I found this one a little more tricky than Don Manley’s recent Mephisto puzzles – started off in the bottom right corner and eventually worked my way around the grid. Didn’t do myself any favors by putting in “KELLY” (though with a question mark) at 25 down and looking for a way to justify key = drink.
Did a double take at the appearance of a physics law at 29 across – might be a first for that one.
There was something strange with this one, the first time I tried to print, it cut off a few down clues at the end – not sure if the grid was resized, but when I came back a few days later it fit on one sheet of US letter paper. Looks like this week’s has printed on one page!
Away we go
Across | |
1 | BA(Egyptian soul),ROCK |
6 | ASK(something demanded),ANT |
10 | HOSPODAR: OD(dangerous amount of drug) in HO,SPAR |
11 | RHETOR: HE,TO in two of the three R’s |
12 | AMICE: AM I CE? |
14 | REV,A,LENT,A: often pretty disgusting foods creep into the Mephisto, but revalenta is not a bad ingredient |
15 | E,LEGIST |
16 | MICA: MICAH without the H |
18 | PELOTON: LOT in PEON(Indian policeman) |
20 | STIVERS: R in ST IVES |
24 | KINK: double def |
26 | EX,TREAT(source of gratification) |
28 | BLAT(newspaper),HERE,R |
29 | SNELL: Keen, and a SNELL’S LAW relates angles of incidence and refraction |
30 | VIDAME: AM in VIDE(see) |
32 | SUTTLE: SHUTTLE without the H |
33 | GREENS: end of bankinG, then SNEER reversed |
Down | |
1 | BARRE: BARREL shortened |
3 | RIEVER: IR reversed (Northern) then EVER |
4 | OUTAGE: OUTRAGE without the R |
5 | CHOLINE: O,L in CHINE(a part of the backbone) |
6 | ASANTES: SET,NASA reversed |
7 | SPATE: S then PATER shortened |
8 | AD INIT: ADIT around IN |
9 | TREPAN,G |
17 | ASKESIS: A then (KISSES)* |
21 | INCEPT: C in INEPT |
22 | DR,EDGE |
23 | CREATE: E in CRATE |
25 | ALLEL: L in ALE then another L |
27 | TRESS: alternating letters in sTaRlEtS iS |
I’ve just confirmed that on the maintenance site for xwd club content, the last update for both 2727 and 2728 was on 27 Nov, so nothing has changed at this end.
Based on experience here, my best offer for an explanation of the size changes is that the size of the printout seems to depend on the browser zoom factor, which affects all sites rather than the one you were using when you zoomed in or out. For prints from web sites (and almost any other application except Word), I always use Print Preview rather than Print.
Edited at 2012-12-10 09:04 am (UTC)