Paul McKenna sent me an early version of this one to test solve, so I had a “week off” this week. I found it pretty straightforward and a fun solve, though it was a strange coincidence that I had run into BELLWEATHER and SLUGHORNE in a non-crossword form recently, and LIONCELLE (or one of its variants) was in a Listener not too long ago.
Nice grid in this one, with 90 degree as well as the customary 180 degree rotation.
Away we go…
Across | |
1 | TIFT: F in TIT(worthless horse) |
10 | RHUBARBING: H in RUB then (BRIAN)*, G |
11 | A,BROACH(tap) |
13 | A,GIO(creek) |
15 | TIRLS: SLR(self-loading rifle), IT(one chasing, say in tag) all reversed |
16 | ELZEVIR: ZEV(Zero Emission Vehicle) in (LIRE)* |
17 | HALO: hidden in sucH A LOok |
19 | SLUGHORNE: LUG(vegetable box) in SHORN(stripped), |
22 | MONEY BELT: MO(a short time) then (BENTLEY)*. My parents insist on using one of these while traveling, which leads to much awkwardness and fumbling |
23 | Y,ELM |
26 | STYLE: L in STYE(variant of STY) |
29 | OHMS: the frank on a letter, and the measure of resistance |
30 | LAPITHS: PITH(courage) in LAS |
32 | OR,NAME,NT |
33 | SP,AS |
Down | |
1 | TRAVESTY: RAV in TESTY. RAV=TEACHER I don’t recall before but now it’s popped up twice in a matter of days |
2 | FURY: U in FRY(young) |
3 | T-BONE: B in TONE |
4 | HAAF: HAAR without the R, then F |
6 | DITT,ANY |
7 | A-G-GRACE |
8 | SHILLELAGH: And happy St P’s Day… SHILL(decoy), then LAG in EH |
9 | EROS: SORE reversed |
12 | BELL(ring),WET(moderate conservative),HER(heir – from heres): There’s a local company by that name – a friend of mine recently did an advertisement for them |
18 | O,UT(as),LAST(shoemaker’s model),’S |
20 | UGLY MEN: LYME(lyam-hound) in (GUN)* |
21 | HOLE,SOM |
25 | MAIMS: AIM in MS |
26 | SOLO: O in SLO |
27 | SPET: P in SET |
28 | STEP: hidden reversed in pupPET Show |
Pretty much all of the clues seemed (to me) to be of the same difficulty, a nice brain workout. Thanks mr McKenna. Spot-on.
Edited at 2013-03-17 11:59 am (UTC)
Today’s is a bit harder