Not too difficult here, got through everything in one session.
You don’t often find a theme or a Nina in a Sunday Times puzzle, but if I’m not way off the mark, then there is something hidden in here and congratulations are in order to the Mooreys who are hidden in the grid.
Away we go…
Across | |
1 | MUDDER: a racehorse that prefers dead tracks – MUDDLER without the L |
5 | BICARB: CAR(banger) in BIB(short for imbibe) |
9 | ANNIVERSARY: anagram of DANNY,ARRIVES missing the D |
11 | ANGELICAL: ANGELICA(cake decorating),L |
12 | ALA,PA |
13 |
14 |
DOSEH: DOSH(money, ready) around E |
18 |
BRAINPAN: BRAIN(crown, hit on the head), P |
19 | SHITTIMS: T inside an anagram of HIT and MISS |
21 | ELIAS: SAILED(left port) without the last letter, reversed |
22 | ONE-OFF: GONE OFF missing the G |
24 | GELDS: double definition |
26 | STRATONIC: anagram(criminal) of ACT,IN,SORT |
27 | CEMENTATORY: TAT(tap, 5th definition in Chambers) inside an anagram(blessed) of CEREMONY |
28 | MUSERS: remove the middle from MUSTERS |
29 | STATOR: remove the ends from STAR and TORY |
Down | |
1 | MASA: two thirds of MASALA |
2 |
UNCLOTHE: first letters of O |
3 |
DIAPENTE: PAID reversed then ENTE |
4 | REGO: Aussie for car registration – RE, GO |
5 | BRECHAMS: BREAMS(cleans the ship’s keel) surrounding CH |
6 | ISLAY: I SAY around L |
7 | ARCTOPHILE: anagram of CHARLIE containing POT(Mary Jane) reversed – a lover of teddy bears |
8 | BALLANTS: sounds like BALANCE |
10 | CASSIMERES: C, ASS then IS containing MERE(entirely, outdated) |
15 | GRIFFONS: OFF side reversed in GRINS(nets) |
16 | ANALECTA: anagram of CATALAN and E |
17 | TAPADERO: TO(against) containing an anagram of PARADE |
20 | AFTER: A, FT(Financial Times) then RE reversed |
23 | ANTS: PAGEANTS missing the top half |
25 | SKY,R |
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