speakers that ‘hamburger à cheval’ means horseburger.
    1. When we were still allowed to go to France for the day, we would occasionally bring back horsemeat, including burgers. We just needed to be sure never to mention it to our daughter, who would go completely spare. But is quite happy to eat lambikins 😉
  3. Did it this morning, having been otherwise occupied in the last few days. Also didn’t find it too bad.
  4. A CHEVAL is an anagram of LA VACHE, granted, but how does that relate to splitting losses?

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