Mephisto 2723 – Paul McKenna

Wow – I found this one a toughie to get through! Usually I’m on a pretty decent wavelength with Paul McKenna, but there were only a few here where I didn’t have to look up several parts of the clue in order to confidently write in the answer.

Although in the end, there weren’t that many completely out there words in the grid, it’s just a number of tricky clueing devices. I have a weakness for when Paul McKenna writes entire clues in French or dialect, so if I was picking a favorite I’d go for 19 down.

Away we go…

1 HIRPLE: PL(place) in HIRE(reserve)
6 ROMA(Gypsy men),L
10 ELAEIS: IE in SALE all reversed
11 AGORA: double def
12 MESCALIN: ESC in MALIN – wasn’t familiar with the MALIN sea
14 SNEB: NEB(sharp point) with S at the start
16 IXTLE: anagram of (t)EXTIL(e)
19 LORN: hidden
21 O,BIT
24 SCYES: SCYTHES(what trim) without TH(Thursday)
26 INANGA: it’s a fish in Chambers, and I think it’s INAN(e) for “mostly empty”, but I’m not sure where GA comes from – half of GAME? Abbreviation for a sporting contest?
28 SABS: A in SBS(Special Boat Service)
30 IMPOLITE: I’M POLE surrouding IT(congress)
31 CASCO: CASH COW without the H or W
32 PEENGE: EG,PEEN(turnip) all reversed
33 KOHEN: OK(sure) reversed, then HEN(faint-heart)
34 TRY,GON(e) – there was a printing error in the original version with “petty” instead of “pretty”
1 HEMMED: MM(gentlemen) in HEED
2 ILEUM: MUESLI reversed without S
3 RASPBERRY(scratch),BUSH(green shrubbery)
5 LIAR: LAIR with the A(about) dropping
6 R(take),AILING
8 ARTEL: TEL(debris) under AR(Arabic) – a Mystery can be a guild
9 LAMBENT: L(lecturer) then AMBIENT without the I(institute)
13 BEATNIK: BEAT(frustrate) then KIN reversed
18 TOMALLEY: Reference to “The Aristocats” where Duchess meets T(om) O’MALLEY
19 LASSOCK: ASS(cuif) in LOCK(engagement)
23 SAT(modelled) on E’EN(even, uniform)
25 CA,CA(a couple of cases),O
27 GET-GO: alternating letters in GoEs To GlOp
29 HOER: HOWLER(bloomer) without the middle bit

6 comments on “Mephisto 2723 – Paul McKenna”

  1. Not often lately I have time to solve the Mephisto, but I managed it last week (although after the error in 34ac had been corrected). I actually found it not too hard, but couldn’t have helped you with the GA from INANGA. I was aware of MALIN as a sea area (as any cricket fan whose enjoyment of TMS on Radio 4 is interrupted by the damn shipping forecast would be).
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