36 comments on “Melbourne TfTT Get Together Tuesday 23rd April”

  1. Great – looking forward to putting some faces to the names and meeting you all there on Tuesday.

    1. I know I’m forgetful at the best of times but I don’t even think I knew you were one of us

      So pleased you’re coming!

    1. I’ll be reading the New Yorker and will wear a black leather jacket for ID purposes…that’s great, we have 5 already

      1. I will be working on QC 2657 on my iPad, and wearing a blue fedora. And be looking Jet-lagged.

    2. Come along! We are still working it out. If you get there and can’t immediately recognise just respond to my comment and I’ll direct you.

  2. John, I’m very sorry not to be able to make The George – I’m at Glyndebourne which is an unbreakable treat, I’m afraid! Another time. Tom

    1. That’s a shame, but I think Glyndebourne trumps our summer drinks! I hope to meet you some other time soon.

      1. Does this refer to a UK meet-up? If yes, please could you repost details? If no, then please ignore!

        1. SAVE THE DATE – Saturday 15th June at The George, Borough High St from 12 noon. After we had such fun with a summer get-together last year, attended by some TimesforTheTimes old hands, bloggers and commenters, we thought we would have another one. Read about last year’s here.

  3. Have a good meet up everybody – send us a postcard and photos.

    Given today’s Trelawney QC – you’ve picked the perfect place for a meetup!

    1. You’re in Sydney galspray, yes? That would be quite a commitment! This happened at super short notice cos Merlin said on Friday he was arriving in Melbourne and we decided to organise a catch-up. Maybe next time we can do it with a bit more of a run-up so any out-of-towners can find some excuse to get work to send them to Melbourne…just a thought.

      1. Actually back in Perth now Lindsay. But I try to get to Sydney as often as possible and don’t mind the odd detour to Melbourne (particularly if the Swans make the granny!).

        So as you say, with a bit of a run-up I wouldn’t rule out joining in a catch-up. I adjusted a trip to Europe / UK last year so that I could meet the gang at The George and it was definitely worth it.

        1. I’m a Perth boy also, though it’s been a while. Forty years, I think, about that. We had a nice catch-up tonight G, me and Tina and Merlin and BR and aphis99. Next time comrade, we’ll do it with a bit more notice! And speaking of the granny, give it a year and let’s see where the Eagles are at…

      1. I’m leaning back on the left. Great evening, and lovely to catch up with some fellow spirits!

  4. Great to catch up, thanks all. If any other members of the TfTT community are coming to Melbourne let us know and we’ll try to organise something again.

  5. Great to finally meet some fellow TfTT’ers and to see we’re more than just names. Hope you enjoy the rest of your time here in Melbourne, Merlin. Thanks again.

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