Mephisto 3099 – Paul McKenna

I hope this will get posted, I am fighting spotty internet connectivity in a rather cavernous hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. I thought this was a step up in difficulty from recent Mephisto puzzles.

Paul McKenna typically treats us to a pun across the top row and this one came out rather quickly as PICTURE PALACE.

In Mephisto all definitions can be verified in Chambers so I will be focusing on the wordplay in the clue. The most direct definition is underlined.

And on Australia Day, away we go…

1 He who’s conceited concealing desire to arrive (7, two words)
PITCH UP – PUP(he who is conceited) containing ITCH(desire)
6 She who adventured despite no longer wanting money (5)
ALICE – MALICE(despite) missing M(money)
10 What sets Arfur off? Being into dodgy old wheels flogged to trade (10)
WHOLESALED – first letter of Arfur inside an anagram of OLD,WHEELS. Presumably the clue is echoing George Cole’s character in Minder.
11 Half skipping next practical lesson about woodlands (7)
NEMORAL – half of NExt then MORAL(practical lesson)
13 Dire subscription service here could be seen as depravity (5, two words)
PAY TV – anagram of DEPRAVITY minus DIRE
14 Tree’s roll of curled bark, a first sign of illness (7)
QUILLAI – QUILL(roll of curved bark), A, then the first letter in Illness
15 Reduction with extra eccentricity to retail freely (5)
DENET – the reduction is a DENT, insert another E(eccentricity)
16 Blocking prodigal son too (4)
ALSO – hidden inside prodigALSOn
17 Lingual problem — a tendency to comment comically, we may think (9)
GLOSSITIS – double defintion, the second more cryptic
20 Raise chat about what people bitten by, say, spiders should get (9)
21 Fancy moulding of Trump’s suit (4)
OGEE – O(of). GEE(suit, get along with)
23 King before opening to habitually exercise arbitrary decree (5)
UKASE – K(king), A(before) inside USE(habitually exercise)
26 Something which stabilises grass sheltered from the east (7, two words)
FIN KEEL – FINK(grass, informer), then LEE(sheltered) reversed
28 A drummer died, going west, poetically astray (5)
ABORD – A, then DR(drummer), OB(died) both reversed
29 Superlatively stingy are in cosy pad (7)
NEAREST – ARE in NEST(cosy pad)
30 In another way nurse needs instinctive grasp? (10)
31 Poetic plant, mostly Anacreontic, translator picked up (5)
TETRA – TEAN(Anacreonic) missing the last letter, containing TR(translator)
32 Sully infernal place west of Highland royal burgh (7)
DISTAIN – DIS(infernal place) and TAIN(Royal Burgh in Ross County)

1 Humiliated and laid in lavender, afternoon is wasted (5)
PWNED – PAWNED(laid in lavender) missing A(afternoon). I laughed at seeing this term in the Sunday Times
2 Brass, an early Persian bit (5)
TOMAN – TOM(prostitute, brass), AN
3 Miss is in court being incomparably careful (7)
CLOSEST – LOSE(miss) ‘S in CT(court)
4 Lamp-lighting lover, an illustrious person (4)
HERO – double definition – Hero would light a lamp for Leander
5 A concupiscence runs through mate coming from The Marshes? (9)
PALUSTRAL – A, LUST(concupiscence) inside PAL(mate)
6 At most in Naples a Latin pulled up round one (5, two words)
AL PIU – A, L(Latin) and a reversal of UP surrounding I(one)
7 Lifting cold coffee — gods, perfect (7)
IDYLLIC – reversal of C(cold), ILLY(a brand of coffee), DI(gods)
8 Climax follows this as cast is at high (10)
9 Dissatisfied six caught by English common sense (7)
ENVIOUS – VI(six) inside E(English), NOUS(common sense)
12 Big enough to read elegy and believe all but two changes (10)
EYE-LEGIBLE – anagram of ELEGY and BELIE(ve)
14 Shut up quarterly that is bygone grief (close to Duke) (9)
QUIETENED – QU(quarterly), IS(that is), TENE(grief), D(Duke)
17 Greek goddess in part of play rubbed rock, say (7)
GEOFACT – GE(Greek goddess), OF(in), ACT(part of play)
18 Expand on dock forcibly (7, two words)
OPEN OUT – O(on), PEN(dock), OUT(forcibly)
19 Manoeuvre retakes male bird of prey (7)
SAKERET – anagram of RETAKES
22 Sri Lankan verse collection of ancient tales (5)
VEDDA – V(verse), EDDA(collection of ancient tales)
24 Ring up a new date (5)
ARENA – reversal of A, N(new), ERA(date)
25 Worried, starting off on the losing side? (5)
EATEN – remove the first letter from BEATEN(on the losing side)
27 Black behind deep sea fish (4)
BASS – B(back), ASS(behind)

5 comments on “Mephisto 3099 – Paul McKenna”

  1. This certainly was hard. I stopped after 45 minutes with barely half done and have no idea how much longer it took to finish when I came back to it. Even when I had the answers I still didn’t understand several of them until coming here, e.g. A for ante = before in 23A, that the unknown Anacreon came from the unknown Teos and hence was Tean at 31A, that “lay in lavender” meant to pawn and PEN for “dock” at 18D. So thanks (and well done!)for unravelling everything, George. I see we have one of Don’s today, so hopefully that will be a bit easier!
  2. I found this quite tricky but not more so than one or two others of late. I finished it without cheating, which I don’t always manage.
    I was also surprised in a good way to see PWNED.
  3. I noticed BERIA appearing in the ninth row, after FIN KEEL. Just a coincidence, probably.

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