Mephisto 3013 – Don Manley

Posted on Categories Mephisto
I hope this works, I’m writing the blog up in advance and setting it to show up on Sunday, by which time I will be on a plane heading out of the country, so I hope I have everything correctly parsed. I found this on the gentler side of Mephisto.

My fascination with grid symmetry continues – I thought this was a 90-degree symmetry grid at first, but it is 180 degree, and there are some generous 3×3 and 3×4 fully checked regions that might contribute to a relatively quick solve.

Definitions are underlined in the clues

Away we go…

1 Diplomat’s residence offers a parlour treatment — bishop enters (9)
AMBASSAGE – A MASSAGE(parlour treatment) with B inside
11 Mali, a country awfully scandalous (12)
12 Curve round, taking age (being old) to settle back in bed (6)
CRADLE – ARC(curve) reversed, then ELD(age) reversed
13 Old relations looking embarrassed by ruler no good (6)
KINRED – RED(looking embarrassed) next to KING missing G
14 At home wearing dull fabric (6)
TAMINE – IN(at home) inside TAME
15 Bore entertained by the German (4)
EGER – hidden in thE GERman
17 Albanian in a brawl crossing North America (7)
ARNAOUT – A ROUT(brawl) containing NA
19 Boy given order to return as auxiliary (5)
MODAL – LAD(boy) and OM(order) all reversed
20 Notice archdeacon getting tense when candles are lit in church (6)
ADVENT – AD(notice), VEN(archdeacon), T(tense)
22 Expression of surprise on Scottish island when there’s murder (6)
MULLAH – AH(expression of surprise) next to MULL(Scottish island)
26 Some moment when socialite meets you (5)
DEBYE – DEB(socialite), YE(you) – the name given to the unit of dipole moment
28 Judge agrees about those who go on hunt (7)
JAEGERS – J(Judge) then an anagram of AGREES
30 Snake once more retreating, one not seen (4)
NAGA – AGAIN(once more) reversed missing I
32 Seal so big swimming with any number (6)
OBSIGN – anagram of SO,BIG with N
33 Old uncle and another relation finding problem after bad meal? (6)
EMESIS – EME(uncle), SIS(sister)
34 Expression of surprise after fool gets goddess (6)
CLOTHO – OH(expression of surprise) after CLOT(fool)
35 Lo, a Dante hell differs from this blessed territory! (12, four words)
36 Sound of Rob — band’s latest member with strange instrument (9, two words)
STEEL DRUM – STEEL(sounds like STEAL, rob), (ban)D, RUM(strange)

2 Bird getting damage, nearly losing tail (7)
MARABOU – MAR(damage), then ABOU(t)
3 Scottish bit about this person being censured (6)
BLAMED – BLAD(bit) surrounding ME
4 Drink maybe at Oxford, providing a story about university girl (8, two words)
AUDIT ALE – A, TALE(story) around U, DI(girl)
5 With hearts lost, never, say, turning nasty, showing contempt (6)
SNEERY – anagram of NE(v)ER, S(a)Y
6 A religious symbol met with a negative reaction in Africa (6)
AIKONA – A, IKON(religious symbol), A
7 Style of walking that’s needed with a bagpipe (5)
GAITA – GAIT(style of walking), A
8 Doctor, loveless rascal in a gloomy place (6)
MORGUE – MO(medical officer), then remove the O from ROGUE(rascal)
9 Member of tribe to soften (4)
CREE – double definition
10 Dry death possibly — not if one’s this? (8)
16 Your setter’s self-revelation, slightly twisted in a cruel way! (8)
IMMANELY – I’M (Don) MANLEY with  twist of the L and E
18 Series of deliveries out of date and provided at too high a price (8)
OVERSOLD – OVERS(series of deliveries in cricket), OLD(out of date)
21 Antelope with an ugly bit of hair coming loose (7)
NYLGHAU – anagram of AN,UGLY,H(air)
23 Bottle? There’s some spillage, naturally (6)
LAGENA – hidden in spilLAGE NAturally
24 Command once given in hurry, ending in brigade being trapped (6)
HEASTE – HASTE(hurry) containing (brigad)E
25 Fabric of black vestment cut short (6)
BROCHE – B, ROCHE(t) (vestment)
27 One provides article for hungry fish to get hold of? (6)
BAITER – A(article) inside BITER(hungry fish)
29 Troubadour is very amusing person after end of song (5)
GRIOT – RIOT(amusing person) after (son)G
31 Nurse offering warm bath regularly (4)
AMAH – alternating letters in wArM bAtH

5 comments on “Mephisto 3013 – Don Manley”

  1. This is the first Mephisto I’ve solved completely in a while, which is to say that George is no doubt correct. A veritable parade of DNKs, of which ARNAOUT was the one I felt least secure about. Still don’t get MULLAH=murder.
    1. MULLAH=muller=to murder. Slang used often in a sporting context “we mullered them”

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