You wont get many easier Mephisto than this one. A good beginner’s puzzle.
Across | |
6 | HEST – HE(I)ST; old word for command=HEST; |
10 | EATERY – E(AT)ERY; Admin Trainee=AT; |
13 | PIPELIGHT – P(I-PE)LIGHT; spill=taper for lighting candle, pipe, etc; |
14 | MILLE – MILLE(t); |
15 | ANAPHOR – AN-APH-OR; reference A P Herbert; I have a dream; |
16 | ADAW – A-DAW; old word for frighten; |
17 | UNKET – (j)UNKET; Japanese=J; when I was a lad junket was a kind of milk pudding; |
18 | DECASTYLE – DE-CAST(Y)LE; a portico; |
20 | KNEIDLACH – (ken a child)*; dumplings; |
25 | LANAI – LANA-I; wood=LANA; living area; |
28 | MIME – MIM-E: prim in Midlothian=MIM; |
29 | SHALOTS – SH(A-L)OTS; luminance=L; |
30 | SPLIT – SP(L)IT; |
31 | HETARISM – (irish team)*; the old Courts of Kings; |
32 | DOPIER – DO-PIER; |
33 | RARE – RA-RE; RA=Royal Artillery; RE=Royal Engineers; |
34 | SAUROPOD – SAD=heavy surrounds (our)*-PO; type of dinosaur; |
Down | |
1 | VERMAL – VE(RM)AL; room=RM; a worm; |
2 | STALAG – GALAS reversed around (stree)T; German POW camp – properly a stammlager; |
3 | GRIECED – sounds like “greased”; |
4 | SIENNA – ANNE-IS reversed; |
5 | TILAK – T-(KALI reversed); carpet=KALI; the red spot on the forehead of Hindu women; |
7 | EIGHTY – (w)EIGHTY; |
8 | SCHORLOMITE – (school term I)*; |
9 | TI,TREE – TIT-REE; |
12 | RIPE – two meanings; RIPE-2=search in Sutherland; |
19 | SCISSOR – (cross)* surrounds IS; |
20 | KOSHER – KOS(s)-HE-R; koss=coss=1.75 miles; |
21 | ELATER – E(LATE)R; |
22 | LATRIA – legal procedure=a trial then move “L” to the front; |
23 | FILLIP – FILL-I-P; |
24 | RETARD – RE(TAR)D; |
26 | ALAY – A-LA(d)Y; |
27 | NOILS – N-OILS; bits of fibre; |
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